As one of those places that are there to be recalled every time I need an inspiration of what should be a better life, this place will for sure pop up in my mind!
#cori #Latium #betterlife #nature #mountains #breathe #daytrip #rome
Fountain in the courtyard of Palazzo Venezia - San Marco the Lion and the king... No I'm kidding.
This courtyard has been an oasis of piece in this terrific hot day!
I've just discovered today and that's marvellous!
With places for sitting, nice shadow and the sound of water that babbles from the fountain.
For the series "Lovely places" in Rome
Interview with the pickles seller Mustafa ( - Travel in Turkey - ) In the streets of Mersin
As I was walking by in the streets of the city of Mersin in the South of Turkey, a well known tourist spot for its sea, I met this nice and so helpful man.
He was so kind to explain me all the details, and more, of his job.
Actually I've probably exaggerated on bothering him.
Thanks to his endless patience, he was so generous to answer all my questions.
Wherever You are Mustafa brother "Thank You" :)
He is always selling his home-made product on the cross-road (address) in Mersin.
Pickles are in Turkey a real tradition and everyday food.
In Turkish are called "Turşu" and you can find everywhere, from supermarket, to little shops specialized, as also the mobile one of Mustafa, or a in the street market.
You can meet in the street sometime, also little cart that serves you pickles-water in glasses, and if you will they can add also some vegetables inside for you.
In addition to the really good taste, the pickl-water is really healthy and has a lot of benefit for the organism:
- reinforce the intestine;
- after a training helps to reduce muscle-cramps;
- can help with the level of sugar in the blood;
- contains significative quantity of C and E vitamin;
- it helps to remain hydrated;
- can help to loose weight;
and the list go on and on...
In Turkey you can find them apart the specialized shops also in many restaurants that serve them as vegetables to accompany other dishes (rice, kebap, fish, etc.).
As You are in Turkey look around and find a place to try them!
Or.... as Mustafa prompted, prepare them yourself at home.
It is so easy and funny to do!
For today is everything!
See you to the next travel!
🇬🇧Apartment's visit with Grandma Teresa as Special Guest🇬🇧
That's the first time I guess a member of my family is included in the video I make and I'm actually happy my grandma is the first because I love her so much although I don't have that much of relation with her!
Apart from that I wanted this time bring you in the apartment of an Italian to look at the furnitures and how is designed. Moreover this apartment is pretty old as you can see.
The color of the doors, the door handles, the weight -scale, the old furnitures in the bedroom and so on. This stuff is really from another time and so is interesting to see in which kind of situation or world they were living 30-40 years :))
A delicious pickle water (#turşusuyu ) while exploring the oldest market of İmzir
Let's close on eye on my accent and the gramatic error I have made and let's stay focused on the deal of the video! 😅😅😅
That's a matter of fact that my accent need to be polished XD
The #picklewater is one of the greatest invention for drinking I can say! That's so refreshing, so good for your health and that's, personally speaking, very delicious, a bit salty and if you choose also a bit spicy.
That's made mainly withwith the water, vinegar, salt and limon. There are however different version of the recipe but more or less, here we are.
You may drink it away from meals or normally in Turkey you can drink and eat as a starter.
I said "eat it" as well because normally you got some pieces of vegetables in the glass you drink, as white cabbage, cucumber, carrot, tomato, paprika, red beet and the list goes on and on.
The #turşucu (seller of pickle) and so the pickle in itself are a solid cultural element in the reality of the Turkish kitchen and you can find shops that are specialized just in selling pickles as also this kind of cart in the streets that mainly is selling pickle water to drink on the spot.
During my last (too)short trip to Izmir looking after a #söğüşçü that unfortunately I found that day close, we just continue with my friend @deniztozcan
to walk in the bazaar of #kemeraltı in İzmir, discovering, for me at least once again the beauty of this place suspended between the past and the present. After have failed the shot with the söğüşçü we decide to go to #kızlarağasıhanı a beautiful historical caravanserai inside the #kemeraltimarket but the chance didn't know at our door on that day, so we ended up dancing on the main square of #konak . İ didn't told you about it still? :) You will got that soon 😉
Sivas köftesi - Sivas meatball
That's a typical and loved food in #sivas . If you ask me, nothing special just meat cooked on the grill, but still an enjoyable dish that belong to the food culture of this city of the #centralanatolia .
Herkesten övdüğü bir yemek. #sivasköftesi çok sıradan bir yemek tadıma göre. #sivasyemekleri 'in arasında ilk denediğimi oldu.
Bu şehrin yemeklerini sadece başlangıç oldu. Bu gezi karşımıza ne getireceği çok merak ediyorum:)
Arrivati nella città di Sivas questo è uno dei primi piatti che ho assaggiato. Di sicuro non è il migliore e non vedo l'ora di scoprire i tanti altri sapori che questa città ha a disposizione :)
🏞️Saklıkent Fethiye ⛲
I've waited so long during this trip to visit this place that
Üçağız (Kekova)
Alright this visit was just a short one, coming here the night before I just spend an evening, to enjoy the following day a boat tour to the island of Kekova and the village where is the castle of Simena.
That was a so intense day that finished me, but was ok. İf I must admit I have more enjoyable time in Adrasan while having a cruise of the same kind there.
Check it out the stories to see more about this place.
Catch you soon!
Yi- haaa
Saint Nikolaus church
Today I visited one between the most important places in Turkey for Christians. This church was for all the pilgrims going to Jerusalem an important holy place where pilgrims came asking for healings.
Very well preserved a nice and interesting place to visit for who want research more about the life of this christian saint.
Volume down - Sesi kısa - Abbassa il volume
Castello di Vize - Castle of Vize - Vize kalesi
La vista dal castello di Vize sull'area dell'Acropoli di questo paese della Tracia. Rimasto poco del castello, la vista da questa altura è molto suggestiva e, guardando questo video, penso che in questa quarantena ciò che veramente mi manca è camminare nel verde e stare più tempo in mezzo alla natura. Tutto il resto amici, ristoranti etc. li baratterei senza pensarci con una passeggiata nel verde.
Un proverbio turco dice "Her şerde bir hayır vardır" ovvero "In ogni brutta situazione c'è del buono" e in questa questo situazione calza perfettamente: vivendo questa situazione negativa prendo chiaramente coscienza di cosa farei per primo se potessi uscire mettendola davanti a tutte le altre. Fare tesoro di questo hayır -fortuna- rende questa pausa un guadagno invece che solo una perdita. E tu?! Che cosa hai scoperto su di te?!
The old castle of Vize in ruin from the top of the hill where a fantastic view is possible to see. Looking this video comes to my mind the longing that I feel for a walk in the green. Most probably I would without thinking exchanging all the party, friends and restaurants for being in the green and enjoying the nature. In these days of forced quarantena the most important thing I can think to is what makes me valuing the experience of being outside and the first think coming to my mind is exactly being in nature. I would forget all the rest but not this.
In Turkish a says goes like this "Her şerde bir hayır vardır" meaning that "In every bad situation there is a lucky experience". I strongly believe in this and in this kind of period I think it's a great tool to discover better things about what I value the most to keep in mind when everything will be finished to care more than I was not doing before this forced isolation period.