
rome4guest Welcome to my apartments! I'm pleased to meet you and to help you enjoy the city with my tips!

By booking a Rome4Guest apartment for your holidays, you will be free to choose how to manage your time and your space Rome4Guest is the brainchild of Alessandro Stabellini, who created the company in 2013. In the beginning he was responsible for every aspect of the job, from cleaning rooms to taking reservations. Alessandro has the experience of a company entrepreneur combined with an easy empath

y for guests. These traits stem from his years of experience in customer support for a large company. It is the balance between these two traits that guarantees the excellence of the services that Rome4Guest offers. Today Rome4Guest is a growing business which rents out apartments for short periods and guarantees memorable stays. The staff of Rome4Guest believes in the ancient value of hospitality and considers quality an essential requirement, to which our offerings in the heart of the historical centre of Rome and Ostia can attest.


Via Delle Baleari


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