Rome Tour

Rome Tour Rome Tour srls is the company specialized in tourist activities both in Italy and Rome. Book now!

Google maps? Tucked away in the Vatican Museums, the Gallery of the Geographical Maps is a true hidden gem. This breatht...

Google maps? Tucked away in the Vatican Museums, the Gallery of the Geographical Maps is a true hidden gem. This breathtaking corridor brings the world of 16th-century cartography to life, offering a fascinating glimpse into how Italy was perceived centuries ago. Here are some fun and intriguing facts about this extraordinary space that will make your visit even more special!

📚Did You know?At 49 BC. Gaius Julius Caesar said "The die has been cast" and crossed the Rubicon River, according to one...

📚Did You know?

At 49 BC. Gaius Julius Caesar said "The die has been cast" and crossed the Rubicon River, according to one variant the present-day Fiumicino River in upper Italy, according to another Pisatello near Ravenna, the border between Italy and Gaul, which marked a new period in the history of the Roman Empire.

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📚Did You know? When we think of ghost stories, modern horror books or films usually come to mind. However, the love for ...

📚Did You know?
When we think of ghost stories, modern horror books or films usually come to mind. However, the love for ghost tales goes back centuries, even to Ancient Rome.
In the earliest known ghost stories comes from the Roman playwright Plautus (205-184 B.C.), who wrote the comedy Mostellaria, or The Haunted House.
Ghost stories weren’t unfamiliar to the Romans.
Like many ancient civilizations, they believed in the existence of spirits and supernatural forces.
The Romans observed specific festivals, such as Parentalia and Lemuria, during which they performed rituals to appease the spirits of death,something like Helloween parties nowdays.
What to know more?
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🇻🇦 Sunny October in Vatican Museums..Join us!   ,  ,        ,     , , ,   ,   ,  ,  ,  ,  ,               

🇻🇦 Sunny October in Vatican Museums..Join us! , ,   , , , ,  , , , , , ,  



Incanto pe sti occhi 😍

🏟 Veni,vidi,vici! Our clients on semiprivate VIP Ancient Rome and Colosseum tour with charming  ❤️ Join us! (Link in bio...

🏟 Veni,vidi,vici! Our clients on semiprivate VIP Ancient Rome and Colosseum tour with charming ❤️ Join us! (Link in bio)

Eternal beauty!We are waiting for You!(link in bio )💞🏛🦋🎶🏺✨️

Eternal beauty!
We are waiting for You!(link in bio )💞🏛🦋🎶🏺✨️

🏟 Gladiators are walking in Rome again! Our most charming  5 year old client today at the Colosseum only fr You!❤️ Join ...

🏟 Gladiators are walking in Rome again! Our most charming 5 year old client today at the Colosseum only fr You!❤️ Join us!

♰ Via Crucis 2023 with Pope Francis...📸    ,  ,        ,    , , ,   , ,  ,  ,  ,  ,             

♰ Via Crucis 2023 with Pope Francis...
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🏛 Interesting facts about Romans"The recreation of the official Roman calendar located in the Forum.(This was from the s...

🏛 Interesting facts about Romans

"The recreation of the official Roman calendar located in the Forum.(This was from the set of HBO's Rome at Cinecitta Studios. )This is how the bulk of the population that was illiterate knew when important things where happening such as religious holidays and festivals. Pieces were moved around the vertical board to illustrate when things were happening. As can be seen it is extremely detailed and listed every major event 🕒

📸 fb 's_history_leaks

🌷 Rome is an incredible museum in open,and it is called Eternal for a reason...Join us and discover his magic! 💫📸       ...

🌷 Rome is an incredible museum in open,and it is called Eternal for a reason...Join us and discover his magic! 💫


💌 Liftime moments of sunset on Tiber River only for You...From Rome with love...🌇 ✨️💞📷                                  ...

💌 Liftime moments of sunset on Tiber River only for You...
From Rome with love...🌇 ✨️💞



🌍 Did you know?It's small. It’s powerful…It has wings and is almost 2000 years old... Small phallus-shaped amulets were ...

🌍 Did you know?
It's small. It’s powerful…It has wings and is almost 2000 years old...
Small phallus-shaped amulets were used in Roman culture to prevent accidents, bad luck, and disease, among other things. Phallus symbolizes the power of renewal and virility, and the feeling of shamelessness, laughter, or shame was believed to be a force that diverts the evil eye from its bearer.. ✨️
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🎈Every morning for centuries at dawn, this beautiful silent square in Rome is filled with colorful stalls...There are fr...

🎈Every morning for centuries at dawn, this beautiful silent square in Rome is filled with colorful stalls...There are fresh fruit and vegetables, artichokes, there is meat, poultry, fish, species, dried legumes, rice and nuts.
On the side of the Campo dei Fiori near the fountain, you can also find stalls selling fresh flowers too..
When the stations are ready and in order, the voices of the visitors join those of the stall owners who, between a greeting and a chat, begin to bargain to bring home a nice booty…🌞💌🎈🇮🇹
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👻 Mysteries&legends: The attentive observer who is lucky enough to look up at St. Peter's Dome from inside will notice  ...

👻 Mysteries&legends:
The attentive observer who is lucky enough to look up at St. Peter's Dome from inside will notice four mysterious niches, located on as many huge pillars that are facing the altar..
Each pillar houses a small niche in which the statue is located. Michelangelo decided to pay homage to four Saints, two men and two women, creating reliquaries.
🇻🇦 According to the legend, therefore, in the niche of the statue of Santa Veronica, the Veil with which she wiped the blood from the face of Jesus, would be kept.
🇻🇦 In the one where St. Helena is present, instead, there would be a piece of the cross on which Christ was crucified and transported by Constantine’s mother from Jerusalem.
🇻🇦 On the niche where is the statue of St. Andrew the Apostle was instead kept his skull.
🇻🇦 The last niche is that of San Longin, the Roman soldier who pierced the side of Jesus, and that repique would be right in this place dedicated to the centurion, who became a saint...
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Vicolo D'Orfeo 13


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