Jewish Life Experience

Jewish Life Experience Informazioni di contatto, mappa e indicazioni stradali, modulo di contatto, orari di apertura, servizi, valutazioni, foto, video e annunci di Jewish Life Experience, Organizzazione viaggi, Rome.

About Pompei

About Pompei

A helmet found in the ruins of the famous Roman city wiped out by a volcano eruption a few years after the destruction of Jerusalem depicts a palm tree, a symbol of Judea.


7 ottobre


I tessuti conservati ed esposti nel nostro Museo sono davvero straordinari. Opere d'arte ferme nel tempo che testimoniano ancora oggi la cura dei dettagli e l'amore per la bellezza. Come questa Mappà donata da Moshè Ia’aqov Fiano il 1 ottobre 1828, databile stilisticamente alla prima metà dell'800. Il materiale usato è velluto rosso ricamato con oro filato. Al centro lo scudo araldico raffigurante un leone rampante su palma incorniciato da nastri, fronde d’olivo e di campanule.




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Luxury means feeling at home even when on the road.

My name is Irit Levy and I am your kosher travel designer in Italy.

With over 10 years of experience as the head of the Communication and Events office of the Jewish Museum of Rome, I was able to develop important relationships with all the Jewish communities in Italy, which led me to decide to put my extensive knowledge within the Jewish field to create something unique which would gather my culture, my profession and passion: The Jewish Life Experience.

So here I am! I am not a travel agent, nor do I represent a travel agency: I am a professional simply in love with my country, its greatest works of art, architecture, landscapes, culinary traditions. And I am proud to share all this beauty in relation to its Jewish history, secular sites, Synagogues and Museums.

As a travel designer, my job is to listen, attentively, to the specific needs and characteristics of those who might wish to be my clients, and design a trip from which they can gain the most.