🇺🇸 A new amazing partnership start!
For @palazzo.talia, a beautiful and historical palace near #spanishsteps, we made a very special running (and power walking) tour, available only for their guests.
A unique experience to live in a unique place!
Thank you @airensssss and @mikidemar and the all the amazing team to choosing the chose the professionalism of #archeorunning for their customers.
#palazzotalia #activevacation #unconventional #experience #rome #professional #tailored #runningtour #powerwalking #runningtourism #smallluxuryhotels #sunriserun #rundipity
🇺🇸 The Hidden Rome running tour with @elcrunnergirl and Al from 🇺🇸
An amazing morning with a fantastic couple. Of course, we finished the tour with a good Italian coffee at @santeustachioilcaffe ☕️
Discover the city with a light jogging in the early morning gives to you a different point of view and helps to find your way 🧭 in the city!!
Don’t miss it 😃!
#archeorunning #activevacation #activetourism #runningtourism #experiencerome #discoverbyrunning #sightseeingtour #sightsjogging #serendipity #rundipity
🇺🇸 The hidden Rome running tour with Linda and Doug from USA 🇺🇸!!!
In the video review everything they experienced on the running tour.
Absolutely not to be missed!
#archeorunning #activetourism #activevacation #unconventionaltourism #runningtourism #experiencerome #runningtour #sighseeingtour #sighseeingjog #professionalism #experiencetourism #serendipity #rundipity
🇺🇸 Yesterday another running tour with @jennlindsayfilm and her amazing Mum!!
Even under the rain we will see all the beauty of the Roman bridges!!
#archeorunning #activetorurism #runningtourism #unconventionaltourism #experiencerome #sightseeingtour #runningtour #americanjogger #serendipity #rundipity
🇺🇸 Happy Easter to all my followers!!
A new video review about a fitwalking tour with Andrew and Jan from a Australia 🇦🇺
Because ArcheoRunning made also fantastic fitwalking tour for everyone!!
Enjoy this day with yours families!
Love you Isa!!
#archeorunning #experiencerome #experienceitaly #sightseeing #fitwalkig #runningtour #joggingtour #activetourism #activevacation #unconventionaltourism #serendipity #rundipity