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SCOPRI STIRLING Ripercorri il passato medievale della Scozia, scopri il ricco patrimonio e lasciati incantare da magnifi...


Ripercorri il passato medievale della Scozia, scopri il ricco patrimonio e lasciati incantare da magnifiche opere d'arte esplorando le gemme nascoste nell'affascinante e storica città di Stirling e nei suoi dintorni.

Scopri quali sono gli 11 posti da visitare che non puoi perdere!

Stirling, consigli sui posti da scoprire nella città e nei dintorni.


Buon Ferragosto a tutti! ❤️

Eilean Donan Castle

Eilean Donan Castle

Dunottar Castle

Dunottar Castle

Castello Sinclair Girnigoe  è situato  a 3 miglia a Nord di  Wick a Est della costa di Caithness, Scotland. Il Castello ...

Castello Sinclair Girnigoe è situato a 3 miglia a Nord di Wick a Est della costa di Caithness, Scotland.
Il Castello è composto dal Castello Girnigoe XV sec e dal Castello Sinclair del XVII sec.

📷: /IG


Una piccola pausa nella vibrante Glasgow… un idea per un week-end! Glasgow famosa per i suoi palazzi in stile vittoriano e art nouveau, con una ricca eredità dei secoli XVIII-XX, quando il commercio e le costruzioni navali donavano prosperità alla città. Oggi Glasgow è un centro culturale n**i...


City Break nella bellissima capitale scozzese, Edimburgo, quattro giorni tra le antiche mura medievali e gli affascinanti quartieri georgiani della città dichiarati insieme al Castello di Edimburgo patrimonio dell’umanità dall’UNESCO dal 1995. Edimburgo offre molto ai suoi visitatori, i musei,...


Viaggi personalizzati, costruiti su misura in base alle vostre esigenze. Leggende, miti, musiche, costumi per viaggi emozionanti immersi in canti scozzesi.


Moody Old Man of Storr, Isle of Skye✨



Kilchurn Castle shrouded in mist and spectacular morning light on the banks of Loch Awe in Argyll.


The Legend of Queen Scáthach of the Isle of Skye - According to legend, Queen Scáthach was a great warrior queen, a martial arts teacher, a formidable magician and a prophetess, who lived in the fortress Dun Scaith on the Isle of Skye around 200 BC. Dun Scaith means ‘the fortress of shadows.’

One legend recounts that Queen Scáthach was the daughter of the King of Scythia. She made, ‘promising heroes into formidable warriors, training them in military prowess and martial arts.’ Queen Scáthach was believed to have trained some of the greatest Celtic warriors. She also features prominently in the ‘Ulster Cycle,’ which recounts that she trained the legendary hero Cú Chulainn in the art of combat.

Today, the ruins of Dunscaith Castle in Skye (below), are believed to stand on the old site of Queen Scáthach’s fortress Dun Scaith.

References: Scáthach: Warrior Queen from the Isle of Skye (History Nerds)


The Kames Brooch (c1300)- It is believed that this brooch may come from the court of King Robert the Bruce, and is also connected with the Bute Mazer. The front of the brooch consists of six heraldic beasts or 'wyverns' with dragons' heads and serpents' tails. The Kames Brooch belonged to the family of Bannatyne of Kames, a castle and estate on the east of the Island of Bute. Kept as a family heirloom, it was thought to have been worn as a protective charm or amulet. It was possibly made in Scotland and is now on display in the National Museum of Scotland.

On the back of the brooch,(see comments section for photogtaph) is an elaborate talismanic inscription. The Lombardic letters read ‘IHESVS NAZARENVS CRUCIFIXVS REX IVDEORM’. This is followed by the names of two of the Magi, ‘IASPER MEL PCHIOR A.’ Engraved on the pin is the name ‘Atropa,’ derived from the name ‘Atropos,’ one of the three Fates. In Greek Mythology ‘Atropos’ is the Goddess of Fate and Destiny, she decided the fate of every human and cut the thread of life with her shears. 💛

Research Credits - The Kames Brooch by Robert Stevenson (1962).
Photo credit: National Museum of Scotland.


Perched just west of the Isle of Mull, in Scotland’s Inner Hebrides, is the tiny island of Staffa. Formed by volcanic eruptions millions of years ago, Staffa is perhaps best known for its unique composition of hexagonal basalt columns. This is particularly visible at Fingal’s Cave at the south end of the island.

Often referred to as Scotland’s Giants Causeway, legend tells that FIngal’s Cave and the Giant’s Causeway in Northern Ireland were once two ends of a great bridge, destroyed by warring giants. Both sites are certainly examples of awe-inspiring geology.

Fingal’s Cave is a natural cathedral, a melodic cave along the island’s rugged coastline. Here, Mendelssohn was inspired to write his Hebrides Overture two centuries ago.

What inspiration will you find on Staffa? Follow us to find out more about this breathtaking region of Scotland.

Scozia Classica - Tour in Bus - Partenze garantite - Guida in italiano - Voli su richiesta dai principali aeroporti ital...

Scozia Classica - Tour in Bus - Partenze garantite - Guida in italiano - Voli su richiesta dai principali aeroporti italiani
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Elisabetta - WhatsApp 392 7990285
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Un giro classico della Scozia per visitare le sue principali attrazioni turistiche più famose. Date Partenze Garantite 2023 25 Aprile (sold out)21 Giugno 28 Giugno5 Luglio 12 Luglio 19 Luglio26 Luglio 02 Agosto09 Agosto16 Agosto 30 Agosto ITINERARIO 1. BENVENUTI! ARRIVO A GLASGOW Arrivo in Scozia. ...

Buona Pasqua a tutti ❤️

Buona Pasqua a tutti ❤️


Dunrobin Castle

One of my favourite castles to visit whilst on a north coast trip and it is just as stunning on the inside as it is on the outside with the grand walled garden.

I hope you enjoy reading an extract of history from their website below.

“Dunrobin Castle is the most northerly of Scotland’s great houses and the largest in the Northern Highlands with 189 rooms. Dunrobin Castle is also one of Britain’s oldest continuously inhabited houses dating back to the early 1300s, home to the Earls and later, the Dukes of Sutherland.

The Castle, which resembles a French château with its towering conical spires, has seen the architectural influences of Sir Charles Barry, who designed London’s Houses of Parliament, and Scotland’s own Sir Robert Lorimer. The Castle was used as a naval hospital during the First World War and as a boys’ boarding school from 1965 to 1972.” - Dunrobin Castle


Our newest resident was looking good this morning 😍

Un grande ringraziamento ai nostri i nuovi follower! Siamo felici di avervi tra noi!Ign**io Ciccia, Silvia Zagato, Rosa ...

Un grande ringraziamento ai nostri i nuovi follower! Siamo felici di avervi tra noi!

Ign**io Ciccia, Silvia Zagato, Rosa Balestrieri, Marisa Picconi, Antonella Novelli


Aberbeenshire, Corgarff Castle, Scotland


Looking over Inverness



  CLASSICA - PARTENZE GARANTITEDATE ANCORA DISPONIBILI:Luglio : 21 | 28 |Agosto: 04 | 11 | 18 | 25Per info: https://dire...

Luglio : 21 | 28 |
Agosto: 04 | 11 | 18 | 25
Per info:

Un giro classico della Scozia per visitare le sue principali attrazioni turistiche più famose. Tour Scozia con Partenze Garantite – GUIDA IN ITALIANO GIORNO 1 – BENVENUTI! ARRIVO A GLASGOW Arrivo in Scozia. Trasferimento libero in hotel. Cena libera. Pernottamento in hotel a Glasgow. GIORNO 2 ....


Una delle strutture che consigliamo spesso 🥰


The Highlands, Scotland


Via Lattarico, 41

Orario di apertura

Lunedì 10:00 - 18:00
Martedì 10:00 - 18:00
Mercoledì 10:00 - 18:00
Giovedì 10:00 - 18:00
Venerdì 10:00 - 18:00
Sabato 10:00 - 14:00




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