Non Solo Sole ### Edition - The Show Must Go On

Non Solo Sole ### Edition - The Show Must Go On Non Solo Sole # # # Edition - the Show mUst go on Wonderful places, beautiful time, the great sea of our region, and much more is waiting for you!

This year AEGEE-Salerno is glad to present you the XXVIII° Edition of our famous & neverending NON SOLO SOLE Summer University - benvenuti al SUd! Are you ready for...
Discover the Amalfitan coast with local eyes... Touch our culture through creative workshops... Get lost in nature, of exciting hiking trails... Face up aquatic challenges till last breath... Discover the most famous archaeological

sites in the world... Taste the best Italian food... Unforgettable moments & emotions... The SUmmer of your Life... ??? Now it is your moment: For this Summer choose Italy, choose South of Italy, choose Salerno!!!


Wishing AEGEE-Salerno a virtual happy birthday 🥳

30 is our lucky number

30 is our lucky number

"Maths has a lot of interesting theories and one of them is a fascinating metaphor: the flapping of the wings of a single butterfly can create a tornado in the other side of the world. 30 years ago, in 1989 right before Autumn Agora Salerno, brick by brick, the Berlin Wall went down.

30 years later, it is again time for AEGEE-Salerno to spread its wings! Bigger walls have to be knocked down: Brexit, populism, European elections, low youth participation… 2019 will be a year to remember. It is about time to reflect on what has been done and what still has to be done.

It is about time to make another brick in these walls, it is about time for Autumn Agora Salerno 2019!"



Every SU organizing local did a fantastic job this season and we are grateful to everyone committing themselves to make our project thrive and bring positive changes into our community for one more year!

Now we are glad to announce the list of the best Summer Universities 2018! Congratulations!


We arrived in the morning; backpacks fastened, eyes open and ready to discover our third stop. Every Summer University is different and unique in its own way and when we got there, we expected to be mere guests. And boy, our exper...

Pool Party, Beer, Olive Oil, Ceramic Workshop, the President of the European Parliament and a lot, a lot of nice things....

Pool Party, Beer, Olive Oil, Ceramic Workshop, the President of the European Parliament and a lot, a lot of nice things...

Thanks to Forum dei Giovani di Olevano Sul Tusciano Arechi Birra Proloco Vietri sul Mare CERAMICA ARTISTICA SOLIMENE

🎉🎉🎉 SATISFACTION 🎉🎉🎉We can proudly announce that during the last Plenary of Agora Istanbul 2018 we discovered that Non S...


We can proudly announce that during the last Plenary of Agora Istanbul 2018 we discovered that Non Solo Sole ### Edition - The Show Must Go On is one of the TOP SU's 2018!

Hard work and the amazing team spirit made it possible! Thanks organizers and Thanks participants to join this never-ending story ❤

Congratulations to AEGEE-Moskva, AEGEE-Aachen, AEGEE-Ioannina, AEGEE-Torino, AEGEE-Firenze

Into the Mountains, Cheese, Tammorra and European Night.Ph. Anna Kuprickova and Carolina Beatriz AlfanoSpecial Thanks to...

Into the Mountains, Cheese, Tammorra and European Night.

Ph. Anna Kuprickova and Carolina Beatriz Alfano

Special Thanks to Forum dei Giovani di Petina

Do you want to know more about Non Solo Sole ### Edition - The Show Must Go On? Check the interview on Golden Times     ...

Do you want to know more about Non Solo Sole ### Edition - The Show Must Go On? Check the interview on Golden Times

“We met the President of the European Parliament”
SU #27: AEGEE-Salerno: “Non Solo Sole ### Edition - the Show mUst go on”, SC, 25 July – 7 August 2018

Golden Times: What was your Summer University about?
Antonio Castiello, main organizer: This edition was dedicated to arts and self-expression. The participants’ selection was like a casting for actors of a big summer show and during the SU we gave them some opportunities to show their talents.

GT: How many participants and how many organisers did you have?
Antonio: We had 30 participants from 8 different countries and a big group of organizers: 10 full-time organizers, 15 part-time organizers and five helpers. For three days we have three adventurers too.

GT: What were the greatest thematic program highlights of the SU?
Antonio: We had an Art Day on the mountain in Petina. It’s a small village one hour away from Salerno, where the participants had the possibility to paint, play instruments and sing. Actually, on the wall of our office we have amazing masterpieces from that day. During the days in Petina we learned how to play "Tammorra", dance typical folk dances and make home-made cheese.
The day in Vietri Sul Mare was our lucky day: after the traditional Ceramic Workshop we had the chance to meet and speak with the President of the European Parliament, Antonio Tajani. Last but not least, on the same day we had fried fish for lunch and an amazing boat trip on the Amalfi Coast.
In Salerno we had cinema and photography lessons and we showed our participants the underground side of the city: the graffiti called "Muri d'Autore".

GT: What were the funniest or most exciting moments?
Antonio: Honestly, We could have an entirely extra interview about the funny moments and stories during this SU. Honorable mention goes to the Limoncello Working Group, the protagonists of the after parties: they were running between our mattresses, drinking and offering limoncello to sleepy people.
Of course, the Pool Party in Olevano sul Tusciano, where the long season of the stolen flag of our antenna it started – it was stolen 4 or 5 times. The Strange Party was amazing, imagine 50 people, dressed as strange as possible, running into the main street of a small south Italian village – for example two Spanish guys wore pasta as skirt…
During the last night we had a big celebration for the 30th Anniversary of the Summer University Project and at the same time of the “Non Solo Sole” SU. The theme of the night was the Oscars’ Night and traditional awards were given with the golden figures. We invited even old members to this celebration to ask them about the first editions of the “Non Solo Sole” SU.

GT: How was the group of participants?
Antonio: Before starting the SU we were a bit worried about the age gap, but then we realized that in AEGEE, even if you are at the first event, this difference doesn't matter. They were full of spirit: during the free time they organized activities by themselves like meditation, zumba, yoga... We were sometimes surprised, because they were always on time and it was not hard to wake them up in the morning.

GT: How was the cooperation in the organizing team?
Antonio: The organisers were kind of a family: AEGEE-Salerno grew up a lot as antenna in recent years, thanks to a lot of events and work. We knew that the 30th edition of the “Non Solo Sole” SU was special and we shouldn't fail as a group. Even the helpers – four out of five of them were participants of past Non Solo Sole SUs - worked very hard for it and they were really collaborative.

GT: How was the romance factor of the SU? Where there many couples and what were the highlights from the gossip box?
Antonio: During the morning everything was quiet, but when the sun went down the gossip box burnt. We cannot write about very clear couples; participants and organizers were very indecisive. This year the organizers had very valid competitors for the Latin Lover Award, which was won by a Spanish participant. A place in the history will be taken by a mysterious "Pepe Best Participant" and by a still not very clear "Cannelloni Team".

GT: How successful was the SU overall?
Antonio: Definitely very successful. Participants and Organizers had a really good feedback about this SU. Someone said "Thanks for organizing the best two weeks of my life" and this pays back all the hard work that we did. We are still in touch thanks to a Whatsapp Group and we will have a little reunion during Agora Istanbul.

GT: Anything you would like to add?
Antonio: We hope that all the passion that we put during this SU will be rewarded with new active members all around the network. In any case, the Show mUst go on and “Non Solo Sole” will continue to give amazing memories to all the brave hearts that want to join it.

HEY HEY HEY!We are on La Città di Salerno, have a look!


We are on La Città di Salerno, have a look!

Trenta giovani dai 18 ai 35 anni in visita in provincia per iniziativa dell’Aegee Ieri accolti da Mazzeo e Giordano. L’amministrazione sponsorizza l’iniziativa

Yesterday we closed for the 30th time the curtain of Non Solo Sole ### Edition - The Show Must Go On2 WEEKS25 ORGANIZERS...

Yesterday we closed for the 30th time the curtain of Non Solo Sole ### Edition - The Show Must Go On

10000000 PIZZA
20000000kg OF PASTA

The result of this number is an amazing experience. Thank you all, SEE YOU SOMEWHERE

Il 26 Luglio abbiamo passato una bellissima giornata ad Olevano sul Tusciano tra visite e degustazioni ai cosiddetti "Fr...

Il 26 Luglio abbiamo passato una bellissima giornata ad Olevano sul Tusciano tra visite e degustazioni ai cosiddetti "Frantoi" e all' Agrado Birra Artigianale dei Monti Picentini - Birrificio Agrado.

In serata è partito un fantastico Pool Party presso il Palatusciano.

Ringraziamo per l'ospitalità l'amministrazione comunale, il Forum dei Giovani, la Pro Loco, l' azienda agricola bufano, il frantoio Olevano, il Birrificio Agrado e la gestione del Palatusciano .

Turchia, Russia, Polonia, Olanda, Ungheria, Spagna, Ucraina e Grecia. Queste sono i Paesi da dove provengono i 50 giovan...

Turchia, Russia, Polonia, Olanda, Ungheria, Spagna, Ucraina e Grecia. Queste sono i Paesi da dove provengono i 50 giovani arrivati a Vietri Sul Mare nella giornata di Sabato 28 Luglio.

Sono i partecipanti e gli organizzatori del progetto Summer University "Non Solo Sole ### Edition - the Show mUst go on", organizzata da AEGEE-Salerno, il quale ha luogo, in tutta la Provincia di Salerno, dal 25 Luglio al 7 Agosto.

La giornata, a Vietri Sul Mare, grazie al gentile supporto del Comune di Vietri sul Mare, della Pro Loco e della CERAMICA ARTISTICA SOLIMENE è cominciata con un Workshop di Ceramica e decorazione di piastrelle secondo la tradizione vietrese. A seguire, dopo un breve city tour i ragazzi hanno avuto il piacere di incontrare, presso l'atrio del Comune, di incontrare il presidente del Parlamento Europeo Antonio Tajani - European Parliament President (in visita a Vietri Sul Mare per ricevere la cittadinanza ordinaria).
Il Presidente, dopo qualche scatto con i ragazzi, si è fermato a rispondere alle loro domande conversando con loro sia in inglese che spagnolo.

Not just for us

Not just for us

💣💣💣 OPEN CALL 💣💣💣Antonio Castiello wants to score the biggest heist in history: to steal the BEST SUMMER UNIVERSITY AWAR...

💣💣💣 OPEN CALL 💣💣💣

Antonio Castiello wants to score the biggest heist in history: to steal the BEST SUMMER UNIVERSITY AWARD 2018.

It's not going to be easy so we are still looking for 11 guys ready to be part of the history. ARE YOU? 👇👇👇




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Our Story

This year AEGEE-Salerno is glad to present you the ###° Edition of our famous & neverending NON SOLO SOLE Summer University - the Show mUst go on.

Wonderful places, beautiful time, the great sea of our region, and much more is waiting for you! Are you ready for... Discover the Amalfitan coast with local eyes... Touch our culture through creative workshops... Get lost in nature, of exciting hiking trails... Face up aquatic challenges till last breath... Discover the most famous archaeological sites in the world... Taste the best Italian food... Unforgettable moments & emotions... The SUmmer of your Life... ??? Now it is your moment: For this Summer choose Italy, choose South of Italy, choose Salerno!!!