Centro Ferie Salvatore

Centro Ferie Salvatore Holidays with wheelchair - Centro Ferie Salvatore

Il Centro Ferie Salvatore offre ospitalità a persone con difficoltà motorie - 50 camere, un ampio giardino e accesso privato alla spiaggia e la possibilità di trascorrere una vacanza in un paradiso mediterraneo di sole, mare e sabbia. Centro Ferie Salvatore offers hospitality for people with mobility difficulties - 50 rooms, large gardens, access to a private beach and the possibility to enjoy a holiday in a Mediterranean paradise of sun, sea and sand.


Salviamo la spiaggia per disabili "Voglia Di Mare"


Ti aspettiamo per comporre la tua Poke Bowl!
📍Viale Europa, Stabilimento Voglia di Mare (Lungomare di San Felice Circeo)

Venerdì 28.6.2024 il nostro chiosco “BarCollo” e il “Galepoke” saranno aperti  fino a mezzanotte.dalle ore 18.00 Keep “L...

Venerdì 28.6.2024 il nostro chiosco “BarCollo” e il “Galepoke” saranno aperti fino a mezzanotte.

dalle ore 18.00 Keep “Live DJ Set”

Freitag 28.6.2024 ist “die weisse Nacht am Meer“.
Das heisst alle Kioske haben bis 0.00 Uhr geöffnet, wir auch.

Ab 18.00 Uhr Keep “Live DJ Set”

Il nostro giardino oggi... Un sogno...

Il nostro giardino oggi... Un sogno...

Pasquetta in allegria con musica dal vivo e karaokePrenotare entro mercoledì 27.3.2024 grazie

Pasquetta in allegria con musica dal vivo e karaoke
Prenotare entro mercoledì 27.3.2024 grazie

Vi aspettiamo per passare Pasqua insieme!

Vi aspettiamo per passare Pasqua insieme!

12 anni che non sei qui con noi, ma in realtà ci sei sempre.

12 anni che non sei qui con noi, ma in realtà ci sei sempre.

Getting ready... Summer 2024...

Getting ready... Summer 2024...

Vi aspettiamo alla pokeria... Apertura ore 9 e chiusura ore 20😘😘

Vi aspettiamo alla pokeria... Apertura ore 9 e chiusura ore 20😘😘

Giornata ....particolare al centro ferie da Salvatore

Giornata ....particolare al centro ferie da Salvatore


San Felice Circeo. Ha riaperto lo stabilimento "Voglia di mare" del "Centro ferie Salvatore", per vacanze in piedi e... sedia a rotelle(27 marzo 2023)


Instancabile bellezza 🌊🌅 ☕️


A San Felice Circeo arriva il paratleta bielorusso rimasto disabile nel 2011 a seguito di un incidente motociclistico

Handbike and inclusion: here is Sasha Avdevich's “World Inclusive Trip”The Belarusian parathlete who was disabled in 201...

Handbike and inclusion: here is Sasha Avdevich's “World Inclusive Trip”
The Belarusian parathlete who was disabled in 2011 following a motorcycle accident arrives in San Felice Circeo
Handbike and inclusion: here is Sasha Avdevich's “World Inclusive Trip”
● 19.10.2021 17:03

SAN FELICE CIRCEO - San Felice Circeo hosted a stage of Sasha Avdevich's “World Inclusive Trip” at the “Centro Ferie Salvatore” - hotel facility also equipped for people with disabilities.

Sasha Avdevich is a 36-year-old Belarusian parathlete who was disabled in 2011 following a motorcycle accident. Sasha founded an association for the disabled in order to help people in the same situation as her; it also opened a chain of cafes in Belarus, the "Inclusive Barista", where only disabled people work, and, in 2017, it started crossing Europe on a handbike (manual wheel-drive bicycle for wheelchair users) to launch his message of inclusion: in his first outing he covered the Belarus-Portugal route with his handbike without electric assistance.
Fifty-eight days ago, Avdevich began his new journey which took him from Georgia to San Felice Circeo, via Turkey and Greece: his goal now is to reach Tenerife first and then England. “The story of this boy - commented the mayor Giuseppe Schiboni - is exemplary: he was able to recover after a very serious accident and face a new life.
We are pleased that Sasha has chosen our country to convey his sporting message but above all of social inclusion. " Sasha Avdevich said: "I crossed the Circeo by handbike, it is an enchanting place with wonderful views. I met San Felice thanks to an Israeli follower who recommended me the place and the Centro Ferie Salvatore: I was impressed by the welcome I received and from the possibility of moving around in a fitted suit, where I was also able to take a swim in the sea.

"After wheelchair rugby - added Felice Capponi, councilor for Sport - an event with which in August we commemorated Eleonora Gehring, founder of the Centro Ferie Salvatore together with Salvatore Avagliano, once again we are witnessing a demonstration in our area of ​​the importance of sport for the disabled, which conveys messages about their rights and the problems they face every day, alone or together with their families. Soon, we will host a meeting on autism and its problems at Circeo and we are working on other events, not just sports, to raise awareness of disability in general. " “The presence of Sasha - concludes Sabina Avagliano, manager of the Center - confirms that our facility is internationally recognized as one of the best equipped and that Circeo is an extraordinary location also for sports for the disabled. Sasha sent a strong message and we hope that other international athletes will come to San Felice to tell their stories of inclusion. "

A San Felice Circeo arriva il paratleta bielorusso rimasto disabile nel 2011 a seguito di un incidente motociclistico

Meet our guests!  Rocco Berger and his lovely girlfriend Anastasia came to stay with us in September and they kindly agr...

Meet our guests!
Rocco Berger and his lovely girlfriend Anastasia came to stay with us in September and they kindly agreed to answer some questions and share their experiences with us.

Firstly, tell us how you guys met

Anastasia: We met roughly two years ago, a few days before Jan's accident. When I discovered what happened to him, I decided to go to the hospital as frequently as I could, to keep him company, even though I was still a stranger to him. And I guess, after many and many days at the hospital, simply staying together and talking about anything, Jan became my favourite human!

Jan: that one night we danced and talked a lot… then, before I had time to properly ask Anastasia out, I had my accident. She started visiting me at the hospital, we spent endless hours talking, she showed me countless, beautiful drawings she did throughout the years - it was like taking a much needed break from the hospital and strolling through an art gallery. And we waited out how my condition would develop: 2 years later, we are still working on the perfect balance, but we’re slowly building a life together and getting braver – so much that we mustered the courage to go on a trip together!

How did you hear about Centro Ferie Salvatore?

We both realized we really needed a vacation, and some rest from Turin at the beginning of summer. As this was the first vacation for Jan after the accident, I took quite some time to look for a place which was the best possible, in term of accessibility and assistance towards the disabled guest. I also wanted the vacation to be in a beautiful area of Italy, relaxing, and not too touristic or busy. I think I found about the Centro Ferie Salvatore quite soon during my searches, it was well reviewed in two or three disability related sites on the Internet. But I kept searching for more options, and during those days and the Centro kept popping up. It turned out to be the best one in Italy, to be fair the only one because the other solution I found were simply accessible hotel rooms where the rest of the property would be totally inaccessible for Jan. The reviews on the face book page is what convinced me.

How was your traveling experience?

We were a bit worried about flying as a disabled person (and during covid), and added to that it's very polluting. We both love a good train journey, but my concerm while planning the trip was how to reach the centro once we reached the closest train station. In our situation, this kind of travel was possible or at least so easy to do, only because the Centro itself has its own little fleet of busses, and they can come and pick you up in Rome from the airport or at Latina train station.
So, we booked an Italo Treno from Torino to Rome, and we also took a Trenitalia Regionale from Rome to Latina. We booked everything in advance, by phone, the number to call is in the dedicated sections of both train companies' sites. Both Italo and Trenitalia offer a free ticket for the person who's traveling with the disabled passenger. To do that with Italo, you must book at least three days before the journey, and send documentation which proves the disability, while with Trenitalia you must necessarily request for a Carta Blu at the station, which is slightly more difficult but feasible. The journeys themselfs went very well and we found good assistance in every station.
Arriving at Latina Station, we were greeted by Dario, the superhero driver of Centro Ferie Salvatore. Dario really is one of the best features of that place. He makes sure that you feel confortable and safe while travelling on the bus. The bus is very wide and can transport up to four people in weelchairs at once, plus four others on the seats. Dario picked us up at the platform and helped with luggage, he also knows a lot of interesting information about the area of San Felice Circeo, good suggestions on where to eat good fish dishes (almost everywhere there, yum!).

What were your impressions of Centro Ferie Salvatore?

The Centro Ferie Salvatore in the most accessible place I've ever seen in Italy. Our room seemed a bit cozy at the beginning, but during the stay we haven't had any kind of problem concerning the space and how furniture was placed. We didn't have to rent any aids privately, because they own everything we needed, like the shower wheelchair, the hoist and the anti-decubitus mattress. This was a big plus.
About the structure of the Centro in general, there are lots of winding paths around the grounds, they are the perfect size and everything is immersed in a beautiful gardens, with all kinds of trees and flowers. You can go literally anywhere, as there is always a ramp instead of steps. It's really like a little paradise village for wheelchair users, and also every room has it own little garden or terrace. So you can both be among everyone and socialize at the bar, or be near your room, listening to crickets and dogs playing in the grass, if you need more tranquillity.
The garden out of the Topsy Bar can also have a very romantic vibe during dinner. Food is good in general, but we highly appreciated breakfasts and the 'pranzo al sacco' (packed lunch) option. Super hero Dario also prepares amazing barbecues sometimes. All the staff are actually so kind, easy-going and so helpful and available. They are very likable people too, and after a little time one already feels like being in a big family where everyone tries to help you.

What did you think of our beach Voglia di Mare?

Anastasia: From a very pale person’s point of view, I'd say I loved it. They have wide beach umbrellas, and plenty of place at the bar where to stay when you feel the sun is too hot. The water is clean and always kind of calm even when the wind is strong. As Jan didn't have the best of relationships with water, I wanted to be sure that he wouldn't be afraid to go for a swim, in case he decided to. So I chose the Centro also because they assured me he would have received help to get him into and out of the water, showered and dressed. They have life jackets, other kinds of aids to float in the water, there is even a hoist on the beach, and a place to change in one of three accessible toilets / changing rooms and they're all accessible!
From a couple’s point of view, going for a swim with Jan for the first time was so amazing, I enjoyed it so much because he was so happy and I felt the staff really helped and supported me.
Jan: for me, this part was both the easiest and the hardest. Back when I had my accident I actually drowned, so you can probably imagine that I wasn’t in any rush to go for a swim. We stayed for almost 2 weeks, but I mustered the courage to go into the water only the very last day before our departure. Boy, was that a mistake! The minute I got in, I was basically squealing with delight. I should have tried much sooner! There is basically any option you could want, from regular to floating wheelchairs, life vests, nets, people assisting and watching me the whole time and whatnot. The water gets only very gradually deeper and is super clear – in my bravest moment, I even went closer to a few rocks and watched some fish, using mask & snorkel! 10/10, would (will!) come again next year :)

We hope you enjoyed reading about their experiences if you would like to be our featured guest next week send us a message!

please like and share!


Domani alle 18, il Centro Ferie Salvatore – struttura alberghiera di San Felice Circeo anche per persone con disabilità – ospiterà la decima edizione di “Rugby in carrozzina”, evento sportivo patrocinato dal Comune, quest'anno dedicato alla memori...

Based 90 minutes from the eternal city of Rome Centro Ferie Salvatore offers 45 accessible rooms, restaurant, bars,  pav...

Based 90 minutes from the eternal city of Rome Centro Ferie Salvatore offers 45 accessible rooms, restaurant, bars, paved beach with assistants to help guests in and out if the water, acres of beautiful gardens, delicious italian food and drinks and wonderful company.

Regular and reasonable flights from the UK and transfers available in our own busses.

Taking bookings for later this year (with covid cancellation guarantee) and for 2022

Perfect for families, groups, sports teams... Well anyone really!

Please feel free to ask me anything, we have over 50 years experience offering holidays for the differently abled and understand that it's attention to detail that ensures everyone can enjoy a holiday in the Italian sunshine!

Comment, WhatsApp or call our UK office on 07934989404

Email [email protected]




Via Manzoni 20
San Felice Circeo


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