Sorrento NCC Taxi

Sorrento NCC Taxi Born in Sorrento, I live among the beauties of the beloved Amalfi Coast 🍋💞 Con la vostra disponibilitè e la esperienza andiamo dovunque.

From Amalfi to Rome 💙Open every day 💙

From Amalfi to Rome 💙
Open every day 💙

16.12.2024Ore 16.30 Napoli 16 gradi ☀️

Ore 16.30
16 gradi ☀️

When I reserve my best driver for you I know that he is the only person in the world who works like me, who compares him...

When I reserve my best driver for you I know that he is the only person in the world who works like me, who compares himself with me and asks me everything about every single transfer. The only one I trust. They tell us that we have the same bad temper but we are proud of it because precision is rare nowadays…💙🫶🏻
My fav driver Tony…💙

Now is the time to plan your vacation…💙+393669791211

Now is the time to plan your vacation…💙

Siate pronti al cambiamento, ti lascio il cuore! 💙

Siate pronti al cambiamento, ti lascio il cuore! 💙

Our SUV in Maiori for you 💙

Our SUV in Maiori for you 💙



Every year your children, in addition to a trip, take a piece of my heart with them and this year I had a co-pilot who r...

Every year your children, in addition to a trip, take a piece of my heart with them and this year I had a co-pilot who reminded me of a person very dear to me. In his movements, gestures, features and questions. While we were visiting the coast you told me about the London aquarium and the sharks, I told you about the one in Dubai, inviting you to go there too and that you would meet some very cute penguins. I hope that life reserves the best for you, you deserve it, see you soon. 💙💙💙

Call me and I’ll take you to Naples 💙 +393669791211

Call me and I’ll take you to Naples 💙 +393669791211

Call me and I’ll take you to the coast…+393669791211

Call me and I’ll take you to the coast…+393669791211

I don't know Valeria but I have immense respect for her... She is Valeria. She lives in Capri. She studies at the Academ...

I don't know Valeria but I have immense respect for her... She is Valeria. She lives in Capri. She studies at the Academy of Fine Arts, in the meantime she works at the counter of a shipping company. In her free time she looks at the sea and dreams of setting sail.

No one in her family is a sailor, so Valeria begs her employer to teach her how to sail. After the shift they get on the boat, Valeria learns to steer, moor and wash the boat at the end of the day. She falls in love with that life.

It's 2020. Valeria gets her nautical license and interrupts her studies. She likes art, but she loves the sea. She goes to bed early, gets up at dawn and works as a sailor. People say that she has no tradition behind her and she is also a woman, she can't do it. Valeria carries on her passion and little by little opens a shipping company. With her gozzo, which she calls L'Intrepida, she takes tourists from all over the world around the coasts of the island.

Today Valeria is 25 years old. She is the only female sailor in Capri. She speaks English, French, Spanish, and embroiders sunshade covers and cushions for the boat. She drives a wooden gozzo, with an external rudder and a tiller to mark the route, which requires a lot of strength in her arms. It is a beautiful, tiring job that makes her happy. Valeria has a fleet of three boats, and as many employees. One of them is her father, to whom she has passed on her love for the sea. 🌊

Lei è Valeria. Vive a Capri. Studia all’Accademia di Belle Arti, intanto lavora allo sportello di una società di navigazione. Nei momenti liberi guarda il mare e sogna di prendere il largo.

Nessuno della sua famiglia è marinaio, così Valeria prega il datore di lavoro di insegnarle a navigare. Finito il turno salgano in barca, Valeria impara a timonare, ormeggiare e lavare la barca a fine giornata. Si innamora di quella vita.

È il 2020. Valeria prende la patente nautica e interrompe gli studi. Le piace l’arte, ma ama il mare. Va a letto presto, si alza all’alba e lavora come marinaia. La gente dice che non ha una tradizione alle spalle ed è pure donna, non può farcela. Valeria porta avanti la sua passione e poco alla volta apre una società di navigazione. Con il suo gozzo, che chiama L’Intrepida, fa girare le coste dell’isola a turisti da tutto il mondo.

Oggi Valeria ha 25 anni. È l’unica donna marinaio di Capri. Parla inglese, francese, spagnolo, ricama teli e cuscini parasole per la barca. Guida un gozzo in legno, con il timone esterno e la barra a segnare la rotta che richiede tanta forza nelle braccia. È un lavoro bello, faticoso, che la rende felice. Valeria ha una flotta di tre barche, e altrettanti dipendenti. Uno di loro è suo padre, a cui ha trasmesso l’amore per il mare.

Come, I’ll take you to see Naples with me...💙

Come, I’ll take you to see Naples with me...💙

Start booking your transfer with me, transfers from Naples to Sorrento, Positano and all the cities of the wonderful Ama...

Start booking your transfer with me, transfers from Naples to Sorrento, Positano and all the cities of the wonderful Amalfi coast. Tour with guided visit of Pompeii and Vesuvius, the Royal Palace of Caserta and the Amalfi coast. possibility of dinner in Positano, Amalfi, Ravello and Sorrento with departure from Naples and vice versa.
Mercedes sedan and van vehicles. We guarantee a van in a few minutes to your pick up point, open 24/7


Piazza Tasso



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