CHANGE OF PLANS!!! This room was originally slated to be a large bedroom — but now that the new ceiling is in, and the beautiful natural light is streaming in and filling the space — we all think that this room would be much better as a large eat-in kitchen with plenty of room for gathering with friends and family. I feel really good about this decision! My mind is exploding with ideas of kitchen layouts and I am having fun imagining what this room can be. What would you include in this kitchen? #changeofplans #newkitchen #kitchen #kitchendesign #cucina #floorplan #interiordesign #kitchenlayout #eatinkitchen #familykitchen #homedesign #homerenovation #historichome #historicpreservation #woodbeams #exposedwoodbeams #newceiling #naturallight #sicily #sicilia #terminiimerese #iloveterminiimerese #palermo #cefalù #cefalu #viaroma #viaromaterminiimerese #lacaasalongo #whatwouldyoudo
BIG CHANGE OF PLANS!! This room was slated to be a large bedroom, but now that we see its bright open feeling and these gorgeous ceilings, I think it will be much better as a large eat-in kitchen with lots of space for people to gather. So this room is officially now the kitchen!! I am so happy about this change and my mind is exploding with ideas of how to lay out this room!!! I can really start to see this space coming together. It’s going to be incredible when it’s finished!!! #changeofplans #kitchen #newkitchen #eatinkitchen #kitchendesign #layout #floorplan #interiordesign #homerenovation #historichome #renovatinginsicily #woodbeams #exposedwoodbeams #newceiling #newroof #lettherebelight #naturallight #sicily #sicilia #terminiimerese #iloveterminiimerese #palermo #viaroma #viaromaterminiimerese #cefalù #cefalu #airbnb #futureairbnb #vacationrental #visitsicily #longo #lacasalongo
The new ceilings are going up and they are GORGEOUS!!! #newceiling #woodbeams #homerenovation #historichouse #historicpreservation #renovatinginsicily #sicily #sicilia #italy #italia #sicilian #terminiimerese #iloveterminiimerese #palermo #cefalù #visitsicily #vacationrental #airbnb #futureairbnb #ancestralhome #familytree #myheritage #longo #lacasalongo
I headed up to the terrace, and could look down into the "kitchen" from above. You will also see in the video all the old tiles from the roof that are being saved to be used when they put the new roof on. Being in the historic center, we cannot modernize the roof (not that I would want to), so we are saving as many of the old tiles as we can. #newroof #oldroof #rooftiles #historichome #homerenovation #sicily #terminiimerese