Fall for by Erika Grossi

Fall for by Erika Grossi Fall For is built around the idea that stories can change the way in which we perceive our world.

They push us out of our comfort zone and force us to consider new ways of doing things, connecting people, healing wounds, moving to action, and driving change. Stories give us something to believe in.

My mission is to find the most exciting places, interesting people, emerging trends and to share them with you! Every week, I will visit and interview local artists, artisans, restaurant owner and

craftsmen to know their stories! Interviews include local cuisine and wines, as well as history, art, culture and nature. I will upload all of my video interviews to my blog and social networks (with English subtitles, of course!), with pictures and curiosities. Information

My name is Erika, I grew up in Udine but lived abroad for six years during my University studies. As soon as I came back home in 2016, I decided to go against the grain and to use what I have learned all over the world to find the best way to promote Friuli Venezia Giulia as an outstanding touristic destination and showcase its unique land, traditions and culture. The path in front of me was clear: first, I had to be a tourist in my homeland exploring this beautiful region I had been privileged to be born in.



Informazione generale

The Uniqueness of Friuli Venezia Giulia If Ippolito Nievo called his Friuli Venezia Giulia “a small compendium of the Universe”, there is a reason: here you will find everything you need, from snow-capped mountains peaking at more than 2700 metres above sea level to the sandy and golden beaches of the Adriatic Sea that runs longer than 110 kilometres; from the green valleys to the steep promontory of the Carso, among calcareous rocks and caves. Located between the Friulian Dolomites, the Prealps, the Carnian Alps and the Adriatic Sea, bordered by the Livenza River and the Carso plateau in the east, in Friuli Venezia Giulia one can find fine art cities and cultural centers, medieval castles and Venetian-style villas, UNESCO World Heritage Sites and vestiges of the First World War. Friuli Venezia Giulia offers thousands of opportunities for an unforgettable vacation. The mountains are perfect place for those who love winter sports from skiing and snowboarding to climbing, ice skating and trekking. The sandy beaches and the limpid sea provide you relaxing holidays among funny volleyball matches, water skiing, windsurfing, sailing and long bike rides. Surrounded by breathtaking landscapes, visitors can also join golf classes or enjoy several protected areas that are perfect for hiking and walking nature routes, either trekking or mountain biking. For a vacation dedicated to health, well being and beauty, visitors can reach the region’s renowed spas, where they can enjoy amazing treatments. Finally, from the mountains to the sea, “tasting roads”, the Friuli Venezia Giulia region is a genuine promised land to discover high-quality wines and typical food. A Bit of History: The history of Friuli Venezia Giulia has been largely influnced by its geographical position. As a borderland region, situated on one hand in the northernmost part of Italy, overlooking the Mediterranean sea, closely in contact with the German world and on the other hand next to the Eastern Europe, Friuli Venezia Giulia was marked by forty six invasions. Before the Roman conquest, which occurred towards the end of the third century, Friuli had already been invaded by the Celts (V century B.C.). In the II century B.C., the Romans colonized the region and transmitted their culture, giving rise to one of the most fascinating city of latin origin, Aquileia. Once founded in 181 B.C., it soon became one of the most important centers of the peninsula and Friuli was included by Augustus in the Regio X, called Venetia et Histria. The decline began with the first Hun invasions, but it was with Attila that the land was completetly subjected and Aquileia razed. After the collapse of the Western Roman Empire, Friuli Venezia Giulia was dominated by the Lombards, that heavily influenced its historical, political and cultural growth and named the territory Forum Iulii, the old name of today’s Cividale, which was the eponymous capital of their duchy. Heavily affected by the invasion of the Avars (early VII century B.C.), the Lombard Duchy saw destroyed his capital and its major urban centers and Charlemagne easily annexed the region to Austrian Empire, electing Cividale, named Civitas Austriae, as the capital of the territory, including at the time also Istria and the southeastern part of Tyrol (796 B.F.). During the Renaissance, with many fights between rival lords, Friuli became Venetian territory in 1420, while Trieste, Gorizia and Pordenone remained under the Austrian Empire and Pordenone. Conquered by Napoleon, Friuli was ceded to Austria, from 1797 to 1805, with the Treaty of Campo Formio. Returned to Austria in 1814, it was included to the Lombard-Veneto Kingdom and with the Third War of Independence (1866) was annexed to the Kingdom of Italy, with the exception of the province of Gorizia and Trieste. The former was united with Italy at the end of the First World War and the latter only with the Memorandum of London in 1954. Finally, Friuli Venezia Giulia obtained administrative autonomy and special statute only in 1963.


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Fall For nasce dall'idea che le storie cambiano il modo in cui percepiamo il mondo. Una storia ha il potere di comunicare emozioni e sensazioni, di rievocare un ricordo passato e di far desiderare un evento futuro. Esse ci invitano ad allargare i nostri orizzonti, ci incuriosiscono e ci spingono a vivere nuove avventure, alla scoperta di luoghi, culture e persone.

​​Fin da piccola, durante i miei numerosi viaggi, non mi sono mai accontentata di soggiornare in una bella località, ma ho sempre voluto vivere il mio viaggio come un’esperienza, a stretto contatto con la gente e la cultura locale perché questo tipo di viaggio crea un ricordo indelebile. Ho sempre amato scovare e visitare luoghi interessanti e conoscere in prima persona artisti locali, produttori, ristoratori e artigiani per conoscere le loro storie.

​Attraverso Fall For posso finalmente condividere queste storie, raccontare le mie esperienze, i luogo, i sapori, gli odori e tutte le mie sensazioni per farvi vivere ciò che ho vissuto, affascinarvi e farvi emozionare.

Fall For vuole diventare un progetto di ampio respiro per raccontare le storie di tante realtà sia in Italia sia nel mondo.

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