Casa Nova SRL

Casa Nova SRL Casa Nova is an agriturismo in Umbria, Italy: holiday rentals amongst olive groves and orchards and fields of irises.

Casa Nova is a small fruit and olive farm on the south-facing slope of the beautiful Niccone valley, 40 minutes from Perugia airport, on the border between Umbria and Southern Tuscany, with panoramic views over some of the most beautiful countryside in Italy. It offers the perfect base for a holiday in the area, with two separate houses on the estate to choose from, each with its own pool. The est

ate now also includes a specialist plant nursery and display garden with hundreds of kinds of irises, as well as roses and peonies. L'agriturismo Casa Nova è una piccola azienda agricola di frutta e olive, e vivaio, sul versante sud della bellissima valle del Niccone, a 40 minuti dall'aeroporto di Perugia. Siamo al confine tra Umbria e Toscana, con vista panoramica su uno delle paesaggi più belle in Italia. Due case affitabile per vacanze tra cui scegliere, ognuna con piscina privata. Casa Nova è una base ideale per vacanze in zona. La tenuta comprende ora anche un vivaio di piante specialista e giardino con centinaia di tipi di iris, insieme con le rose e peonie.

We are taking bookings now for holidays in 2023 - book now to secure the most popular weeks.  One of the highlights this...

We are taking bookings now for holidays in 2023 - book now to secure the most popular weeks. One of the highlights this year will be an exhibition on the Renaissance artist Luca Signorelli which Tom is curating at Cortona. Those booking a stay during the run of the exhibition may be able to arrange a guided tour with the curator. Visit our website at for more information or email us at [email protected]

Purple orchids in the meadow at the top of our hill…

Purple orchids in the meadow at the top of our hill…


New in 2019 is this beautiful bio-pool - swim in clear, pure, chemical-free water surrounded by beds of water irises. Shady poolside pergola with panoramic views.


Built a fountain for the new pool this morning out of an old terracotta pot😄


Check out the new album of photos of the new bio pool at Casa dell'Ortolano. The filtration is done by the water irises and a layer of lava rock, so you swim in completely clear. pure, chemical-free water. It is blissful. Book ahead now for next summer!


Thanks to Natalie for fabulous photos and Albi and Eli at Agriturismo Ristorante Calagrana for the delicious spread - a ray of sunshine after all this rain!


Too wet today to be out in the IrisUmbria garden (but we need rain after a dry winter, so not complaining). Plenty of lovely things to see in Perugia on a drizzly day...


We have been so busy with the iris project recently(IrisUmbria) that we haven’t posted much here but this morning was so lovely, after an unseasonably cold start to May this year, I thought it worth sharing this snippet. We still have availability for rental bookings this year if you are tempted! (Check out the website at


The pond yesterday evening - almost warm enough for swimming now. Maybe tomorrow...


Terrace outside kitchen


So, this is the lake after the longest drought in 60 years... and the other photo shows it in 2006 when it was brimful. Our iris nursery project depends on water, so this is not a happy sight. However, let's not despair. We've started work to install a liner, so that we no longer lose most of the rain water the lake collects, and we are felling trees that have blocked the collection ditches. Two massive diggers are digging out the silt in the bottom, which we'll use to top up the topsoil in a field where that is lacking. Then the liner goes in and we pray for rain to refill the lake over the coming autumn and winter. We also need to fence the lake to keep out the wild boar, who will otherwise tear up the liner, and we'll make them their own wallow outside the fence, to make them less inclined to attempt a break in... Well, that's the plan.


The heatwave has kept us pinned indoors more than I'd like but here are some recent pics, venturing out in the evening to experiment with a new long lense (up to 340mm) and a very wide angle lense (14mm-24mm).


Experimenting with some new lenses for my Nikon - some photos of the garden at Il Casale this June. New pergola in place and the daylilies flowering...



Rainbows blooming at Iris Umbria 🌈🌈🌈


Harvesting the olives today.

The Gardens

Guests at Casa Nova this coming year will now also have access to the beautiful new display garden we have built on the hillside below the two houses, with pond, waterfalls and an extensive array of roses, peonies and irises.

Check out the photos on our iris nursery's new website (link below):

For holiday bookings at Casa Nova visit the main website at

We are creating a display garden here at Casa Nova, where you will be able to see irises alongside some of the plants that best complement them. This slideshow shows a few photos of the creation of the display garden. There are raised beds for bearded irises, boggy areas and a pond for waterloving…


We have now built a separate website for our fledgling iris nursery. here is the link:

I just finished building the website for our Iris Nursery. You can visit or, if you are on a mobile phone, the link below takes you to a mobile friendly version of the store.


Being away from home would be a lot easier if it weren't this gorgeous....

Morning light at Casa Nova yesterday: another in a series of gorgeous clear days.


Morning light at Casa Nova yesterday: another in a series of gorgeous clear days.

Il Casale at Casa Nova, Umbria

Have added some new pics to the album on flickr:

Photos of Il Casale, the Farm House on the Casa Nova estate, Niccone Valley, Umbria. Available for holiday rentals year round. For prices and availability visit


one of our favourite restaurants - on a hillside above the Niccone valley

Casa Nova SRL

Not sure if I have yet succeeded in sharing this one to my own time line - the page thing doesn't always do what I was expecting in terms of what gets posted where - did some revisions to the Casa Nova website last weekend. Jackie should be pleased that I have finally got rid of the blue on green colour scheme she looked askance at years ago. Won't be able to get the separate Iris website up until I crack the problem of SQL databases. Too headachey for a Sunday night, by far. Kind of hoping one of the kids will volunteer...

Did a revamp on the website at the weekend - hit a technical glitch on embedding flickr albums, so at the moment have had to resort to just linking across to flickr for the photos. However, the navigation should be a bit slicker than before. Hope you like it and any suggestions welcome:


Loc. S. Anna, 251


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