You are always the most beautiful one #bella #beauty #love for my hometown
Con solo 2 ore e 4 minuti #prima barca veneziana al traguardo!!!!!
#first Venetian boat with only 2 hours and 4 minutes
30 km Di #grande voga veneta
La #vogalonga venne istituita nel 1975 per protesta contro il moto ondoso…. Purtroppo non ha sortito nessun effetto e il fenomeno sta distruggendo #venezia. E’ uno dei 2 giorni dell anno in cui il canal grande viene chiuso al traffico a motore. La #vogalonga e’ bellissima, colorata, festante!
The #vogalonga was born as a protest against the wake motion due to a growing danger to the city of #venice by motorboats. Unfortunately the phenomenon didn’t stop the number of motorboats driving too fast and in a growing number. But, anyways, the Vogalonga remains in the heart of Venetians and Venice lovers as a glorious day when motorboats are forbidden to drive along the gran canal, saving for few hours the palazzos from the damages of the propellers. #♥️ for the love of Venice
#festa della Sensa #venezia
The most important political celebration of the Old Serenissima was held on Ascension Day, but it was quite a pagan celebration. Venice married the Sea, in a bound which was giving her wealth power and defence.
A huge fair took place for 15 days on Saint Mark’s square.
Now the tradition is almost completely gone, help us save Venetian #traditions and #history
At the #biennale in Venice #demo #freepalestine in front of the Israelian and German Pavillion
#freepalestine @wizard_bisan1
#lagoon of #venice #amazing #beauty
Laguna ♥️
Per chi dice che è il tedesco è difficile, guardare Reel completo😂
For the one’s who still think German is easy 😂
Watch till the end
#germany #germanlanguage