Scalon del Doge

An Ancient Palace on the Grand Canal. A Charming Venetian B&B and Culture
L So your holiday will be interesting, fun and unforgettable!

Alessandra and her family will welcome you to this ancient and fascinating palace on the Grand Canal, a few minutes walk from the well-known Rialto Bridge. Enjoy the venetian atmosphere of Campiello del Remer its ancient well, legends and amazing view of the Rialto Bridge. You will enter the residence directly from the Gothic staircase, an extraordinary example of Venetian ancient architecture, th

e setting of several films. A range of famous sights including Saint Mark’s square, the Doges’ Palace, the well-known Fenice theatre, the Accademia Galleries and the Peggy Guggenheim collection can easily be reached in a few minutes walk. Even the islands of Murano, Burano and Torcello can be reached by public ferry. You will find our rooms completely renovated in a typical ancient Venetian Baroque style. We will offer a great choice of fresh breakfast food, served in a wonderful room with a view of the Grand Canal or if you find it more comfortable directly in your room. Alessandra (holder of a degree and master in History of Art) knows all the secrets and mysterious itineraries of Ancient Venice, that are not so widely visited by the tourists. Discover our wonderful walking tours!




I want to share with you... Directly from our windows in Scalon del Doge residence... A traditional love Song from a gondola passing under our windows

THE DISCOVERY OF THE TALKING CHRISTRecently restored this huge Christ is now located in the beautiful marble chapel in S...


Recently restored this huge Christ is now located in the beautiful marble chapel in San Francesco della Vigna

The artist is unknown but it dates probably to the early XV th century and it is a work of art of extremely high quality.

It was sculpted in maple wood and painted with tempera colours.

We don't have much information about this crucifix but what we actually know is that it was considered a MIRACOLOUS crucifix and lots of people came to venerate it when it was located in the friars' cloister because it was considered a miracolous working crucifix. Even women tried to come and venerate it but they usually were not admitted in the friars cloister and they risked to be excommunicated. But in the end the pope fogave them and gave them the possibility to admire and venerate the Christ.

This is the most amazing part of the story!! This Christ was used for a very special liturgical function, a sort of sacred theatre during Easter time!!! Inside the head is a hallowed cavity and there was a mechanism which was used TO MOVE CHRIST'S TONGUE AND SMOKE CAME OUT OF HIS MOUTH DRAMATIZING CHRIST'S LAST BREATH!!!

Just imagine how amazing was the effect of this talking Christ!!!


Recentemente restaurato questo enorme Cristo grande più del naturale si trova ora nella bellissima
ca****la di marmo della chiesa di San Francesco della Vigna

L'artista è ancora sconosciuto ma l'opera può essere datata all'inizio del XV secolo

Il Cristo è un'opera straordinaria scolpita su legno d'acero e dipinta a tempera.

Questo è un CRISTO PARLANTE!!! Questo Cristo era usato durante il periodo di Pasqua nelle rappresentazioni religiose teatrali!!! All'interno della testa in una cavità era stato creato un meccanismo per permettere alla lingua di muoversi e del fumo usciva dalla bocca per creare l'effetto dell'ultimo respiro di Cristo!!!

This wonderful painting is a work of art inside Saint Francesco della vigna in VeniceThe author was a friar Fra Antonio ...

This wonderful painting is a work of art inside Saint Francesco della vigna in Venice

The author was a friar Fra Antonio da Negroponte

This is the only painting he realized and signed

But we don't have any information about his life

For sure he had studied in contact with Vivarini, Bellini and I would say Mantegna and Squarcione and the artist of the early renaissance in Padua

We can notice his skillful attention to details of decoration gold details in the Virgin dress, but also lots of flowers painted with great botanic knowledge

All the flowers and animals more than 12 different animals expecially birds and frogs and turtle had a special meaning and are part of the beautiful garden where the Virgin is the main center and focus

But look also at the perspective of the thone, a small architecture and all the carved details on the steps copied from ancient marbles!!

Hope after looking at these pictures you really wish to come and see it in person!!!

Questa pala d'altare è un capolavoro della Chiesa di San Francesco della Vigna a Venezia

È opera di Fra Antonio da Negroponte

Non abbiamo informazioni sulla sua vita e formazione

Anche se ammirando la sua opera appare evidente che si sia formato a contatto con Vivarini, Bellini ed anche Mantegna e l'ambiente artistico umanista del primo Rinascimento di Squarcione a Padova

Notate l'attenzione ancora gotica e quasi miniaturistica per i dettagli quali i ricami dorati sul manto della anche i fiori rappresentati con precisione botanica ed almeno 12 specie di animali, specialmente uccelli, ma anche rane e tartarughe

Ogni animale e fiore ha un suo significato in relazione alla Vergine ed è parte di una preghiera di lode in Suo onore e del meraviglioso giardino di cui lei è vera Signora

Ma guardate anche la prospettiva del trono ed i dettagli scolpiti sui gradini che sono copia di preziosi marmi all'antica e del gusto antiquario dell'epoca!!

Spero che vi sia venuta voglia di vedere di persona questa meraviglia!!!


Cannaregio 5704/A/campiello Del Remer


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