A couple of weeks ago we went to Tecnomat in Prenestina, Rome for the first time. I remember B&Q in Brighton, UK being huge but this is off the scale. There is everything you need and more for doing up your house and garden here and at such discounted prices. Our friend Giorgio drove us in his van and you should have seen the happy looks on his and Andrew's faces when we were inside Tecnomat. Boys toys...
The reason we went is because we couldn't find any reasonably priced plywood anywhere, seems to cost a fortune in Abruzzo. Here we got massive sheets (can't remember the size 244 x 122 x 18... something like that for 33 euros). Yes we had tolls to pay and diesel but we bought other things there as well at two thirds of what we would normally pay and anyway it's only just over an hour's drive from where we live and we did also go to our favourite Mercatino Usato in the Monteverde area where we picked up a few bargains.
In the afternoon on our way back to Abruzzo we drove to see Bruno who lives in Rome who had very kindly and so generously gifted us an antique headboard from his grandmother. Thank you again so much to you ❤❤ We will post pictures of it in the future as it's rather beautiful but as we were being filmed all day for Help We Bought A Village, let's see what gets used in the final edit. I am posting my Tecnomat photos as Noel our lovely cameraman from True North TV was not allowed to film inside.