Check out the post for more info! Xx
After throwing and when the clay has dried a little, the pots are put back on to the wheel to clean up. We can refine the shape, perhaps add some surface texture or relief. Leave the pots too long and they are too dry to turn but too soon and the pots are too soft so it’s a bit goldilocks - they have to be just right! It’s such a satisfying part of the process and usually takes place a few days after throwing. I love it!! The pots then need a good few days to completely dry out so they are ready for their first of 2 firings.
These videos behind the scenes as so fun to make - do you like them?? Let me know if this is interesting to you! Leave a comment below!!👇 Hope your Friday is ace ❤️❤️- #PotterLife
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So I have taken the plunge and put some of my little painting up for sale @simplychristmasjersey. It doesn’t half make you feel a bit exposed revealing some of your dark side to the general public! Recently I feel most comfortable painting with black, it’s a change from my usual ocean- toned abstracts, perhaps as we’ve moved towards winter and because I haven’t surfed in ages. I have swam consistently but there’s something about getting on your board and moving to slightly deeper water that evokes more colour for me. Anyway if you come to the market and see my stall, these little paintings are on the left. I might not point them out as I still feel a bit timid about them and I don’t really mind if they all come home with me!!! Anyone else feel like that about their art?? Sometimes hard to part with!! Xx
I have had some new followers lately - so here’s a few things about me. Thanks for joining me on this little adventure - I would really love to hear a bit more about you too - it’s so nice when this lovely insta community engage! So let me know just one peculiar thing about you….
#potteryweirdo #ceramicslove
Pin holes - they can appear if there are gas bubbles in the glaze. They are tiny areas without glaze that can harbor food and bacteria so not great to have on the inside of any functional tableware. Perhaps on the outside these wouldn’t be such a problem but they are pretty unsightly and can be sharp. My amazing teacher Dave @penrhiw_pottery has suggested I put them in for a second firing at a lower temperature so back in the kiln they have gone!! I will report back on my findings. Thanks so much for all the messages!! It’s lovely to know that people are watching my rants!!! X
Wow! What a year! An enormous thank you from the bottom of my dusty clay heart for all the amazing support this year. Thank you to everyone who bought something. I just hope that those pieces are something that you use everyday. Not something that sits high on a shelf for “best”. They aren’t made for that. Love your pieces and let all the good vibes that went into creating them fill your food with great flavour and fun-filled celebration. Sending all the love and looking forward to a whizz pop 2023!! 💥