This page is dedicated to getting the states of Jersey to legalise cannabis, at the very least it should be decriminalised so as not to punish those in need. If we legalise cannabis the move would have numerous benefits outside of the obvious medicinal ones, a brief and non exhautive list follows below...
- Increased tourism, who wants long flights or worrying over foreign currancies and language
barriers? Come to Jersey, with all the arts and culture you'd expect, beaches to die for and as a leader in the agriculture industry I'd be willing to bet our cannabis would top High Times Cannabis Cup competitions increasing our exposure to the public/tourists.
- Decreased crime rates, in turn easing pressures on and costs of/to our emergency services and justice/prison systems.
- Numerous (new) taxable revenue streams, where everyone from grower to end user can be taxed including GST on all.
- Decrease unemployment, new jobs would be created across the board, everything from growing and coffeeshops to weed friendly businesses and smoking paraphernalia/tourist items. The move would also take money away from criminal organisations and as noted earlier free up time used by emergency services in caring for and policing under the current system. There are numerous people who suffer due to the failed war on drugs and the current prohibition of cannabis, people are punished with everything from jail time to fines which ultimately result in criminal records which can lead to the losing of employment and/or finding the gaining of employment extremely difficult and frustrating and all for simply trying to improve a persons quality of life. Legalise it, regulate it, tax it.