Welcome to Jordan....
Land of the Bible
find out more at journeythejordan.com
#journeythejordan #biblelandtour #holylandtour #bibleland #holyland
The Bible Comes To Life
Have you ever wanted to walk the Bible land? Come and encounter the Lord on the Land.
#journeythejordan #jordan #bibleland #holyland #promiseland #theexodus #exodus #wilderness #moses #crossingjordan #walktheland #holyspirit #worship #holylandtour #israelites #theholyland #moab #edom #jordanriver #covenant #jesus #deuteronomy #biblehistory #holyspiritencounter #landofthebible #hebrewisraelites #thetencommandments
John 3:14-15
Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted up, that everyone who believes may have eternal life in Him.
The following verse is well know around the world. “for God so LOVED the world He gave His only Son.” At Journey The Jordan it’s not about a Bible Land Tour, it’s about knowing Him more. Passionately pursuing His presence and growing deeper in the revelation of His love. Our heart is that as you walk the land where He walked and we worship together that you would encounter Jesus In a deeper way then ever before!
#comeandsee #jesus #john316 #journeythejordan #jordan #moses #bibleland #holyland #theholyland #encounter #presence #holy #exodus #israel #holylandtour #bible #theland #miracles #salvation #thecross #walktheland #bibletour #theholylandexperience #mountnebo #mtnebo #mountnebojordan #madaba
Mount Hor is where Aaron, Moses brother died. We all know the famous words to this song, The Aaronic Blessing. On this mountain Moses took the garments off of Aaron and placed them on his son Eleazar, the new high priest and the Israelites continued on their exodus to the promise land!
#mounthor #aaronicblessing #moses #exodus #israelites #journeythejordan #bibleland #jordan #Petra #holyland #holylandtour #jesus #monestary #promiseland