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G.M AHMAD QUTAMI متخصصين في اجهزة تنظيم الدور الالي للبنوك والمستشفيات وشركات الطيران والمدارس والجامعات والوزارات والدوائر الحكوميه والعيادات الطبيه .
خبراء ومهندسين على مستوى وكفائه عاليه
من انجازات الشركه :
تركيب اكتر من 90 نظام تنظيم الدور
الالي لعدة شركات وبنوك ودوائر حكوميه ومنها :
- المدينه الطبيه عياداتها
- مستشفى الامير هاشم
- مشتشفى الامير حمزه
- الملكيه الاردنيه
- الدفاع المدني
- دائرة السير
- وزارة الداخليه
- بنك الاسكان
- وزارة العمل
- الضمان الاجتماعي
- تمويلكم
- السفارة المصريه
- المستشفى التخصصي
- المستشفى الخالدي
- البنك العربي الاسلامي
- البنك العقاري المصري
- دائرة الاراضي والمساحه
1 - Devices to regulate the role Queue Management System manual
and automatic use Banks, airlines, hospitals, medical clinics,
schools and universities Companies and the collection of cell
phones, electricity and water.
2 - Devices call to request a service WIRELESS WAITTER CALLING
SYSTEMS For use by hotels, restaurants,cafes, clubs and
coffee shops.
3 - Devices call for nursing staff NURSE CALLING SYSTEMS.
4 - The organization of car parking services Parking Systems,
where it is the process of regulating the entry of cars And exit
of vehicles and stand accountable for where there is a special
program Accounting positions cars.
use by banks and exchange offices.
6 - Displays time and temperature TEMPERATURE DISPLAY.
7 - Pointing to block devices JUMMER cellular signal devices to
block cell phone to send and receive And use these devices in
meeting rooms, clinics, theaters, cinemas, mosques and
prisons And protect the property of the bombing from a
8 - Surveillance equipment and spy BUG DETECTOR to detect
spyware by phones. where the cabinets used to save the Files and records and is
working by hand or with the possibility of electricity and
connected to your computer.
10 - Equipment Inspection Manual. where these devices are used
the inspection of persons HAND-HELD DETECTION.
11 - Inspection devices fixed WALK THROUGH. These devices
are used for inspection in the ministries And institutions,
banks and companies.
12 - Theft detectors lags is problematic. TAGS DETECTION where
these devices are used in department stores and malls and
clothing stores and super Market. Secondly - theft detection
devices for libraries. TAGS BOOKS DETECTIONS. And use
these systems for libraries and university libraries, where
anyone could not know where the piece of electronic. Thirdly - detectors theft of official documents. These devices
are used to maintain the official documents and manuscripts
such as the courts and the security services and departments
the Department of Lands and banks.
13 - displays advertising materials, internal and external
Information Display Systems. These screens are used to
display MOVING SIGN Products and information in
advertising Shops, malls, pharmacies and sports halls,
stadiums and sports halls, Stock market, airports and
buildings and the streets .. Yours sincerely,
Alfa Technical Foundation
G.M. Ahmed Qutami