Oishi Solicitor & Immigration Lawyer Office/大石司法書士・行政書士事務所

Oishi Solicitor & Immigration Lawyer Office/大石司法書士・行政書士事務所 An immigration lawyer office in Tokyo, Japan 司法書士・行政書士事務所です。

1 This is part of an application form for certificate of eligibility.2 As you can see, you need to report whether you ap...

1 This is part of an application form for certificate of eligibility.
2 As you can see, you need to report whether you applied for the eligibility before, the number of application times, and its result.
3 If your information is not accurate, it affects your application for this time.
4 In the worst case scenario, you will fail.
5 Actually, in the past, one of my clients got rejected (business manager visa) because of not telling me about the history accurately.
Please be careful.


You should ask immigration lawyers directly about business manager visas.

You should not talk to agents about it and pay them.

You will have a high risk of losing your money.

They are just agents,
not professionals of immigration law and procedure.

If you can talk to Japanese lawyers directly,
you will know whether you have a chance of getting a visa or not.

Even if your lawyer says you have no chance,
it's far better than losing your money.

Agents are just agents.
Not a legal professionals.

They don't have any responsibility to tell you
about what is right and what is wrong.

They are just thinking about taking money from you.
Be careful.

Recently, I am getting new clients via TikTok.Since he saw my videos there, our chat went very smoothly.I asked him 9 qu...

Recently, I am getting new clients via TikTok.
Since he saw my videos there, our chat went very smoothly.
I asked him 9 questions, and his answers were satisfied enough to apply for a business manager visa.
After receiving the initial fee, I will start working for him.

My client arrived at Narita airport safely and got his residence card last night.He came here with a 4-month business ma...

My client arrived at Narita airport safely and got his residence card last night.
He came here with a 4-month business manager visa.
He is walking on the right pass to get a 1-year business manager visa under my support.

He made major mistakes.1 He seemed to ask his friend in Japan to apply for a certificate of eligibility for a business m...

He made major mistakes.

1 He seemed to ask his friend in Japan to apply for a certificate of eligibility for a business manager visa.
2 Then his friend in Japan asked an immigration lawyer to handle his case.
3 The lawyer could manage to get the eligibility.
4 He came to Japan.
5 But the lawyer said, "Immigration office can't give you an extension of your 4-month business manager visa."

Mistake 1:
He did not contact his lawyer directly.
The applicant should contact the lawyer directly.
Even if his friend contacts the lawyer, he is the applicant.

Mistake 2:
Not sure the lawyer is really a lawyer.
Usually, if you can get a 4-month business manager visa, as long as you prepare everything well, it would not be so difficult to get an extension to get a 1-year visa.
I wonder why the lawyer said so.

Anyway, he is not my client, so I don't care.
If you don't contact your lawyer directly, the same things might happen to you.
Please be careful.


As for a business manager visa,
if you want to change
your lawyer to me,
please prepare the documents:

1 Copy of application form up until now
2 Copy of annual tax declaration
3 Copy of annual fiscal report (Kessan-sho)
4 Your CV

I will check the documents
if I can help you or not.

Hello from Shin-Okubo station😁Still very hot weather☀️🔥💦

Hello from Shin-Okubo station😁
Still very hot weather☀️🔥💦


Hello. I am Hitoshi.
Thank you for always coming
to my channel, my page.

Today, I got a question like this.

"Hello, I am from Pakistan.
I have got a three month
(temporary visitor visa) in Japan and
I am coming to Japan in April 2024.
During my visit to Japan,
I want to register a company in my name.
Please guide me."

Thank you for asking.

In your case,
even if you come to Japan
with a visitor visa,
you can't register your company.
And even if you make a company in Japan,
without a business manager visa,
you can't do
any business activity here.

1 Your purpose is to do business in Japan.
To do business in Japan,
you need a business manager visa.
To get a business manager visa,
you need to get a certificate of eligibility (COE).
To apply for COE,
you don't need to come to Japan.
You can apply for it
through a legal agent in Japan.

2 After you get a COE,
you visit the Japanese embassy.
At the embassy,
you submit the COE.
You can apply for a visa
to come to Japan.
After you get the visa,
you can come to Japan
with a 4-month business manager visa.

3 At the airport,
you can get a residence card.
A temporary visitor visa holders
can't get the residence card.
Because, they are just temporary visitors.
At this point,
there is a big difference
between a temporary visitor visa and
a 4-month business manager visa.

As a residence card holder,
you can register
your address and personal seal.
And also,
you can open your bank account.
you can deposit 5 million yen
into your own account.
Then, you can register
your company.
After doing all preparation,
you can apply for renewal of
a 4-month business manager visa
to get a 1-year visa.
That's all.
Thank you for watching.
See you.

Thank you for nice comment.

Thank you for nice comment.

My client could renew his business manager visa and got a 1-year residence card.A 4-month business manager visa is to ge...

My client could renew his business manager visa and got a 1-year residence card.
A 4-month business manager visa is to get a 1-year visa.
And normally, if you can't get a 1-year from a 4-month, it means you just wasted your time.

A 4-month Business Manager visa is a tool to expand your business in Japan.

A 4-month business manager visa gives you a resident card.
You can do these with the card:
Registration of your address, personal seal and opening your personal bank account

Imagine you can start your business in Japan from April 2025 if you can start the process now.
Without a Japanese supporter or guarantor, you can register your company and set up your business.
This means, even if your friends and relatives are reluctant to help you to come to Japan, you can prepare everything you need to do business by yourself.

In April 2015, A 4-month business manager visa was created.
Before that, to get a business manager visa was difficult.
And the process was complicated.
1 It was almost impossible to register your company without a Japanese supporter.
2 Even if you came to Japan with a visitor visa, you could not get a resident card.
3 You could not register your personal address, personal seal and open your bank account.

However, a 4-month business manager visa cleared the above issues.
That is to say:
1 This is not a temporary visitor visa.
2 This is a status to give you a resident card.
3 When you have a resident card in Japan, you can register your personal address, personal seal, and open your personal bank account.
4 Therefore, you can deposit your 5 million yen into your own account.
5 And you can register your company by yourself, without Japanese board members.

General Flow is like this:
1 Applying for a certificate of eligibility (COE)
2 Getting COE and applying for a visa at the Japanese embassy
3 You can come to Japan.
4 You get a residence card at the airport
5 Starting preparation for your business
6 After all preparation is done, we apply for a visa extension to get a 1-year visa.
7 Then, your business starts.

Be systematic always:
What you need is your clear business plan and the money to invest.
I can pave the way to set up your business in Japan.

[Anti-Agent/Agency campaign]Travel agency is Trouble agency.When you have toothache, you go to see a dentist.It's common...

[Anti-Agent/Agency campaign]

Travel agency is Trouble agency.

When you have toothache, you go to see a dentist.
It's common sense.

Why do you visit a travel agent/agency, when you want to get a business manager visa?

It's like they are con artists who pretend to be your doctor.
By using a travel agent, you will invite trouble by yourself.

You have to ask Japanese immigration lawyers directly, if you want to avoid trouble.

You can easily access Japanese lawyers via the internet nowadays.

You must not depend on a travel agency.
They are not legal experts.

Let the genuine experts do their best for you.

Hello from my office😁☀️

Hello from my office😁☀️

My client got a certificate of eligibility for a dependent visa for his wife.We applied for it on 15th May and they issu...

My client got a certificate of eligibility for a dependent visa for his wife.
We applied for it on 15th May and they issued the certificate on 4th September.
Tokyo immigration still seems to be busy.
Anyway, congratulations😀


[Anti-Agent/Agency campaign]

Don't use a travel consultant or agency.

They are lay people
as per the immigration law of Japan.

You don't need to take
such a roundabout way.

So, if you want to set up
your business base in Japan, and
want to get a business manager visa,
contact me directly.

You are a business person.
Time is precious for us.
You should ask me directly.

This is the best short cut
to a business manager visa.

Sowing seeds, watering a plant, and flowers come out.The same goes for your business.Getting a 4-month business manager ...

Sowing seeds, watering a plant, and flowers come out.
The same goes for your business.
Getting a 4-month business manager visa is like sowing your business seeds in Japan.

Let's check these 3 steps:

1 Sowing seeds (=Getting a 4-month business manager visa)

1-1 To get a 4-month business manager visa, you need to apply for a certificate of eligibility (COE) in Japan.
Your agent applies for COE on behalf of you.

1-2 This visa is not a visitor or short-stay visa.

A 4-month business manager visa gives you a residence card.
But, a visitor visa is just for visit, so you can't get a residence card.

1-3 A 4-month business manager visa gives you 120 days.

You can prepare your business set-up in these 120 days.
My clients' average preparation time is about 90-100 days.

2 Watering (=Doing preparation for setting-up your business)

2-1 Getting a residence card

After getting a COE and a visa, you can come to Japan.
At the airport in Japan, you get a residence card.
This residence card gives you the power below.

2-2 Registering address/personal seal and opening your bank account

Having a residence card gives you the advantage to prepare your business in Japan.

You can register your personal address.
You can register your personal seal.
You can open your personal bank account.

These are vital items to establish your company.

2-3 Company registration

After you decide your office address, you can register your company in Japan.

And after some other tasks are done, you can go to the final step, applying for a visa renewal.

3 Blooming (=Getting a 1 year business manager visa)

3-1 After preparation is done, you can apply for a visa renewal to get a 1-year business manager visa.

Usually, it takes a month or so to get the result.

3-2 Applying for a business license for used cars/parts business from the police.

To enroll in auction houses in Japan, you need to get a license for handling used cars/parts.

After you get a 1-year business manager visa, you need to apply for the license soon.

3-3 Taking part in social insurance as a company owner

As a company owner, it's our obligation to take part in the social insurance system in Japan.

To continue keeping your precious business manager visa after the next renewal as well, you have to apply for it.

In this way, you can bloom your flowers or grow trees.
Keeping your effort makes your business bigger in Japan.
I hope you will be successful.

Thank you.

The initial lawyer fee for a 4-month business manager visa arrived through Western Union wire service from my client in ...

The initial lawyer fee for a 4-month business manager visa arrived through Western Union wire service from my client in Tanzania.

Announcement and Appreciation to all 1 This morning, the number of followers to my page reached 700,000. I am enormously...

Announcement and Appreciation to all

1 This morning, the number of followers to my page reached 700,000.
I am enormously thankful to you all.

2 I got a verified/authentication badge for my page.
You can see the blue check on the right of my page name.
This shows this is my real page.
To check if my page is real or not, see if there is the badge or not.

I will keep doing my best.
Thank you.

Hello from Shibuya☁️☔️😁

Hello from Shibuya☁️☔️😁

Hello from Shin-Okubo station😁☁️💦Today’s destination is Shibuya🐕

Hello from Shin-Okubo station😁☁️💦
Today’s destination is Shibuya🐕


This kind of person won't get success.
Asking about fees and necessary documents
without greetings and introducing himself.
They are only thinking about
the visa to come to Japan.

This kind of person will get success.
Introducing himself and
telling me his business situation now.
They are thinking about
how to expand their business in Japan earnestly.

Of course,
I only deal with the latter.

Hello😀My September starts from Shinjuku😁☀️

My September starts from Shinjuku😁☀️

My client arrived safely last night with a 4-month business manager visa.Expiration date is 1st January 2025😅Anyway, con...

My client arrived safely last night with a 4-month business manager visa.
Expiration date is 1st January 2025😅
Anyway, congratulations😀

Got a deal with a car dealer from Tanzania.Now, the new project for getting a 4-month business manager visa starts.I wil...

Got a deal with a car dealer from Tanzania.
Now, the new project for getting a 4-month business manager visa starts.
I will do the best I can😀💪

Please visit my Youtube channel.You can watch videos on a 4-month business manager visa.You can learn what a 4-month bus...

Please visit my Youtube channel.
You can watch videos on a 4-month business manager visa.
You can learn what a 4-month business manager visa is.
Thank you.

A light, thin rainbow 🌈 in Shinjuku😀

A light, thin rainbow 🌈 in Shinjuku😀

Warning alert again:I don't know him.He seems to use my name and photos without my consent.As an immigration lawyer, I c...

Warning alert again:
I don't know him.
He seems to use my name and photos without my consent.
As an immigration lawyer, I can't receive your request and case unless you contact me directly.
Of course, I don't receive money before contacting me.
I don't use any agent or third party.
So, please be careful.


Even if there is no signpost,
don't worry.

Even if there is no map,
don't worry.

I will show them to you.
I will make your plan into
one with a clear goal.

With a 4-month business manager visa,
you can pave the way to
open your business in Japan.

Let's get started.
Thank you.

With a 4-month business manager visa, you can prepare and expand your business in Japan by yourself.“I have an idea of a...

With a 4-month business manager visa, you can prepare and expand your business in Japan by yourself.

“I have an idea of an expansion plan for my business.”
“I have my capital to invest.”
“But I don't have any supporters in Japan.”

“What should I do?”

A 4-month business manager visa can make the below possible:

1 Getting a residence card
You can get a residence card at the airport when you come to Japan.
As a residence card holder, you can do these 3 things.

1-1 You can have your personal address in Japan.
1-2 You can register your personal seal at the city hall of your place.
1-3 You can open your personal bank account.

2 Setting up your company
Address, personal seal, and bank account are necessary items to make your company.
Now, you have all of them.

2-1 Deciding your office address and getting a contract.
2-2 Putting the amount of capital into your bank account
2-3 Applying for your company registration

3 Getting a 1-year business manager visa
After all preparations are done, the final step is to apply for a 1-year visa.

3-1 Applying for an extension of your visa to get a 1-year.
A 4-month business manager visa is for the purpose of setting up your business.
So, to start your business activity at full extent, you need to apply for its extension.

3-2 Getting a business license from the police
For example, to do used cars/parts business, you need to get a license for handling used items from the police.

3-3 Enrolling auctions
Without the business license, you can't enroll in any auctions.
So, the license is crucial to your car business.

After that, according to your business achievement, you should renew your visa every 1 to 5 years.

Hello from Shinjuku, near strange shape building😁☔️☁️

Hello from Shinjuku, near strange shape building😁☔️☁️


Tokyo-to, Shinjuku-ku, Kita-Shinjuku 1-29-12, Ampersand Kita-Shinjuku 402



Oishi Solicitor & Immigration Lawyer Office/大石司法書士・行政書士事務所がニュースとプロモを投稿した時に最初に知って当社にメールを送信する最初の人になりましょう。あなたのメールアドレスはその他の目的には使用されず、いつでもサブスクリプションを解除することができます。


Oishi Solicitor & Immigration Lawyer Office/大石司法書士・行政書士事務所にメッセージを送信:



Story is unnecessary. What we need is success.

As a Solicitor and Immigration Lawyer, I can offer wide range of assistance for you, especially about business manager visa field.

Please come to my page regularly, and also please visit my YouTube channel.


Thank you.

その他 東京都新宿区 旅行会社
