Aomori Unearthed

Aomori Unearthed The official tourism page for Aomori City, Japan. Aomori City can be found at the northernmost tip of Japan's main island, Honshu.

We'll be posting all kinds of videos, photos and generally anything to do with our fine city on here. Here's hoping you guys enjoy it!

In Aomori City, there are many shrines to choose from for "Hatsumode," the first shrine visit of the year. Many of those...

In Aomori City, there are many shrines to choose from for "Hatsumode," the first shrine visit of the year. Many of those shrines will illuminate their lanterns in anticipation of visitors. While many people will make their first visit during the day, Kusushi Shrine was bustling just after midnight.

We hope that your year is off to a good start!




Happy New Years from Aomori City! The people here welcomed in the new year with fireworks at Seikan Ferry Memorial Ship Hakkodamaru!

Here's to another year!!



While other parts of Japan are experiencing record snowfall, the snow is melting here in Aomori City. That's because it'...

While other parts of Japan are experiencing record snowfall, the snow is melting here in Aomori City. That's because it's warm enough that it is raining! RAINING!

"Easy come, easy go" as they say.



It's really starting to look like Aomori City now!It's been snowing all weekend, and there's no sign that it is going to...

It's really starting to look like Aomori City now!

It's been snowing all weekend, and there's no sign that it is going to stop. There's reports that there's going to be another round of heavy snow this weekend. Just imagine what the Sukayu Onsen and Mt. Hakkoda look like!



It's the first snow of the year!?And the paper snowmen (yuki darumaru) look like they're loving it! Each year, new snowm...

It's the first snow of the year!?

And the paper snowmen (yuki darumaru) look like they're loving it! Each year, new snowmen made by children who live in the city appear. This year, you can spot the always popular Pikachu and Anya Forger from this year's wildly popular manga and anime series "Spy Family!"

Who else did you notice soaking up the snow? ☆


そして、和紙でできている雪だるま~るは、雪を楽しんでいるようです!毎年、青森市の子どもたちが作る雪だるま~るが現れて、今年はいつも人気があるピカチュウや今年人気が爆発したマンガ・アニメのシリーズ「Spy × Family」に登場する「アーニャ・フォージャー」を見かけました。


It has gotten chilly, but on the few sunny days we have been having recently, nothing is better than warming your body a...

It has gotten chilly, but on the few sunny days we have been having recently, nothing is better than warming your body amongst nature. Especially when that scenery is as beautiful as the foliage that can still be seen around the area surrounding Mount Hokkoda!

Many people here are saying that this is going to be a heavy winter. When will we have our first snow?⛄



The crows must have been getting rowdy recently because the scarecrows at Scarecrow Road are back!This is the 16th time ...

The crows must have been getting rowdy recently because the scarecrows at Scarecrow Road are back!

This is the 16th time scarecrows have bravely fought to protect the rice paddies! Some of this year's notable soldiers are Anya Forger from the popular manga and anime series "Spy Family," Buzz Lightyear, who seems to have lost an eye in a battle, and Bart Simpson from the American classic "the Simpsons."

The scarecrows have been pledged to continue fighting to protect the rice paddies! They will be on their current assignment until September 24th, after which they will be promoted and dispatched to another location.


今年は、かかしにとって16回目の田んぼ防衛線です。今年の素晴らしい兵士は、人気マンガ・アニメのシリーズ「Spy × Family」に登場する「アーニャ・フォージャー」や戦で目を失った「バズ・ライトイヤー」、そしてアメリカを代表するテレビ番組の一つ「ザ・シンプソンズ」の「バート・シンプソン」です。



Aomori-shi, Aomori


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