NAF Atsugi Air Terminal

NAF Atsugi Air Terminal Space "A" Travel SPACE AVAILABLE (SPACE-A) SIGN-UP:
Individuals desiring to travel SPACE-A may sign up in person, via email, mail or fax.

Contact information is located on the right. REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION:
All passengers traveling SPACE-A will be required to present their military I.D. For those individuals traveling on leave orders, you will need to provide a copy of your leave orders for eligibility at the time of sign-up. For command sponsored dependents, a letter from the sponsor’s commander will be required if traveling withou

t the sponsor. BORDER CLEARANCE:
Please ensure you have the required documents prior to space available show times; i.e., passport, visa, immunizations. For specific details please reference the foreign clearance guide:

Prior to roll call, travelers will need to be marked “present” by a passenger service representative. Roll call times can be found on Passenger Terminal displays, and Facebook. NOTE: Types of passenger footwear will not hinder emergency egress or increase chances of injury. The wear of open-toe or open heeled shoes (barefoot/toe separated style, sandals, flip-flops, water/beach style, etc.) is prohibited on organic aircraft. Shoes with heels should have a wide base and be designed low to the ground, narrow-based, high-heeled shoes are not to be worn. Wear of shoes with integrated wheels (Heelys) are allowed within the terminal and on organic or commercial contract flights; however the wheels must remain retracted. Passengers traveling on organic aircraft will be advised they may have to climb up/down ladders to board aircraft and wear appropriate footwear. This restriction does not apply to PE/commercial aircraft. SECURITY:
NAF Atsugi Air Terminal follows Transportation Security Administration rules and prohibited lists. Passengers can find this information at PRIORITY:
Priority within each category is based on date and time of sign-up. Category I: Emergency Leave (unfunded)
Category II: Environmental Morale Leave
Category III: Ordinary Leave, House Hunting, dependents of deployed members (365+ days)
Category IV: Unaccompanied Environmental Morale Leave, dependents of deployed members (30 - 364 days)
Category V: Unaccompanied Command Sponsored Dependent, Permissive TDY
Category VI: Retired, Reserves/Guard, ROTC

Please e-mail us using the email listed under Additional Contact Info for any baggage or lost and found related issues. TERMINAL AMENITIES:
Assorted snack/soda vending available (cash only)
Long-term parking (up to 30 days)

*We do not have lockers for baggage storage due to force protection issues. We apologize for any inconvenience. Comment Policy:
Comments are welcome; however, please observe the following rules
or comment will be DELETED:

No promotions for commercial products or services
No profanity
No spam
No sexual content
No overly graphic, disturbing or offensive material
No vulgar or abusive language
No hate speech or offensive language targeting any specific demographic
No personal attacks of any kind

This forum is intended to provide travel predictability to our passengers and a forum for
productive and informative discussions. We welcome participation from all visitors.”

Information and files provided to authorized individuals by any means (i.e. internet, mail,
e-mail, fax, etc.), containing mission-related information such as operational schedules,
are intended solely for the use of determining Space-A and Space-R flight availability. Any attempts to retransmit, upload, pass to unauthorized persons, or change the
information received for any other purpose is strictly prohibited. Any attempt/action
circumventing the parameters specified and/or implied above is subject to investigation
and/or prosecution by law enforcement and may result in the loss of Space-A privileges

To reach Passenger Service Agent, please call DSN 264-3118


Bldg. 206
Ayase-shi, Kanagawa


月曜日 06:00 - 22:00
火曜日 06:00 - 22:00
水曜日 06:00 - 22:00
木曜日 06:00 - 22:00
金曜日 06:00 - 22:00
土曜日 06:00 - 22:00


0467 63 3118



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Naval Air Facility Atsugi’s Air Terminal

Welcome to Naval Air Facility Atsugi’s Air Terminal page managed by Naval Air Facility Atsugi’s Air Terminal. This page is intended to provide updated information and discussion on Naval Air Facility Atsugi’s Space A Program. Please visit our official homepage at

While this is an open forum, it's also a family friendly one, so please keep your comments clean. Comments and posts that do not follow these guidelines will be removed:

- We do not allow graphic, obscene, explicit or racial comments or submissions nor do we allow comments that are abusive, hateful or intended to defame anyone or any organization.