AIME 2025 has been a great opportunity for us to promote the MICE strengths of “Marunouchi” to APAC buyers. The DMO Tokyo Marunouchi Team is truly grateful for your visit to our booth. Thank you to everyone who connected with us at AIME. We appreciate you sharing your future projects in Marunouchi, Tokyo.
We had fruitful conversations, and we will be contacting you for further discussion soon. We look forward to welcoming you to Marunouchi and assisting with your projects!
#AIME2025 #EventIndustry #exhibitorspotlight #ConventionCentres #businessevents #miceindustry #discovertokyo #miceindustry #eventmanagement #corporatemeeting #micetourism #meetingprofessional #EventProfs #EventVenue #eventplanning #dmo_tokyo_marunouchi #DMO東京丸の内 #businessevents_marunouchi #MICE #丸の内 #marunouchi
DMO Tokyo Marunouchi General Meeting was held on January 22. In addition to the secretariat’s report on past and future events, our members also shared new information about new business plan during the meeting. The meeting was filled with lively exchange of ideas.
As we embark on a new year, we are committed to further enhance Marunouchi’s appeal as an ideal MICE destination.
1月22日、DMO東京丸の内連絡会・賀詞交換会が開催されました。 事務局から活動報告に加えて、会員からも情報共有があり、活発な意見交換が行われました。
#businessevents #miceindustry
#discovertokyo #miceindustry #eventmanagement #corporatemeeting #micetourism
#meetingprofessional #EventProfs #EventVenue #eventplanning
#dmo_tokyo_marunouchi #DMO東京丸の内 #businessevents_marunouchi
#MICE #丸の内 #marunouchi
Best wishes for a wonderful holiday season!
#tokyoevents #marunouchinakadori #丸の内仲通り
#discovertokyo #miceindustry #eventmanagement #corporatemeeting
#meetingprofessional #EventProfs #EventVenue #eventplanning
#dmo_tokyo_marunouchi #DMO東京丸の内 #businessevents_marunouchi
Discover Marunouchi, an area that combines tradition and modernity, located between Tokyo Station and the Imperial Palace!
#tokyostation #Imperialpalace #丸の内仲通り #東京駅 #皇居
#micetourism #discovertokyo #miceindustry #eventmanagement #corporatemeeting
#meetingprofessional #EventProfs #EventVenue #eventplanning
#dmo_tokyo_marunouchi #DMO東京丸の内 #businessevents_marunouchi
We’re coming to a MICE-focused international trade and business conference, AIME 2024 in Melbourne, Australia.
Meet us at the Tokyo Stand F-25 and get the information on urban area-wide MICE and international conferences only possible in Marunouchi, Tokyo!
オーストラリアのメルボルンで開かれるMICEに特化した国際見本市・商談会「AIME 2024」に出展します。
■Dates: 19 - 21 FEBRUARY 2024
■Venue: Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre
#AIME2024 #EventIndustry #ConventionCentres #businessevents #miceindustry
#discovertokyo #miceindustry #eventmanagement #corporatemeeting
#meetingprofessional #EventProfs #EventVenue #eventplanning
#dmo_tokyo_marunouchi #DMO東京丸の内 #businessevents_marunouchi
Happy Holidays!
Best wishes for a wonderful holiday season🎄
#tokyoevents #marunouchinakadori #丸の内仲通り
#discovertokyo #miceindustry #eventmanagement #corporatemeeting
#meetingprofessional #EventProfs #EventVenue #eventplanning
#dmo_tokyo_marunouchi #DMO東京丸の内 #businessevents_marunouchi
Do you know where “Marunouchi” is?
Located between Tokyo Station and the Imperial Palace, centered on the iconic Marunouchi Nakadori Street stretching from north to south, the area of urban sophistication and beauty…that’s Marunouchi!
The area that spans about 1.2 square kilometers, offers within walking distance, a high concentration of some of the capital’s largest international conference halls, unique venues, and premium hotels that have received a five-star rating from the Forbes Travel Guide.
#tokyostation #imperialpalace #marunouchinakadori #東京駅 #皇居 #丸の内仲通り
#destinationmarketing #meetingplanners
#discovertokyo #miceindustry #eventmanagement #corporatemeeting
#meetingprofessional #EventProfs #EventVenue #eventplanning
#dmo_tokyo_marunouchi #DMO東京丸の内 #businessevents_marunouchi
IBTM World 2023
We’re coming to a MICE-focused international trade and business conference, IBTM World in Barcelona 🇪🇸
We will provide you with the latest information on urban area-wide MICE and international conferences that can be realized only in Marunouchi.
Team Marunouchi members Mogaki, Ueda, and Hoshina will be waiting for you at the Tokyo booth (J-30)!
スペイン・バルセロナで開かれるMICEに特化した国際見本市・商談会「IBTM WORLD」に出展します 🇪🇸
チーム丸の内の茂垣、植田 (Palace Hotel Tokyo ) 、星名(東京ステーションホテル )の3名が東京ブース(J-30)で、お待ちしています!
IBTM World 2023
■Dates: 28-30 November, 2023
■Venue: Fira Barcelona Gran Via venue (Barcelona, Spain)
#ibtmworld #ibtmworld2023 #tokyostationhotel #palacehoteltokyo
#destinationmarketing #meetingplanners
#discovertokyo #miceindustry #eventmanagement #corporatemeeting
#meetingprofessional #EventProfs #EventVenue #eventplanning
#dmo_tokyo_marunouchi #DMO東京丸の内 #businessevents_marunouchi
Looking for a nice open-air dining or a world- famous restaurant with Michelin stars?
Among 500 restaurants in this area, helps you find the perfect place according to your desire in English - it’s very helpful for MICE events participants from overseas.
Get ready for a foodie adventure in Marunouchi! - Restaurant search
英語にも対応しているので、来日外国人の方々にも大変便利なサイトです。丸の内の素敵なお店を見つけてくださいね。 グルメページ
#tokyorestaurants #eatingoutintokyo #foodieadventurejapan #tokyorestaurantguide
#conventioncenter #conferencevenue #destinationmarketing #meetingplanners
#discovertokyo #miceindustry #eventmanagement #corporatemeeting
#meetingprofessional #EventProfs #EventVenue #eventplanning
#dmo_tokyo_marunouchi #DMO東京丸の内 #businessevents_marunouchi
The easy access to the conference/event facilities is one of the key factors making Marunouchi an attractive MICE destination.
From Tokyo Haneda International Airport, which awarded the highest 5-Star Airport Rating for 9th consecutive year by SKYTRAX, it takes only 30 minutes to arrive Marunouchi area with high concentration of the capital’s largest international conference venues, unique venues, premium hotels, etc.
会場へのアクセスの良さは、MICE開催地を決定する際の大事なポイントです。SKYTRAX社が実施する“Global Airport Rating”において、9 年連続で世界最高水準である「5スターエアポート」を獲得した東京・羽田国際空港からは、首都圏で最大級の広さを誇る国際会議場やユニークベニュー、ラグジュアリーホテルなどが集積する丸の内エリアまで、わずか30分で到着することができます。
#skytrax #hanedainternationalairport #tokyointernationalforum
#羽田国際空港 #国際会議
#conventioncenter #conferencevenue #destinationmarketing #meetingplanners
#discovertokyo #miceindustry #eventmanagement #corporatemeeting
#meetingprofessional #EventProfs #EventVenue #eventplanning
#dmo_tokyo_marunouchi #DMO東京丸の内 #businessevents_marunouchi
Marunouchi Street Music
Marunouchi Street Park is back this summer again!
Marunouchi-Nakadori Street delivers the joy of summer with creating a bustling atmosphere in the Marunouchi area both day and night. If you are around, please come and enjoy the relaxing space with the sound of Marunouchi Street Music in a range of genres; classic, jazz, and pop music!
今年も丸の内仲通りでは「Marunouchi Street Park」を開催中。Marunouchi Street Musicが奏でるクラシックやジャズ、ポップスなど様々なジャンルの音楽が、優しく響き渡ります。昼も夜も丸の内仲通りで心躍る夏をお楽しみください。
Marunouchi Street Park Summer 2023
Marunouchi Happ. Stand & Gallery
#丸の内ストリートパーク #marunouchistreetpark
#marunouchistreetpark2023 #marunouchistreetpark2023summer
#marunouchistreetmusic #streetpiano
#destinationmarketing #meetingplanners
#expojapan #discovertokyo #miceindustry #eventmanagement #corporatemeeting
#meetingprofessional #EventProfs #EventVenue #eventplanning
#dmo_tokyo_marunouchi #DMO東京丸の内 #businessevents_marunouchi
After MICE event, enjoy the stanning view of the Tokyo station from the terrace of “marunouchi HOUSE” on the seventh floor of Shin-Marunouchi Building❤️
It’s free and best viewing spot of Tokyo Station!
東京ステーションホテル/ The Tokyo Station Hotel
#東京駅 #tokyostation #tokyocityview #greatcityview #tokyoobservationdeck #destinationmarketing #meetingplanners #expojapan #discovertokyo #miceindustry #eventmanagement #corporatemeeting #meetingprofessional #EventProfs #EventVenue #eventplanning #dmo_tokyo_marunouchi #DMO東京丸の内 #businessevents_marunouchi