Happy New Year Everyone!!
#happynewyear #happynewyear2025 #clubtarojapan #taromedia
ILTM Cannes2023_interview with ILTM Sales Team Man. Harry Fowles
ILTM Cannes 2024 is in less than 2 months now! December 2nd~5th, at Palais des Festivals et des Congrès Cannes, France.
日本の皆様へ、ILTM Sales Team Manager, Harry Fowlesからのメッセージです。また近いうちにお会いしましょう!
#iltmcannes #iltm #iltmcannes2023 #iltmcannes2024 Club TARO 月刊ホテレス #ILTMJapanOffice #JNTO #東京観光財団 #tokyotokyooldmeetsnew #tokyotokyo
[TARO_Jawakara Maldives_report]
[TARO_Jawakara Maldives]
ナビゲーター 南美布
ジャワカラ•モルジブ レポート!
キッズフレンドリーな、マルチジェネレーションで楽しめる、おすすめのラグジュアリーリゾート Jawakara Maldives
Mibu Minami reporting from Jawakara Maldives for TARO Media!
@jawakaramaldives @mibuminami #maldives #visitmaldives #paradise #jawakaramaldives #jawakaragolfclub #kidsparadise #南美布 #キッズフレンドリー #ジャワカラ #モルジブ #マルチジェネレーション #ラグジュアリーリゾート#multigenerational #SulbaSpa #familyfriendly #lifelongmemories #LuxuryHotel #luxurytravel #luxurymedia #HOTERES #TaroMedia #taroluxurymedia #clubtarojapan
[TARO_hotel report]
[TARO_hotel report]
Reporting from London’s landmark, The Dorchester Hotel! Stay tuned for full report including The Vesper Bar and interview with the General Manager, Luca Virgilio.
#TheDorchester #TheDorchesterCollection #London #iconic #landmark #newlyrenovated #ClubTAROJapan #TAROmedia #HOTERES #luxurymedia #luxurytravel #luxuryhotel
ILTM APAC2024_Interview3_FujiSpeedway
[Interview 3_ILTM APAC 2024]
開店して一年半の富士スピードウェイホテル鈴木副総支配人に、ILTM APAC初参加の感想をお聞きしました。☆☆☆
We asked Mr. Hiroaki Suzuki, the Deputy General Manager of Fuji Speedway Hotel, part of The Unbound Collection by Hyatt, which has been open for a year and a half, about his impressions of participating in ILTM APAC for the first time. Enjoy!
#iltm #iltmapac #iltmasiapacific #FujiSpeedwayHotel #TheUnboundCollectionByHyatt #singapore #japan #luxurytravel #clubtarojapan #taromedia #hoteres #officialmedia
#fuji #racing #experience
ILTM APAC2024_Interview2_JNTO
[Interview 2_ILTM APAC 2024]
Business Development & Senior Assistant Marketing Manager
Harriett Bougher氏
ILTM APAC 2024には、シドニー支部のハリエット・バウジャー氏をはじめ、北京支部や日本からも参加されたそうです。バウジャー氏「3日ともアポがびっしりと入っていて、非常に充実した商談会となりました。」今、海外のバイヤーに人気の地域について語っていただきました。☆☆☆ At ILTM APAC 2024, participants from JNTO included Harriet Bougher from the Sydney branch, as well as reps from the Beijing and Japan branch. Bougher said, "All three days were fully booked with appointments, making it a very productive business meeting." She also shared insights on the regions currently popular with international buyers. Enjoy!
#iltm #iltmapac #iltmasiapacific #JNTO #SydneyJNTO #singapore #japan #luxurytravel #clubtarojapan #taromedia #hoteres #officialmedia
ILTM APAC2024_Interview with Naomi Mano, President & CEO, LUXURIQUE
[Interview 1_ILTM APAC 2024]
代表取締役 & CEO, 眞野ナオミ氏
ILTM Cannes & APACに10数回参加している株式会社ラグジュリーク代表の眞野氏に、ILTM APAC 2024についてのインサイトをお聞きしました。☆☆☆ We asked Naomi Mano, President&CEO of Luxurique Inc.., who has participated in ILTM Cannes & APAC more than 10 times, for her insights on ILTM APAC 2024. Enjoy!
#iltm #iltmapac #iltmasiapacific #LUXURIQUE #singapore #japan #luxurytravel #clubtarojapan #taromedia #hoteres #officialmedia
TARO Team is at ILTM APAC 2024, in Singapore 7/1-4! Suppliers, buyers and media in the luxury travel industry gather to do business, network and build lifelong bonds. #momentsthatmatter #iltm #iltmapac #iltmasiapacific #singapore #japan #luxurytravel #iltm #clubtarojapan #hoteres #officialmedia
[TARO_cruise line report] 東京国際クルーズターミナルに初入港ノルウェージャンスピリットの船内見学会に参加してまいりました! TARO Media Team was invited to do a walk thru of the #NorwegianSpirit by #NorwegianCruiseLine - first time ever to port in Tokyo International Cruise Terminal!!
[TARO_travel report]
Singapore, Chiangi → Maldives, Male → Jawakara Island resort
#taroluxurymedia #clubtarojapan #hoteres #hoteresonline #tokyonana #mibuminami #travelwithkids #singapore #maldives #jawakaraislandresort