If you’ve missed the live streaming of the commemorative "Niagara" of fireworks with sparklers set off from our brand new bay bridge, here’s a glimpse of the fantastic view for you!
As was posted yesterday, the bridge will officially open as part of the Sanriku Expressway on March 6, connecting Sendai, Kesennuma, and further north to Aomori.
Video by Tatsuaki Mori
Stop what you’re doing. Find a comfortable chair. Lose the world.
Now click the “Play” arrow, and lose yourself in the gorgeous Hydrangea garden we featured a few days ago. Listen to the chuckling fountain in an unseen koi pond, and the joy in a child’s playful babble.
This delightful glimpse lasts only 16 seconds, but it will make your day.
Video with thanks to Yumi Sato
If this were an action movie, what a great set for a car chase!
Today, my fellow sightseer, you and I are watching a fishing boat pass under the nearly completed span that will carry the Sanriku Engan highway across our Kesennuma Bay. Imagine the Batmobile leaping across that 30-meter gap!
Soon the gap will be closed, and next year we’ll all leap across the bay on that beautiful bridge. Until that happy day, we’ll click on this video and dream!
Video by Keiichi Murakami
Icy fog over Naiwan
The icy fog is sweeping over our Naiwan bay;
but all the same, Happy Valentine’s Day!
Video of Naiwan, Kesennuma, by Masao Kumagai
Did you make it to Minato Matsuri?
Thousands of people did, and our Port Festival was a huge success, as it always is.
But in case you weren't with us, here's glimpse at what you missed.
Enjoy the brief video, then start making plans to revel with us next year.
Music, food, drums, dancing, fireworks- we'll be looking for you in the crowd!
Video by Keiko Kumagai
Did you enjoy the Rio Olympics? Many excited Japanese cheered on the Japanese relay team as it won the silver medal in the men’s 4x100m relay race. Here’s a Karakuwa version from last Saturday, when many local junior high schools held their annual sports meet. The boys are passing not batons but the heavy tairyo-bata flags signifying a big catch. That's the spirit! Go boys! Go Kesennuma! And a special "Go!" for the very special athletes in the Rio Paralympics now in progress!
Video by Masaki Chiba
Minato Matsuri is over – but the beat goes on!
And thanks to our expert cell-phone cinematographer, you and I are there again at the touch of a PLAY button.
Just watch these beautiful dancers in perfect sync, and imagine all the hours of practice they must have spent. Then multiply that by all the dance groups, taiko drum corps, musicians, food and drink providers, event planners, clean-up crews, and countless others who have been working all year to make our Port Festival such a blockbuster attraction.
Some are already at work on next year’s Port Festival. To all of them, we say, “Thank you! See you next year!”
Video by Erika Yasumatsu
Missed it? No, we didn’t!
Minato Matsuri just ended in a blaze of fireworks and Taiko thunder. Thousands of revelers came for our annual Port Festival, and maybe you and I weren’t among them.
But wait! Thanks to a friend with a keen eye and a cell phone, we can click on the PLAY arrow – and we’re there!
Fair warning: It will make you want to come next year, for sure!
Video by Erika Yasumatsu
Living in Kesennuma is living in harmony with nature. But we didn’t expect it to be to this degree- a Japanese serow walking down the street just across from Kesennuma Station!!
Mind you, that pedestrian light was green.
Video by Masao Kumagai, a surprised taxi driver waiting for a customer at the station
You haven’t seen our Mount Tokusenjo azaleas until you’ve seen them as the birds do. I’ve booked a seat for you, my fellow wanderer, first class aboard our city’s new drone. So fasten your seat belt, click the arrow, and FLY!
Video courtesy Kesennuma City and its supplier, Sora Musubi Corp.
Are you curious how the flutes and the drums sounded like at the Hayama Shrine Festival of our previous posting? Take a listen!
Video by Chitoshi Kumagai
We received exciting news that our first saury of the season has arrived in our port this morning! Hurrah! While we wait for the photos of the first haul, please enjoy this lively video of how we sent off the saury boats on Aug. 17 wishing for a great catch.
Video by Ryosuke Imai