Martyrdom of the 26 Saints of Japan(日本二十六聖人殉教地)
Nishizaka Hill in Nagasaki reminds us of the Martyrdom of 26 Japanese Saints.
Their long trek to the Cross, verification of their faith in God and their chant for ascension are well visualized with memorial made by Yasutake Funakoshi.
On February 5, 1597, Paulo Miki and 25 others were crucified for their belief in God on order of Toyotomi Hideyoshi.
The martyrs including four Spaniards, one from Goa, India, one Mexican and 20 Japanese demonstrated their spiritual unity despite differences in races, ages and professions.
By putting them to death, Hideyoshi threatened people, saying “I hereby ban Christianity”.
Responded the martyrs’ chant “All people, bless God!” Death and life, liberty and persecution and Dictators and the people confronted on Nishizaka Hill.
The martyrs are immortal.
In 1862, the 26 Japanese martyrs were canonized by Pope Pius IX.
In 1956, the place of their martyrdom was designated as a Historical Place by Nagasaki Prefecture.
A monument dedicated to them was built on June 10 in 1962.
長崎の西坂といえば、日本二十六聖人の殉教を思い出す。 彼らが歩いた長い十字架の道、殉教者たちの愛の証、十字架から聞こえる昇天の歌。
船越保武氏作の記念碑はその最後の場面を伝えている。 1597年2月5日 豊臣秀吉の命令によって、パウロ三木他26名のキリストの証し人としてその生命を捧げた。スペイン人4名、インド、ゴア1名、メキシコ人1名、日本人20名と、多様な民族、年齢、職業などの中にあった見事に信仰と心の一致を見せた。