Yuri Ugaya (ガーデンデザイナー、アドバイザー)
Chihiro Tanaka(ホテリエ)
Epic Kyotoのコアコンセプト作りと食を担当。アパレルを経て、アマンリゾーツにインスパイアされてホテル業界へ。
Yuri Ugaya (
Garden Designer)
Writing a garden column in Epic Kyoto. Studied the ornamental horticulture at the Landscape Planning and
Horticulture Academy in Japan and the Niagara Parks Commissions School of
Horticulture in Canada. A garden devotee who have visited hundreds gardens in the world and so much in love with the Japanese gardens in Kyoto. Teaching at a gardening class and doing a garden tour. Suggest the ideas to see the gardens from a different and interesting view which you never find in a guidebook. Chihiro Tanaka(Hotelier)
Making a main concept and writing a food column in Epic Kyoto. After a job experience in the clothing industry, now working at the hotel sales division because the Amman resort inspired me to join a hotel business. Never forget someone who have treated me to the delicious foods! A food epicurean to enjoy eating all kinds of good foods from the
casual ones to the star-marked restaurants. Also enjoy sharing a good time with great people.