The other day, I attended the ceremony for the newly opened Inoda Coffee Sanjo branch next to Tact House. Crafted over two and a half years, this space reflects meticulous attention to detail, creating a truly special atmosphere where one can feel at ease. Each cup of coffee, brewed with care using the nel drip method, offers a deep and rich flavor that remains surprisingly light, gently warming the heart.
The essence of the old store has been lovingly preserved, with the oval table once cherished by Ken Takakura making a return in a slightly larger form. Even the scratches on the chairs remain, allowing visitors to sense the timeless connection between past and present. One can only imagine the new stories that will unfold around this oval table.
Every time I return home, I recall my mother-in-law standing eagerly by the Inoda Coffee sign, waiting for our car to arrive. These memories, filled with nostalgia and warmth, seem to give this place a special meaning.
先日、匠人の隣にリニューアル オープンしたイノダコーヒ三条店のセレモニーに参加しました。2年半の歳月をかけて創り上げられたこの空間は、細部にまでこだわりが息づき、心から落ち着ける特別な場所です。一杯一杯、ネルドリップで丁寧に淹れられたコーヒーは、深みとコクがありながらも驚くほど軽やかで、まるで心に優しく染み渡るような味わい。