Visa application Support @Osaka

Visa application Support @Osaka We offers all types of visa and immigration services in Osaka, Japan. For example,investor/business

4月の訪日外客数は139,500人、約2年ぶりに10万人突破 前月の2倍に4月の訪日外客数は139,500人で前年同月比1,185.4%増となりました。新型コロナウイルス感染拡大以降、約2年ぶりに10万人を超えています。The number...

4月の訪日外客数は139,500人、約2年ぶりに10万人突破 前月の2倍に


The number of foreign visitors to Japan in April reached 139,500, topping 100,000 for the first time in about 2 years, double the number of the previous month.

The number of foreign visitors to Japan in April was 139,500, up 1,185.4% from the same month last year. The number of visitors exceeded 100,000 for the first time in approximately two years since the entry ban.

星野リゾート、今夏は屋外でのマスク着用求めず、「マスク外す自由」を明確に、星野リゾートは、今夏の宿泊客に対して屋外でのマスク着用を求めないことを決めました。屋内では従来通り、宿泊者へのマスク着用を呼びかけます。Hoshino Resort ...



Hoshino Resort in Japan highlights "freedom to remove masks" this summer, no requirement to wear masks outdoors.

Hoshino Resort has decided not to require guests to wear masks outdoors this summer. They will continue to request guests to wear masks indoors as in the past.




School Trips to Okinawa Recovering, Bookings on a Par with Pre-Covid Levels This Fall

According to the current status of school trips to Okinawa announced by the Okinawa Convention & Visitors Bureau (OCVB), 409 schools and 61,751 students are expected to visit Okinawa from April to June 2022. Domestic travel is on a recovery trend in Japan.

鹿児島県の外国人労働者最多8880人 技能実習生鹿児島労働局は31日、県内の外国人労働者が2021年10月末時点で8880人に上った、と発表しました。届け出を義務化した07年以降で最多です。]Kagoshima Prefecture has...

鹿児島県の外国人労働者最多8880人 技能実習生


Kagoshima Prefecture has the largest number of foreign workers compared to past, with 8,880 technical trainees living there.

On October 31, the Kagoshima Labor Bureau announced that the number of foreign workers in the prefecture had risen to 8,880 as of the end of October 2021. This is the highest number since 2007.

外国人入国者91%減 コロナ影響、下落率最大出入国在留管理庁は28日、2021年の外国人入国者数が35万3118人だったと発表しました。新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大に伴う水際対策強化の影響で、海外との往来が2年連続で激減しました。91% d...

外国人入国者91%減 コロナ影響、下落率最大


91% drop in foreigners entry into Japan, largest decline due to the pandemic

On the 28th, the Immigration Services Agency of Japan announced that the number of foreign nationals entering Japan in 2021 was 353,118. This is the second year in a row that the number of people from overseas has plummeted due to the strict waterfront measures in response to the pandemic.

世界保健機関(WHO)、「旅行制限は、感染拡大の抑制に効果なし」世界保健機関(WHO)は、旅行制限はオミクロン株の感染拡大を抑制するうえで有効ではなく、逆に経済的、社会的な影響を悪化させる可能性があるとの見解を表明した。World Heal...



World Health Organization (WHO), "Travel bans are ineffective in controlling the spread of infection."

The World Health Organization (WHO) has expressed the view that travel restrictions are not effective in controlling the spread of the Omicron strain and may, on the contrary, worsen the economic and social impact.




Tokyo Olympics 2020 has motivated 390 million people worldwide to visit Japan

There are many people who would like to visit Japan once the pandemic is over. Of the survey respondents who indicated a desire to visit Japan in the future, 38.6% said that their interest had increased through Tokyo 2020, and we estimate that the equivalent of 390 million new people have increased their interest in visiting Japan.

東京で新たに1万4086人感染東京都は26日、新型コロナウイルスの新たな感染者1万4086人と死者5人を確認したと発表しました。2日連続で、1日の新規感染者が1万人を超え、過去最多を更新しました。14,086 new Covid-19 in...



14,086 new Covid-19 infections in Tokyo today.

The Tokyo Metropolitan Government announced today that it has confirmed 14,086 new cases of Covid-19 and five deaths. For the second day in a row, the number of new infections in a single day exceeded 10,000 in Tokyo, a record high.

2021年の訪日外国人は24万人2021年の訪日外客数は24万5,900人で前年比94.0%減となりました。また、12月の訪日外客数は12,100人で前年同月比79.4%減となりました。The number of foreign visit...



The number of foreign visitors to Japan in 2021 was 240,000.

The number of foreign visitors to Japan in 2021 was 245,900, down 94.0% from the previous year. In addition, the number of foreign visitors to Japan in December was 12,100, down 79.4% from the same month last year

ドバイ万博、来場者数1,000万人突破アラブ首長国連邦(UAE)で開幕中の2020年ドバイ国際博覧会は、来場者数が1,000万人を突破し、1月18日時点で1,010万人に達しています。Dubai World Expo Attracts Ov...



Dubai World Expo Attracts Over 10 Million Visitors

The Dubai International Expo 2020, currently being held in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), has surpassed 10 million visitors, reaching 10.1 million as of Jan. 18.

日本 1都12県にまん延防止政府は、変異株「オミクロン株」の感染急拡大が続く東京や12県に「まん延防止等重点措置」を適用する案を諮問し、了承されました。期間は1月21日から2月13日までです。Japan: Prevention of Cov...

日本 1都12県にまん延防止


Japan: Prevention of Covid-19 measures start today for Tokyo and 12 prefectures

The government has consulted on and approved a proposal to apply " Focused Measures for Prevention of Virus Spread" to Tokyo and 12 prefectures where the rapid spread of the mutated Omicron variant continues to spread. The period is from January 21 to February 13.




Japan and Singapore Remain on Top of the World's Most Powerful Passports List

The ranking of passports as a score for each country was released based on 199 countries around the world. In the score that does not take into account temporary travel restrictions due to the pandemic, Japan and Singapore maintain the top spot with a score of "192".

ワクチン接種証明書の「写し」の提出で、日本入国時の待機期間短縮入国時・帰国時の検疫で、有効なワクチン接種証明書の「写し」を提出する方は、検疫所が確保する宿泊施設での3日間の待機や、入国後14日間の待機期間の一部※が短縮されます。You ca...



You can shorten the quarantine period when entering Japan by submitting a copy of the vaccination certificate.

For those who submit a "copy" of a valid vaccination certificate at the time of entry or return to Japan, the 3-day quarantine period at the accommodation secured by the quarantine station and part of the 14-day home quarantine period after entry can be shortened.

2021年 国内の人気温泉地ランキング、熱海が8年連続で1位に2021年1月1日~12月31日の間に、宿泊人泊数(=宿泊人数×泊数)が多かった温泉地をランキング形式で発表しました。1位は静岡県熱海温泉。2021年熱海市で発生した土砂災害の影...

2021年 国内の人気温泉地ランキング、熱海が8年連続で1位に


2021: Ranking of popular hot spring area in Japan, Atami ranked No. 1 for the eighth consecutive year

A ranking of hot spring resorts with the highest number of overnight stays (= number of customers x days) between January 1 and December 31, 2021 was released, with Atami Onsen in Shizuoka Prefecture taking first place for the eighth consecutive year, overcoming the effects of the landslide disaster that occurred in Atami City in 2021.

日本政府が検討中の「外国人労働者の永住・家族帯同」日本政府は、労働力不足解消のため外国人労働者の受け入れ拡大をするにあたり、永住権の付与や家族の帯同も許可する見通しです。Japanese Government Considering To ...



Japanese Government Considering To Give "Permanent Residence with Family Accompaniment" for Foreign Workers in Japan

The Japanese government is planning to expand the number of foreign workers to solve the labor shortage. One of the steps they are planning to take is granting them permanent residency and allowing them to bring their families with them in Japan.

都内の新規感染者数3,124人 前日より1,000人増東京都は13日、都内で新たに3,124人が新型コロナウイルスに感染したことを発表しました。2022年初の2,000人超えとなった12日の2,198人から、約1,000人の増加となっていま...

都内の新規感染者数3,124人 前日より1,000人増


Number of newly infected people in Tokyo today: 3,124, up 1,000 from the previous day

On the 13th, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government announced that 3,124 people have been newly infected with the new coronavirus in Tokyo, up about 1,000 from 2,198 on the 12th, which was the first time in 2022 that more than 2,000 people were infected.




Shin-Okubo, Takadanobaba, and Nishi-Kasai: New Foreign Neighborhoods Emerge One after Another in Tokyo

Tokyo's population is still growing, but the equivalent of about 33% of the increase in the number of people is the foreign residents. There are towns in Tokyo where many foreigners live, such as Shin-Okubo in Tokyo, which is called “Islamic-street," and Takadanobaba, which has become a place for Myanmarese residents to exchange information.

日本政府、現行の水際対策を2月末まで維持 警戒つづく日本政府は、外国人の新規入国受け入れを停止している現行の水際対策について、今後も継続していく方針を固めました。2021年末に延長を決め、「当面の間継続」としていましたが、政府は水際対策を来...

日本政府、現行の水際対策を2月末まで維持 警戒つづく


Japanese Government to Maintain Current Waterfront Measures until End of February

The Japanese government has decided to continue the current waterfront measures, which stop accepting new foreign nationals into the country, until the end of next month.

年末年始の国内線旅客数が増加「コロナ前の7〜8割」まで回復国内線旅客数はANAが前年度比で6割以上、JALが2倍以上と大幅に伸び、2019年度比ではANAが7割程度、JALが8割台まで回復しました。Year-end and New Year...



Year-end and New Year's Domestic Passenger Volume Increases in Japan, Recovering to "70-80% of Pre-Covid Level

The number of passengers on domestic flights increased significantly, with ANA growing by more than 60% and JAL more than doubling compared to the previous year. Compared to pre-Covid year 2019, ANA recovered to around 70% and JAL to the 80% level.




Foreigners are praising it! The wonderful things about the Japanese culture

Foreigners visiting from abroad often exclaim, "Japan is wonderful! and often praise it highly. There are many wonderful cultural aspects unique to Japan, such as following the rules, being polite, having good public safety, and even if you drop some valuables, it will be returned to you.

東京23区に「大雪警報」積雪10cm恐れ気象庁は先ほど、東京23区に「大雪警報」を発表しました。今後も夜にかけて雪が降り続き、積雪が10センチ前後に達する恐れがあるということですTokyo's 23 Wards Under Heavy Sn...



Tokyo's 23 Wards Under Heavy Snowfall Warning, 10cm of Snow Anticipated

The Japan Meteorological Agency has just issued a "heavy snowfall warning" for the 23 wards of Tokyo. The snow will continue to fall through the night, and the snow accumulation is likely to reach around 10 centimeters.

東京都 オミクロン株 最多16人市中感染東京都内で、オミクロン株に市中感染したとみられる人が新たに16人確認されました。全員、症状が軽いか無症状だということです。Tokyo, Japan: Highest number of group i...

東京都 オミクロン株 最多16人市中感染


Tokyo, Japan: Highest number of group infection of Omicron so far in the city.

In Tokyo, 16 new cases of group infection with Omicron variant have been confirmed. All are said to have mild or no symptoms.




How to obtain permanent residency in Japan?

In order to become a permanent resident of Japan, you must, in principle, have resided in Japan for at least ten years, (five years of which must have been on a working or residential status). Unfortunately, "Technical Intern Training" and “Specified Skill No. 1" are not counted as the period of residence on a working or residential status.

オミクロン株が年末年始の行動に影響コロナウイルスの新規変異株であるオミクロン株が発見されたことを受け、アンケートによれば、年末年始も多くの人が外出を自粛するなど影響が出ています。Omicron Variant Affects New Yea...



Omicron Variant Affects New Year's Eve and New Year's Day Plans for People In Japan

Following the discovery of a new mutated coronavirus, the Omicron variant, many people have refrained from going out on the new year holiday, according to the survey. The Omicron is having its impact worldwide.

コロナ飲み薬1万施設に供与へ米メルク製の飲み薬について国から供給を受けるための登録を済ませた医療機関や薬局は1万施設ほどになりました。2021年末までに20万回分を確保しました。Covid-19 pills to be supplied t...



Covid-19 pills to be supplied to 10,000 facilities

The number of medical institutions and pharmacies that have registered to receive supplies of Merck's Covid-19 pills from the government has reached about 10,000, and 200,000 doses have been secured by the end of 2021.

日本海側中心に雪強まる 積雪 平年の2倍~3倍余のところも強い寒気と冬型の気圧配置の影響で日本海側の山沿いを中心に雪が強まり積雪が平年の2倍から3倍余りに達しているところがあります。Snowfall Increases on the Sea...

日本海側中心に雪強まる 積雪 平年の2倍~3倍余のところも


Snowfall Increases on the Sea of Japan Coast, with Some Areas Receiving Double to Triple the Normal Snowfall

Due to the effects of strong cold air and a winter-type pressure, snow has intensified mainly along the mountains on the Sea of Japan side, and snow accumulation has reached two to three times the normal level in some areas.




Traditional Japanese New Year's and New Year's Events, and How Japanese People Celebrate

New Year's Day is a time of the year in Japan when the whole family wishes for good health and happiness together. There are various traditional events to welcome the gods that come once a year during the New Year's season. Families eat Osechi (New Year's Day food) together, go to Hatsumode (New Year's Temple Visiting), and receive New Year's gifts.

オミクロン株 日本への入国制限現在、全ての入国者(日本人を含む。)は、出国前72時間以内の検査証明書を提出しなければなりません。また、全ての入国者(日本人を含む。)は、入国時の検査を実施の上、検疫所長の指定する場所(自宅等)で14日間待機し...

オミクロン株 日本への入国制限


Omicron Variant and The Travel Ban to Japan

Currently, all entrants (including Japanese nationals) are required to submit a covid-19 negative certificate within 72 hours prior to departure. In addition, all persons entering Japan (including Japanese nationals) are required to undergo an inspection at the time of entry, and quarantine at a place designated by the government (e.g., home) for 14 days, and avoid the use of public transportation in Japan.

増える外国人労働者 日本は働く場所に選ばれ続けるか日本の外国人労働者は2020年には、コロナ禍の影響があったにもかかわらず、293万人へと増加していて、今後更に増加する見込みです。1985年までは1%に満たなかった総人口に対する外国人人口の...

増える外国人労働者 日本は働く場所に選ばれ続けるか


The Growing Number of Foreign Workers: Will Japan Continue to be Chosen as a Country to Work In?

The number of foreign workers in Japan has increased to 2.93 million in 2020, despite the effects of the pandemic, and is expected to increase further. The ratio of the foreign population to the total population in Japan, which was less than 1% until 1985, has reached the 2% mark for the first time, at 2.3% in 2020.

コロナ禍でも右肩上がりの外国籍町民。約50カ国から人が集まる神奈川県央部の「異国」愛川町総人口は減少傾向にありながら、外国籍の町民が増え続けています。神奈川県愛川町。それも50近い国や地域からと、バラエティーも豊かです。Foreign to...



Foreign townspeople are on the rise even amidst the pandemic. Aikawa, an "exotic" town in central Kanagawa Prefecture, attracts people from about 50 countries.

While the total population in Japan is on the decline, the number of foreign residents continues to increase in Aikawa Town, Kanagawa Prefecture. It is also rich in variety, with people from nearly 50 countries and regions residing there.


北区堂山町18番3号 オオツジ堂山ビル4階
Osaka, Osaka


月曜日 09:00 - 18:00
火曜日 09:00 - 18:00
水曜日 09:00 - 18:00
木曜日 09:00 - 18:00
金曜日 09:00 - 18:00



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