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🇹🇭AIRΔ vol.14 プラット・ピマーンメーン|Prach Pimarnman
AIRΔ vol.14では、名古屋を拠点にアジアとのアート交流プロジェクトを実施する「SEASUN」に滞在中のタイ・ナラーティワート出身のアーティスト、プラット・ピマーンメーン(Prach Pimarnman)さんを大阪に招聘します。
ピマーンメーンは、仏教国として知られるタイの中でもムスリムが多く住む地域の出身です。自身もムスリムであり、そのルーツをテーマにした作品制作を行っています。2023年に大阪を旅行した際、日本人が経営するハラル料理店で食事をした体験が契機となり、「ハラルフード」をテーマにしたプロジェクトをスタートしました。そして11月8日から1ヶ月間、名古屋市中川区のQ SO-KOに拠点を置く「SEASUN」に滞在し、同プロジェクトを実施しています。
AIRΔ vol.14『ハラルタイカレーをつくりながら』
会場:JUU arts & stay (大阪市此花区梅香1丁目17−20)
食材の買い出し 17:00
調理開始 18:30
食事開始 19:30
*事前予約必須 (instagramまたはfacebookでご連絡ください)
プラット・ピマーンメーン|Prach Pimarnman
タイ・ナラーティワートを拠点に、作家活動及びカフェ併設のアートスペース Deʻlapae Art Space(2015 年設⽴)の運営を⾏う。2022 年にシラパコーン⼤学にて視覚芸術の博⼠号を取得し、現在はソンクラーナカリン⼤学パッターニー校で教鞭を取る。 マレー⺠族の歴史的経路に焦点を当て、現在に繋がる移⺠の歴史や、過去から現在までの⼈々の経験や記憶を集め、彫刻、映像、コミュニティ・プロジェクトなどを通して歴史的な物語の提⽰を試みる。 主な展覧会に「From Nomad to Nowhere」Warin Lab Contemporary|バンコク 2024年、「the FROZEN」SAC ギャラリー|バンコク 2024年、「タイランド・ビエンナーレ PLUVIOPHILE パビリオン」チェンライ 2023年、 「バンコク・アート・ビエンナーレ(Satu ≠ Padu Collaborative として)」バンコク 2022年
AIRΔ vol.14 |Prach Pimarnman
Food workshop: "Cooking Halal Thai Curry Together"
For AIRΔ vol.14, we are inviting Prach Pimarnman, an artist from Narathiwat, Thailand, who is currently in Nagoya from November 8 for a month as part of a project organized by SEASUN, which is based in Nagoya and facilitates art exchange projects between Asia and Japan. Pimarnman hails from a region in Thailand with a predominantly Muslim population, and as a Muslim himself, he explores his roots through his art. In Nagoya, he has been researching and creating works themed around "halal food," a project that traces its beginnings to his experience dining at a halal restaurant run by a Japanese owner during a trip to Osaka in 2023.
At the Osaka event, titled “Cooking Halal Thai Curry Together”, participants will have the opportunity to ① shop for halal ingredients, ② cook together, and ③ share a meal while learning about the artist, his works, and his cultural and social background. Attendees are welcome to join or leave at any time during the event (and of course, you are more than welcome to come just to enjoy the finished curry 🙂 ).
Through learning how to prepare Thai curry using halal ingredients, cooking, and eating together, we hope this event will provide a deeper understanding of Narathiwat Province in Thailand. We warmly invite anyone interested to join us!
About this project with SEASUN: TRA-TRAVEL has collaborated with international art organizations to conduct artist-in-residence (AIR) programs in Osaka. Starting this year, under the key theme of "connecting domestic art organizations in Japan through residency projects," we have begun experimental initiatives for new forms of artist-in-residence programs. These initiatives involve partnerships with residency organizers in other cities and regions in Japan. Through this program, we invite artists who wish to conduct research or reside in Osaka or a wider Kansai region, supporting their stay, research, and presentations.
✅Artist Profile: Prach Pimarnman
An artist based in Narathiwat, Thailand, Prach Pimarnman is also the founder and operator of Deʻlapae Art Space, an art space with an attached café established in 2015. His work focuses on the historical pathways of the Malay ethnic group, exploring the history of migration and the experiences and memories of people from past to present. Through mediums such as sculpture, video, and community-based projects, he seeks to present narratives of historical significance. He has participated in exhibitions such as “From Nomad to Nowhere, Warin Lab Contemporary”, Bangkok (2024), “the FROZEN”, SAC Gallery, Bangkok (2024), “Thailand Biennale PLUVIOPHILE Pavilion”, Chiang Rai (2023) and “Bangkok Art Biennale (as part of Satu ≠ Padu Collaborative)”, Bangkok (2022)
✅Event Details:
AIRΔ vol.14 |Prach Pimarnman
Food workshop: "Cooking Halal Thai Curry Together"
Venue: JUU arts & stay (1-17-20, Baika, Konohana-ku, Osaka, Japan)
Date: November 29, 2024
Grocery Shopping: 5:00 PM
Cooking Starts: 6:30 PM
Meal Starts: 7:30 PM
*Open for entry and exit at any time.
*Advance booking is required. (Contact us through IG or facebook)
Admission: ¥1,000 (includes a meal) / ¥500 for students and kids
+ Bring your own drink or purchase on-site.
Language: Plain English (+ English and Japanese support)
Organized by: TRA-TRAVEL
Co-organized by: SEASUN
Supported by: Osaka City, Hosen Cultural Foundation
In cooperation with: FIGYA
Prach Pimarnman Seasun(シーサン)สีสัน #芳泉文化財団