I Love Kansai Network

I Love Kansai Network "I Love Kansai Network" is a business persons' network that connects Asia and Kansai. I Love Kansai Network は、アジアと関西をつなぐビジネス人のネットワークです。関西経済連合会 Kankeiren

Locating our secretariat in the Kansai Economic Federation office, we will carry out our activities in close cooperation with a range of related organizations. Click here for the terms of use of the Page. https://www.facebook.com/I.Love.Kansai.Network/notes/

事務局は関西経済連合会に置き、関係諸団体と連携を持ち、活動を進めます。 利用規約は上記URLをご覧下さい。

🔴🔵 100 Days to Go! 🔵🔴2025 is "the Expo year"!The lottery reservation system for visiting pavilions and events at the Exp...

🔴🔵 100 Days to Go! 🔵🔴

2025 is "the Expo year"!
The lottery reservation system for visiting pavilions and events at the Expo will begin on January 13, 2025!
Please visit early and experience the attractions of the Expo. ✨
Only 100 days left until the Expo opens —let's all come together and make the Expo even more exciting!

#万博はじまります    #大阪関西万博 #日本 #関西 #ミャクミャク
#大阪 #いのち輝く未来社会のデザイン

Today, Oct.13th, marks exactly 6 months until EXPO 2025 opens!Not only in Kansai, but PR efforts are also progressing na...

Today, Oct.13th, marks exactly 6 months until EXPO 2025 opens!
Not only in Kansai, but PR efforts are also progressing nationwide, including Tokyo and Nagoya! 🌎✨
Starting today, Ticket sales have started at convenience stores and travel agencies! 😊
Plese be sure to visit the Expo 2025‼️


🔴🔵200 Day to Go!!🔵🔴





Today marks 200 days until the opening of EXPO 2025🎉

Global state-of-the-art technology and international culture are all coming to Osaka✨

Super Early Bird One-Day Tickets are on sale only until Oct. 6🎟️
Plus, Super Early Bird Special Lottery opened today📢

Let's boost the excitement of the Expo together!!

#大阪関西万博 #くるぞ万博 #ミャクミャク #日本 #関西 #大阪

🔴🔵200 Days to Go! 🔵🔴! Today, September 25, marks exactly 200 days until EXPO 2025 opens!The details of the pavilion's ex...

🔴🔵200 Days to Go! 🔵🔴!
Today, September 25, marks exactly 200 days until EXPO 2025 opens!

The details of the pavilion's exhibits and events are being revealed one after another👀
Lots of exciting experiences are coming to Osaka, Kansai!!
Kansai Economic Federation (Kankeiren) will give its all to prepare for the Expo until the very end!

#大阪関西万博 #ミャクミャク
#日本 #関西 #大阪


🔴🔵300 Days to Go!!🔵🔴






Today, June 17, marks exactly 300 days until EXPO 2025 opens🎉

There‘s gonna be a bunch of state-of-the-art technology and amazing cultures in Osaka, Kansai🌈

Just being in Yumeshima can make you feel like you are traveling the world!

Now's the time to buy special advance tickets, including Super Early Bird One-Day Tickets, are also on sale now🎫

C’mon, let’s get ready and hyped for the Expo🥳

#大阪関西万博 #ミャクミャク
#日本 #関西 #大阪

🔴🔵 300 Days to Go!! 🔵🔴300 days to go until the Expo 2025,Osaka, Kansai kicks off!  🎉✨In Yumeshima, the outlines of struc...

🔴🔵 300 Days to Go!! 🔵🔴
300 days to go until the Expo 2025,Osaka, Kansai kicks off! 🎉✨
In Yumeshima, the outlines of structures like the Grand Roof Ring and pavilions are starting to come into view.
Kansai Economic Federation (Kankeiren) is actively promoting the Expo through various activities, with MYAKU-MYAKU! 😊


#1YeartoGo  #くるぞ万博

At last, one year to go to have the Expo 2025, Osaka, Kansai! 💪 We're in the final sprint now! Seeing more and more Expo updates popping up here and there lately.
Preparations for the Expo Concepts' "People’s Living Lab" are steadily advancing.
We, the business community, is going to make it even more exciting so that we can welcome everyone with smiles a year from now! 🌟

Only 500 days left until the opening of the EXPO 2025 !!✨✨Have you already seen the Expo-designed wrapping trains, wrapp...

Only 500 days left until the opening of the EXPO 2025 !!✨✨
Have you already seen the Expo-designed wrapping trains, wrapping aircraft, and massive decorations at the train stations?☆ MYAKU-MYAKU is appearing everywhere! 😊
Together with this unique character, Kansai Economic Federation will do our best to make the Expo a success!!💪
#大阪関西万博  #ミャクミャク 

There are only 600 days left until the opening of the Osaka-Kansai Expo ❕❕😊Advance ticket sales will begin on November 3...

There are only 600 days left until the opening of the Osaka-Kansai Expo ❕❕😊
Advance ticket sales will begin on November 30, 2023! ✨
Companies are committed to foster momentum for the Expo 💪
Stay tuned for more information about this worldwide event!☆

万博開催まであと、600日‼😊いよいよ入場チケットの前売り販売が11月30日からはじまります!✨企業でも万博の盛り上げに向けた取り組みが続々とはじまっています💪今後も万博に関する情報にご注目ください!☆     #ミャクミャク    #大阪...

#ミャクミャク #大阪関西万博

【​Followed by English translationFollowed by English translation】万博開催まであと、2年❕❕本日4月13日、夢洲の博覧会会場で起工式が実施されました😊いよいよ万博の会場建設が本...

【​Followed by English translationFollowed by English translation】
! #2年前 #ミャクミャク #大阪関西万博

There are only 2 years left until the opening of the Osaka-Kansai Expo ❕❕
A groundbreaking ceremony was held in Yumeshima! 😊
The time has come to construct the Expo site!
We Kankeiren have established "the Expo 2025 Promotion Office" this month.
We will continue to make every effort for the success of the Osaka-Kansai Expo! 💪

【日本語/English/Bahasa Indonesia】皆様いかがお過ごしでしょうか。私たちは打ち合わせで奈良に訪れました。猛暑日であり、日陰で休んでいる鹿を見かけました。全日本鹿協会によると、日本には、在来種であるニホンジカの亜種が7...

【日本語/English/Bahasa Indonesia】






How have you been? Ogenkidesuka??

We visited Nara for the meeting while we had the time to look around the Nara Park. We found a lot of deer which are lying on the ground.

According to Japan Deer Society, there are 7 types of deer based on the Sika deer(ニホンジカ)included subspecies.

Deer Park are all wild animals not breeding one. Therefore, they are looking for their food by themselves. For instance, they had turf, pampas and other grasses and Lycaenidae as their food.

Deer rice cracker is well known as the feeding of deer. According to the Nara City Tourism Association, the Deer rice cracker is made by wheat and rice bran. There is no sugar in the cracker because they have to keep the healthy.

Please don’t feed the food which you bring yourself when you visit to Nara Park. It is prohibited by the Nara prefecture.

This is all for today.
Please aware the heat if you are in summer!
Halo semuanya! Apa kabar??
Kami mengunjungi Nara untuk rapat. Itu adalah hari yang sangat panas, dan saya melihat rusa beristirahad di tempat teduh!

Ngomong-ngomong,menurut Asosiasi Pariwisata Kota Nara, bahan baku kerupuk padi rusa terbuat dari tepung terigu dan dedak padi.
Mempertimbangkan kesehatan rusa, ia tidak menggunakan gula sama sekali, dan Anda dapat memberikannya kepada rusa dengan percaya diri.

Semuanya, harap berhati-hati dengan panasnya! Terimakasih banyak!!

Saya masih belajar bahasa Indonesia, jadi saya minta maaf jika saya salah.

大阪・関西万博の開幕まであと1000日。「未来社会の実験場」のオープンに向け、関経連も日々さまざまな形で準備活動をサポートしています。素晴らしい万博となるように、一丸となって頑張ります。関西はまだまだ熱くなる!!   #万博  #関西ビジョ...

#万博 #関西ビジョン #ファーストペンギンの心意気

There are only 1,000 days left until the opening of the Osaka-Kansai Expo. Kankeiren is also supporting the opening of t...

There are only 1,000 days left until the opening of the Osaka-Kansai Expo.
Kankeiren is also supporting the opening of the "People’s Living Lab" in a variety of ways on a daily basis.
We will work as one to ensure that the Expo will be a wonderful event.
Kansai can COMEBACK SOON!!!

See you in Japan!!

Roxane de Bilderling, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Belgium and chairman of Kankeiren had a meeting on 13th May They exch...

Roxane de Bilderling, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Belgium and chairman of Kankeiren had a meeting on 13th May

They exchanged the opinion of the Osaka-Kansai Japan Expo, economic mission and business exchanges.

Ambassador and chairman confirmed that they would strengthen their relationship and deepen exchanges in the future.

The 2025 Osaka-Kansai Expo is a national project to create a "testing ground for the society of the future. The opening ...

The 2025 Osaka-Kansai Expo is a national project to create a "testing ground for the society of the future.
The opening of the Expo is just three years away.
The Kansai business community will join you in creating an exciting Expo! 

Yesterday, the official character for Expo 2025 Osaka, Kansai, Japan has been decided👍The name of the character has not ...

Yesterday, the official character for Expo 2025 Osaka, Kansai, Japan has been decided👍

The name of the character has not been decided yet.
The contest(about this character’s name) will be held in late April.

↓The official account of Expo 2025


Nakanoshima Center Bldg. , 30F 6-2-27, Nakanoshima, Kita-ku
Osaka, Osaka


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