Are Greening and Planting good for landscaping? (エジプトのピラミッド周りの緑化事業について)
Usually, Greening and Planting are suitable for landscaping and urban design. It provides a natural and relaxed feeling to human beings. And it gives a healthy atmosphere with Oxygen. Usually, that is considered a suitable activity because it defends the expansion of dry desert areas without difficult natural conditions which might accelerate earth heating.
But how about greening in desert areas around the Pyramid in Giza, Egypt? Now, a golf course exists at the foot of the Pyramids, and green planting is ongoing around it. It might provide comfortable access environments, but it gives us a curious feeling from the view of the landscape. We are so used to Pyramid in the desert area.
Actually, it is said that the area was covered by green fields in the long-time range, 10,000 years ago or 100,000 years ago. Under this context, greening is exactly the correct activity, but it does not fit our current understanding.
How do you think about it?