Oyster tour! Miyagi is the largest producer of oysters for eating raw. A local fisherman showed us how to raise oysters. And Matsushima bay is one of the three best scenic places in Japan. By taking a small boat you can see islands on the bay much closer than taking sightseeing cruise. 牡蠣ツアー。生食用の牡蠣は宮城が生産高日本一。漁師さんの船にのって牡蠣の養殖学べます。#japanuniquetour #japanexperiencetour #japanprivatetour #japanexperience #japanseafood #bestoysters #oysterlover #japaneseoyster #matsushima #matsushimatour #visitmatsushima #japanfoodtour #kaki #miyagitour #松島牡蠣 #牡蠣ツアー #牡蠣養殖 #牡蠣 #松島 #牡蠣漁師
Beef tongue is a local specialty of Sendai city. There are about 100 beef tongue restaurants in Sendai. This restaurant Umami Tasuke is the origin of beef tongue restaurants. Actually there are two beef tongue restaurants which are the origin of beef tongue. Beef tongue of Umani Tasuke is thin and very chewy. I prefer the other one, Aji Tasuke. the taste and texture of beef tongue can vary depending on the restaurant so it’s good to try different beef tongue restaurants when you come to Sendai!仙台牛タンの発祥という旨味太助。薄切りで、結構歯ごたえある。私はもう一つの発祥味太助の方が好み。#japanesefood #japanfoodguide #beeftongue #umamitasuke #japancooking #sendaifood #sendai #sendaifoodguide #gyutan #delicousfood #japanexperience #sendaiguide #japangram #旨味太助 #仙台牛タン #仙台食べ歩き #牛タン発祥の店 #牛タン
Dhido is a traditional Nepal food @everest.sendai in Sendai. It’s much heavier than rice or chapatti,,,I couldn’t finish eating it...but it’s always fun for me to try food from different countries! 仙台のネパール料理、エベレスト仙台駅前店。ディドに挑戦。すごくお腹にたまる😵💫私は平均的な日本人より食べれる方だけど、食べきれなかった。蕎麦粉が重いのか、カレーと食べてるからか、、。かかっているギーの味が馴染まない味に感じるし。食べきれず残してしまったけど、、珍しい料理が試せて楽しい。もちろん普通にライスやチャパティ、プリーなどの選択肢あるよ。#dhido #nepalifood #nepalirestaurant #japanfoodtrip #everestsendai #japanguide #japanfoodguide #sendaicurry #everestsendai #sendaifood #エベレスト仙台 #仙台ネパール料理 #ディド #ネパール料理
1200 cherry trees line up at the riverside in Miyagi prefecture. Now they are in full bloom. And beautiful bird sounds🥰4th of April. Tohoku Northeast Japan. 4月4日満開でした🌸 #sakura #themostbeautiful #dreamland #beautifulworld #cherryblossom #cherryblossoms #sakurainjapan #paradaise #tohoku #northjapan #hitomesenbonzakura #1200cherrytrees #cherrytree #cherrytrees #japanbeauty #miyagitrip #一目千本桜 #宮城の桜
As a ropeway up a mountain, the weather got worse. And got perfectly whiteout conditions so we couldn’t see anything! Mt.zao is famous for snow monsters, frost covered trees but I couldn’t see any this year too,,, Tohoku northeast Japan. ロープウェイが上がるにつれて悪天候に。途中からホワイトアウトで真っ白で何も見えなかった🥲去年に引き続き樹氷はみれなかった。#zao #snowmonstars #wintermountains #japanwinter #northjapan #yamagatazao #mountzao #snowmountain #japanskiresort #ski #tohoku #northeastjapan #zaoropeway #蔵王 #山形蔵王 #蔵王ロープウェイ #樹氷
Beautiful Yamadera in Tohoku Northeast Japan.I’m a private tour guide @sendai_guide.bon I can conduct personalized tours according to your request!!#yamadera #yamaderatou #yamagatatour #japantravel #japantourguide #japanprivatetour #beautifulplace #lugarbonito #beautifulmountains #japangram #tohokuguide #tohoku #beautifulworld #travelworld #山寺 #山形 #東北
In Japan you can often find a bar in which the owner works alone and looks after everything.This bar Neiro @neiro_iroha in Sendai also the owner takes care of everything by himself. So he needs a device like this for customers on the second floor! 仙台いろは横丁のねいろ外国人のお客様を小さい居酒屋に連れて行くと、一人だけで料理、接客、会計まで全部やっている店が珍しいらしくよく驚かれる。#japanonly #japanexperience #enjoyjapan #lovejapan #japanesebar #japanizakaya #japanguide #discoverjapan #deepjapan #izakayatour #izakaya #travelexperience #experiencedifferent #uniquejapan #smallbars #hiddenplaces #ねいろ #いろは横丁 #壱弍参横丁
Kashiko @sakedokoro_kashiko Japanese style bar in Iroha alley, Sendai Japan. In a Japanese bar, You can often see sake poured until it overflows,,, it’s Japanese way to show hospitality🍶🥂 仙台いろは横丁のかしこ。 @sakedokoro_kashiko にごり酒の秀よし、とろとろと。美味しかったな!仙台名物のせり鍋!海老しんじょうも美味しかった。他の料理も食べにいきたい😋#japanesesake #nigori #nigorisake #overflow #japanesefood #japanesestyle #japanesebeauty #yokocho #izakaya #sendai #irohayokocho #japangram #kashiko #serinabe #sake #sendai #japanesehotpot #discoverjapan #いろは横丁 #壱弍参横丁 #酒処かしこ #かしこ #せり鍋 #仙台居酒屋 #秀よしとろとろと
You can make a beautiful copper plate @tazen1596 which has passed down the technique of making copper products for more than 420 years in Sendai.It’s a fun and unique activity you can experience in Sendai!! Tohoku, Japan! 銅製品づくりの歴史が420年以ある タゼンであかがね体験。とってもきれいで銅のお皿を作れるよ!カナヅチの種類によって模様も変えらるし、裏表で模様が違うので自分の好みでどちらを上側にするかきめられる。最後も熱して色を変えたりオリジナルのものが完成するよ!外国人、日本人、子供も大人もおすすめ!#japancrafts #traditionalcrafts #japanexperience #sendaiexperience #sendaiactivity #sendaiguide #sendaitrip #japancraftsmanship #copper #coppercrafts #sendaicraftsman #making #japancraftsman #tazen #タゼン #あかがね #あかがね体験 #伝統工芸品 #仙台伝統工芸 #仙台体験 #仙台工芸 #職人さん #伝統工芸 #仙台銅壺
@manamisupermarket south Asian and halal grocery store in Miyamachi, Sendai. They announced they are going to hold special sales to celebrate one year anniversary and offer biryani for free this Saturday on 1st October from 13:00. 仙台宮町のマナミスーパー。南アジア、ハラルの食材店でスパイスが揃ってる。バングラデシュの人達が集まってる時は入りづらそうに見えるけど、バングラデシュ人の店長は日本語喋れてフレンドリーだから大丈夫🙆🏻♀️今週10月1日土曜にオープン1周年記念でセールと手作りビリヤニ無料で振る舞うそうですよ。前にもビリヤニを振る舞うイベントがあって私は食べに行ったよ!#manamisupermarket #halaljapan #halalsendai #sendaihalal #japanhalal #sendai #miyamachi #sendaimuslim #sendaispice #halalgrocery #ハラル食材店 #仙台スパイス #マナミスーパー #仙台ハラル #仙台インド料理 #仙台ビリヤニ
Do you know that Japan is the snowiest place on Earth??Four Japanese cities are ranked in the top 10 of the snowiest places on earth and the top 3 are Japanese cities. And about the half of Japan’s land is belong to a heavy snowfall area❄️⛄️⛄️⛄️ You can experience big accumulations of snow above the three meter high in some cities in Japan! 📍snow monsters at Zao, Miyagi prefecture Tohoku Japan.#zao #snowmonster #snowtail #icemonster #jyihyo #wintertravel #onlyinjapan #japanesesnow #northjapan #tohoku #tohokutrip #tohokujapan #bestsnow #uniqueplaces #natureart #japanpowdersnow #discovertheworld #worldtrip #youmustvisit #heavysnowfall #heavysnow #snowontrees #miyagitrip #miyagi #樹氷号 #宮城樹氷 #樹氷
Dontosai fesrival in Miyagi prefecture
Dontsai festival in Miyagi prefecture Japan⛩🔥
Dontosai festival is a ritual unique to Miyagi prefecture.
It takes place at most local shrines throughout the prefecture every year on the 14th of January.
People go to a shrine to burn their new year’s decorations in the fire.
also you will see people dressed only in loincloths on pilgrimage during the festival.
#sendaiguide #festival #japanesefestival #japaneseculture #daruma #dontosai #dontosaifestival #tohoku #osakihachimangu #sendai #miyagi #pilgrimage #nakedfestival #hadakamatsuri #visitmiyagi #shinto #shintoism #japonstyle #japon #bonfire #discoverworld #worldtravel #visittohoku #japaneseshrine #japanesewinter #winterfestival #どんと祭 #大崎八幡宮 #松焚祭り