From our study abroad partner StudyPerth.
We have a range of Language Schools & Colleges in Australia.
It's a great place to study!
Study in 南アフリカ South Africa!
With our exciting new partner in Cape Town, South Africa you can study a whole world of things, not just English!
Take a look at another video from two students from Japan who studied there.
Contact us for more information and help with your study abroad plans.
#futakotamagawa #setagaya #eikaiwa
#英会話 #二子玉川 #世田谷 #留学 #studyabroad #ryugaku #ihcapetown
Can you guess where this is? Take a look at those views and classrooms. How about a study abroad this year?
St Giles International 語学学校は、イギリスと北米において質の高い英語教育を提供できる当校のパートナー校です。
St Giles International is one of our partners providing quality study abroad programmes both in the UK and North America.
St Giles International is one of our partners providing quality study abroad programmes both in the UK and North America.