Dave Collymore's Japan Blog

Dave Collymore's Japan Blog A travel adventure through Japan by a Jamaican

Let’s Pray for Countries starting with “V”

Let’s Pray for Countries starting with “V”

Pray for countries beginning with "V"Praying for the countries of the world. Today we pray for countries starting with “V”. He is not willing that any should...

Why I believe what I believe. Trust God with everything. Testimony 4

Why I believe what I believe. Trust God with everything. Testimony 4

My Christian Story Part 4 (Starting life and moving to Japan) 1 is here - Why I Believe What I Believe - Part 1 (In the Beginning)https...

🇺🇦🇬🇧🇺🇸Let’s pray for countries starting with the letter “U”.

🇺🇦🇬🇧🇺🇸Let’s pray for countries starting with the letter “U”.

Praying for the countries of the world. Today we pray for countries starting with “U”. He is not willing that any should perish, but that “ALL”should come to...

Let’s Pray for Countries Starting with “T”.

Let’s Pray for Countries Starting with “T”.

Praying for the countries of the world. Today we pray for countries starting with “T”.He is not willing that any should perish, but that “ALL”should come to ...

🇷🇺🇶🇦Pray for countries starting with Q and R

🇷🇺🇶🇦Pray for countries starting with Q and R

Praying for the countries of the world. Today we pray for countries starting with “Q” and “R”. He is not willing that any should perish, but that “ALL”should...

Pray for the nations beginning with “D”

Pray for the nations beginning with “D”

Praying for the countries of the world. Today we pray for countries starting with “D” ...

Another Word Wid Dave - Ep. 47 - Go the extra mile to seek Wisdom and Truth

Another Word Wid Dave - Ep. 47 - Go the extra mile to seek Wisdom and Truth

Another Word Wid Dave - Ep 47 - Go the extra mile to seek wisdom and truthWhen the Queen of Sheba went to visit King Solomon based on 1 Kings 10 ...

Rocket catch

Rocket catch

Watch as SpaceX achieves a groundbreaking milestone with a flawless rocket launch followed by the first-ever successful mid-air catch of a returning rocket! ...

The futureis now

The futureis now

🚀 Welcome to the Future of Transportation! 🚀Join us as we dive into the thrilling unveiling of Elon Musk's latest innovation: the Cybercab! In this video, ...

Another Word Wid Dave - Ep 46 - Build up Yourself And Build up Others

Another Word Wid Dave - Ep 46 - Build up Yourself And Build up Others

Another Word Wid Dave - Ep 46 - Build up Yourself And Build up OthersBased on 1 Kings 6:1, 12-13 where Solomon completed building God’s temple. We should als...

Another Word wid Dave - Ep. 45 - Seek GodFirst1 Kings 4:21-34Solomon seeks a discerning heart in chapter 3 and is reward...

Another Word wid Dave - Ep. 45 - Seek God

1 Kings 4:21-34

Solomon seeks a discerning heart in chapter 3 and is rewarded with wisdom and wealth. Like Solomon seeking wisdom, we should seek God first.

Another Word wid Dave - Ep. 45 - Seek God First1 Kings 4:21-34Solomon seeks a discerning heart in chapter 3 and is rewarded with wisdom and wealth. Like Solo...

Another Word wid Dave - Ep. 44 Do your duty and also show mercy. 1 Kings 1

Another Word wid Dave - Ep. 44 Do your duty and also show mercy.

1 Kings 1

Another Word wid Dave - Ep. 44 - Do your duty, show mercy 1 Kings 1David wasn’t doing his duty to discipline his children. David’s son Solomon showed mercy t...

Another Word wid Dave - Ep. 43 - Beware of the pride in our hearts.

Another Word wid Dave - Ep. 43 - Beware of the pride in our hearts.

Another Word wid Dave - Ep. 43 - Beware the pride in our hearts. 2 Samuel 24:1-4, 8-17, 25David’s sin of pride by counting his troops.

Another Word wid Dave - Ep. 42 - Going Against Giants2 Samuel 21:15-21David and his men facing a couple giants. We also ...

Another Word wid Dave - Ep. 42 - Going Against Giants

2 Samuel 21:15-21
David and his men facing a couple giants. We also have giants to face.

Another Word wid Dave - Ep. 42 - Going Against Giants2 Samuel 21:15-21David and his men facing a couple giants. We also have giants to face.

God works out all situations for the good of us who love Him. “神は、神を愛する者たち、すなわち、ご計画に従って召された者たちと共に働いて、万事を益となるようにして下さることを、...

God works out all situations for the good of us who love Him.

‭‭ローマ人への手紙‬ ‭8‬:‭28‬ 口語訳‬

The Battle is not yours, it’s the Lord’s. He will take care of you. This verse took me through  some dark moments in ear...

The Battle is not yours, it’s the Lord’s. He will take care of you. This verse took me through some dark moments in early 2017 and has awakened me spiritually ever since. Always remember God is in full control. この聖句は、2017年初頭に暗黒の瞬間を経験した私を、それ以来霊的に目覚めさせてくれた。神が完全に支配しておられることをいつも忘れないでください。
‭‭歴代誌下‬ ‭20‬:‭15‬ 口語訳‬

We may go through different seasons on life, but nothing shall separate us from the love of God. Bless you all.

We may go through different seasons on life, but nothing shall separate us from the love of God. Bless you all.


Yokohama, Kanagawa




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