To expedite the development of Trans-Nzoia County, working with the national government is inevitable.
Today, I lead a delegation of Trans-Nzoia county leaders, elders, clergy and women, business people and youth for a courtesy call to discuss the issues that are affecting Trans-Nzoia and the development issues as a whole with President William Ruto.
I am pleased that the President has provided leeway for the following:
~Upgrade, elevation and reorganization of Kitale to city status.
~ 150 acres from prison For Kitale town expansion. - Land to be availed as immediately as possible.
~Suam border post land, 50 More acres to be availed on top of the 21 Already allocated from the forest.
~Tarmarking of 30 Km of roads within Kitale Municipality- Project to begin in July 2023.
~Kipsongo-Kitalale Rd 15 km - Project to start within the next financial Year.
~Airstrip-Saboti-Gituamba-Kaptama and the 75-Kilometre - Project to be completed within 2 years from this date.
~75-Kilometre Turbo-Barbaton-Kissawai-Endebess roads - To be completed within 4 years.
~Equipping of Kitale refferal Hospital - To be done within 3 Months.