Twinspot Tours And Travel

Twinspot Tours And Travel Twinspot Tours and Travel is a medium-sized company that specializes in Birding and Big Game Safaris

Twinspot Tours & Travel provides and offers quality Birding Tours and Wildlife Safaris in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania and Rwanda, that meet the clients’ expectations and needs, while adhering to the highest professional standards and ethics. We strive to achieve this by providing custom made and affordable safari packages for our esteemed client using our in-depth knowledge of the region to create exciting and glitch-free tours.

In the heart of Tsavo West National Park, we had the rare pleasure of photographing the elusive Red-naped Bush-shrike (L...

In the heart of Tsavo West National Park, we had the rare pleasure of photographing the elusive Red-naped Bush-shrike (Laniarius ruficeps) as it foraged quietly among the acacia and commiphora bushes. This striking bird, with its vivid plumage, is as shy as it is beautiful, preferring the dense cover of semi-arid landscapes. As we observed, it called out to its partner with a distinctive burry, frog-like upslur, a sound that subtly blended with the rustling leaves and the quiet hum of the bush. This shy, local resident of the bush thrives in the thick cover, from sea level up to 1000 meters, making each encounter a special moment in the wild. Its presence, often hidden and mysterious, adds a unique charm to the already rich tapestry of Tsavo’s avian life.

In the golden light of a sunny morning in Tsavo West National Park, a Pangani Longclaw (Macronyx aurantiigula) perches g...

In the golden light of a sunny morning in Tsavo West National Park, a Pangani Longclaw (Macronyx aurantiigula) perches gracefully on a slanted trunk of an acacia tree. Its vivid orange throat glows warmly, contrasting beautifully with its earthy plumage. This moment captures the essence of Kenya's rugged beauty, where dry bushed grasslands stretch endlessly, providing a perfect habitat for this locally common species. The Pangani Longclaw, typically found in these arid landscapes from sea level up to 1800 meters, exudes a quiet elegance. Its partially turned gaze seems to acknowledge the viewer, inviting us into its serene world, where the harmony of nature reigns supreme. The image is a testament to the subtle yet profound beauty found in Kenya's wilderness.

Perched elegantly on a commiphora twig, this Abyssinian Scimitarbill (Rhinopomastus minor) offers a striking pose, its c...

Perched elegantly on a commiphora twig, this Abyssinian Scimitarbill (Rhinopomastus minor) offers a striking pose, its curved bill holding a larvae as it catches the sun's rays at an angle. This species is known for its preference for drier, open habitats, ranging up to 1400 meters in elevation. Commonly found in pairs, it inhabits bushy and wooded grasslands, often in acacia scrub. It is a versatile bird, widespread across arid regions, where it is more frequently encountered than the Common Scimitarbill. Its preference for these more arid landscapes underscores its adaptability and the unique ecological niche it occupies in these environments.

Ever seen a gentleman with a half-open umbrella? This African Pygmy Falcon (Polihierax semitorquatus) sure knows how to ...

Ever seen a gentleman with a half-open umbrella? This African Pygmy Falcon (Polihierax semitorquatus) sure knows how to woo! These tiny raptors are as fierce as they are charming, with the male offering a little ‘wing-cover’ before sealing the deal. Who knew romance could be so... feathery?

In the golden light of a hot, sunny morning, the Fawn-colored Lark, also known as the Foxy Lark (Mirafra africanoides), ...

In the golden light of a hot, sunny morning, the Fawn-colored Lark, also known as the Foxy Lark (Mirafra africanoides), perches gracefully on a thorny acacia twig. This solitary bird, often found in pairs, thrives in the semi-arid and bush country at elevations between 500 and 1800 meters. Its warm, fawn hues blend harmoniously with the dry landscape, embodying the resilience and subtle beauty of its environment.

The Grey Wren-Warbler (Calamonastes simplex), captured beautifully in Tsavo East National Park, is a charming sight, esp...

The Grey Wren-Warbler (Calamonastes simplex), captured beautifully in Tsavo East National Park, is a charming sight, especially when perched on a bush facing you during a morning birding drive. Found in acacia scrub and bushed savanna at elevations of 100-300 meters, these birds are typically seen moving slowly among low bushes or even on the ground beneath them. When calling, they often ascend to the tops of small trees, displaying their distinctive grey plumage and long tail. Tsavo East, renowned for its vast landscapes and rich biodiversity, offers a unique birding experience. The park's extensive wilderness, home to iconic wildlife and rare bird species like the Grey Wren-Warbler, makes each encounter a memorable glimpse into the vibrant life of this remarkable ecosystem.

The Rufous Chatterer Turdoides rubiginosus, observed perched on a dead stump in Tsavo West National Park, is a charismat...

The Rufous Chatterer Turdoides rubiginosus, observed perched on a dead stump in Tsavo West National Park, is a charismatic bird frequently found in dry bush habitats and riverine vegetation up to 2000 meters. Unlike the typical babbler, its call is a series of quieter, high-pitched squeaks, used to maintain contact within its social group. These excited, piercing calls are a signature trait, echoing through their environment as they communicate with one another. This unique vocalization, along with their widespread presence, makes the Rufous Chatterer a fascinating subject for bird watchers and photographers. Their adaptability and social behavior are key highlights, showcasing the vibrant life within these often-harsh landscapes.

In the sunlit expanse of northern Kenya, a captivating scene unfolds as a pair of African Orange-bellied Parrots (Poicep...

In the sunlit expanse of northern Kenya, a captivating scene unfolds as a pair of African Orange-bellied Parrots (Poicephalus rufiventris) perch on a dead doum palm tree. The female, embodying tenderness, preens her male companion with delicate care, showcasing a true love affair under the hot morning sun. These parrots, often seen in pairs or small groups, are locally common in semi-arid and arid bushland and wooded grasslands below 1200 meters, frequently in the company of baobab trees. Their vibrant presence amidst the dry landscape adds a splash of color and a touch of romance to the rugged beauty of their habitat.

The Lichtenstein's Sandgrouse (Pterocles lichtensteinii) is a captivating species, especially when observed in the early...

The Lichtenstein's Sandgrouse (Pterocles lichtensteinii) is a captivating species, especially when observed in the early morning light of northern Kenya. These birds, often seen in pairs or small flocks, are adapted to the arid, stony landscapes, preferring sparsely bushed regions below 1800 meters. Their presence in this harsh environment is a testament to their resilience. The hot sun casting their shadows on the sandy gravels adds a dramatic flair to their already intriguing appearance. This sandgrouse is known for its remarkable water-fetching behavior, where the male soaks his belly feathers in water to bring back to the nest for the chicks. Spotting them in the wild, especially in such a picturesque setting, is a rare and rewarding experience for bird enthusiasts.

In the early morning sunlight, this Nubian Woodpecker (Campethera nubica) perched gracefully on a dry acacia branch, dil...

In the early morning sunlight, this Nubian Woodpecker (Campethera nubica) perched gracefully on a dry acacia branch, diligently foraging for insects. The golden rays illuminated its striking plumage, showcasing the intricate patterns of its feathers. This moment captures the essence of its habitat: the dry bush, acacia, and wooded grasslands where it thrives. With its sharp beak tapping rhythmically against the bark, the woodpecker revealed the beauty of nature's simplest interactions. The scene, bathed in the soft glow of dawn, highlights the delicate balance of life in these arid landscapes. The Nubian Woodpecker, both common and widespread, epitomizes the resilience and charm of Africa's avian treasures.

The African Olive Pigeon, or Rameron Pigeon (Columba arquatrix), is a striking bird found in the highland forests and wo...

The African Olive Pigeon, or Rameron Pigeon (Columba arquatrix), is a striking bird found in the highland forests and woodlands of Africa, typically above 1500 meters. These pigeons are often seen in small flocks, especially around fruiting trees where they feed on a variety of fruits and berries. With its rich, olive-green plumage, adorned with white speckles on the wings and a distinctive yellow eye-ring, the Rameron Pigeon is a captivating sight. Known for their deep, resonant cooing calls, these birds are well adapted to their montane environments, thriving in the cooler, misty conditions of the highlands. Their presence is a vivid reminder of the biodiversity that thrives in Africa's elevated forest ecosystems.

The White-headed Buffalo-Weaver, spotted here in a spectacular mid-air landing, is a striking bird known for its unique ...

The White-headed Buffalo-Weaver, spotted here in a spectacular mid-air landing, is a striking bird known for its unique nesting habits and vibrant plumage. Found in the acacia bush country and wooded grasslands up to 1400 meters, this bird's distinctive white head, black wings, and fiery orange-red rump make it easily recognizable. These weavers are social creatures, often seen in small groups, and are known for their complex, communal nests built in thorny trees to deter predators. Their diet includes a variety of insects and fruits, making them crucial for the ecosystem as both pollinators and pest controllers. This image perfectly captures the bird's agility and the intricate balance of its natural habitat.

The African Crowned Eagle (Stephanoaetus coronatus), seen here perched majestically atop a dead stump in Kenya's high-al...

The African Crowned Eagle (Stephanoaetus coronatus), seen here perched majestically atop a dead stump in Kenya's high-altitude forests, is a formidable predator known for its striking appearance and powerful hunting skills. Singles and pairs of this raptor are uncommon and typically inhabit dense forests and woodlands, including riverine and isolated patches, from sea level up to 3500 meters. Their population is sparse, making sightings particularly special. Unfortunately, these magnificent birds are threatened, primarily due to habitat destruction and human encroachment. Conservation efforts are crucial to protect the African Crowned Eagle and ensure that this apex predator continues to soar through Africa's skies, maintaining the ecological balance of its forest home.

On a sweltering day, a Somali Bee-eater (Merops revoilli) finds respite in the shade, its sleek form facing left. This e...

On a sweltering day, a Somali Bee-eater (Merops revoilli) finds respite in the shade, its sleek form facing left. This elusive bird, known for its shy and solitary nature, often seen in singles or pairs, is a sedentary resident of the arid and semi-arid bushlands in Eastern Kenya, thriving below 1000 meters. The Somali Bee-eater's vibrant green and blue plumage glistens subtly, a striking contrast to the harsh, dry landscape. Rarely seen in Tanzania, this species' beauty lies in its resilience and the rare glimpses it offers to those who seek it out. Each sighting, especially on such a hot day, is a precious encounter with the quiet splendor of nature.

The Golden-breasted Starling (Cosmopsarus regius), shimmering under the intense midday sun, perched on a lifeless branch...

The Golden-breasted Starling (Cosmopsarus regius), shimmering under the intense midday sun, perched on a lifeless branch, poised for its next swift flight. Its iridescent feathers glisten like precious gems, contrasting against the stark, barren wood. The golden hues of its breast radiate warmth, echoing the heat of the African savanna. With keen eyes scanning the horizon, it captures a fleeting moment of serene beauty before bursting into a rapid, graceful takeoff, leaving behind only a memory of its vibrant brilliance and the promise of nature's unending elegance.

The Sokoke Scops-owl (Otus ireneae), an East African endemic and the smallest of the Scops owls, is a rare and endangere...

The Sokoke Scops-owl (Otus ireneae), an East African endemic and the smallest of the Scops owls, is a rare and endangered species. We photographed the elusive grey-brown morph deep in the forest, perched on a branch with its face and parts of its body visible despite being partly obscured. These owls are confined to the red soil Cynometra areas of Kenya’s coastal Arabuko Sokoke Forest and exist at low densities in the foothill forests of the East Usambara Mountains. Their discreet, well-camouflaged presence amidst dense foliage makes sightings particularly special. Given its endangered status and specialized habitat, each encounter with this secretive owl offers a unique glimpse into the delicate balance of its ecosystem.

Perched gracefully on a twig in one of Kenya's high-altitude terrains, the male Common Stonechat (Saxicola rubicola) dis...

Perched gracefully on a twig in one of Kenya's high-altitude terrains, the male Common Stonechat (Saxicola rubicola) displays its striking plumage. With a jet-black head, crisp white collar, and fiery orange chest, this vigilant bird keeps a watchful eye on the photographer. Known for their territorial nature, these small birds often use elevated spots to survey their surroundings for insects and potential threats. Capturing this moment before it takes off, the photograph highlights the Stonechat's alertness and the vibrant beauty of Kenya's avian life.

Captured here while perched briefly, with its lower part obscured by leaves, the Malachite Sunbird Nectarinia famosa dis...

Captured here while perched briefly, with its lower part obscured by leaves, the Malachite Sunbird Nectarinia famosa displays its striking green plumage. These solitary birds, or sometimes seen in pairs, are common inhabitants of moorlands, montane forest edges, and high farming areas from 1650 to 3400 meters. They occasionally move to lower altitudes, making them a fascinating subject for bird enthusiasts.

In the gentle glow of the early morning sun, this Shining Sunbird Cinnyris habessinica perches delicately atop an acacia...

In the gentle glow of the early morning sun, this Shining Sunbird Cinnyris habessinica perches delicately atop an acacia twig. Its iridescent plumage glistens with hues of emerald and sapphire, reflecting the dawn's golden light. Amid the serene landscape of northern Kenya's semi-arid bush country, this little marvel flits from bloom to bloom, sipping nectar from aloes and flowering acacias, a fleeting yet breathtaking glimpse of nature's splendour.

The Beautiful Sunbird Cinnyris pulchella, a native gem of tropical Africa, often graces the semi-arid bush country with ...

The Beautiful Sunbird Cinnyris pulchella, a native gem of tropical Africa, often graces the semi-arid bush country with its vivid presence. Perched pensively on an acacia twig, this sunlit marvel gazes thoughtfully at its observers. Its iridescent feathers shimmer in the sunlight, transforming it into a living jewel amidst the rugged landscape, capturing hearts with its serene elegance.

Perched on a thorny tree, the Magpie Starling's plumage glistens in the hot morning sun. Surrounded by thick, dry bush t...

Perched on a thorny tree, the Magpie Starling's plumage glistens in the hot morning sun. Surrounded by thick, dry bush that conceals the background, this gregarious, nomadic bird of northern and eastern Kenya thrives in its rugged habitat of dry brush and thorn-scrub, a striking emblem of nature's tenacity and grace.

The Sharpe's Longclaw, a jewel of the Kinangop grasslands in Kenya and found nowhere else on Earth, dazzles with its str...

The Sharpe's Longclaw, a jewel of the Kinangop grasslands in Kenya and found nowhere else on Earth, dazzles with its striking appearance and melodic calls. Despite the severe threat from habitat fragmentation, hope glimmers through the dedicated conservation efforts of Nature Kenya, Friends of Kinangop Grassland Plateau, and other committed stakeholders. Their tireless work aims to protect this unique species and its precious habitat, ensuring the Sharpe's Longclaw continues to grace the world with its presence.

In the soft glow of the early morning sun, two D'Arnaud's Barbets perched gracefully on acacia twigs, creating a picture...

In the soft glow of the early morning sun, two D'Arnaud's Barbets perched gracefully on acacia twigs, creating a picturesque scene. The golden light highlighted their vibrant plumage, with one bird curiously watching the observer while the other scanned the ground, possibly searching for food. This serene moment captured the essence of nature's quiet beauty and the intricate behaviors of these charming birds.

In the vast, azure skies of northern Kenya, the African Hawk-Eagle soars gracefully, a majestic silhouette against the e...

In the vast, azure skies of northern Kenya, the African Hawk-Eagle soars gracefully, a majestic silhouette against the endless blue. This magnificent bird, with its striking black and white plumage, embodies the wild beauty of the African landscape. Pairs of these raptors are a common sight, often seen gliding effortlessly above the open woodland, bush, and semi-arid terrains that stretch from near sea level to altitudes of around 1500 meters. Their synchronized flight is a dance of unity and strength, showcasing their deep bond and shared prowess. As they circle and dive, their keen eyes scan the land below for prey, embodying the spirit of the untamed wilderness. The African Hawk-Eagle is not just a symbol of freedom and power but also a vital part of the ecosystem, maintaining the delicate balance of nature in these vast, open spaces. Observing these eagles in their natural habitat is a reminder of the profound beauty and interconnectedness of all life.

Verreaux's Eagle, or Black Eagle (Aquila verreauxii), is a striking bird of prey renowned for its impressive aerial disp...

Verreaux's Eagle, or Black Eagle (Aquila verreauxii), is a striking bird of prey renowned for its impressive aerial displays and predominantly black plumage accented by white "V" markings on its back. These eagles are typically found in rocky and mountainous regions at elevations between 900 and 3500 meters, often preferring drier areas with inaccessible cliffs for nesting. Their large stick nests are reused for many years and can reach up to 2 meters in diameter.
Verreaux's Eagles are monogamous, with pairs maintaining lifelong bonds and defending vast territories that can span up to 100 square kilometers. Their primary prey is the Rock Hyrax, a small, herbivorous mammal, which they hunt with remarkable precision, often diving from great heights to catch them by surprise.
These eagles have adapted well to their environment, boasting keen eyesight for spotting prey from high altitudes and powerful talons for capturing and killing their quarry. Despite being listed as Least Concern on the IUCN Red List, they face pressures from habitat destruction and human disturbances. Conservation efforts are crucial to maintaining their populations and preserving the unique ecosystems they inhabit.

In the heart of Samburu, a striking scene unfolds on the open savannah plains dotted with rocky, thorny bushes and spars...

In the heart of Samburu, a striking scene unfolds on the open savannah plains dotted with rocky, thorny bushes and sparse grasslands. Here, a majestic Ostrich is photographed guiding its brood of chicks across the rugged landscape. This iconic bird, known for its incredible speed and powerful legs, provides a captivating glimpse into the life of one of Kenya's most fascinating residents. Kenya is home to two distinct races of ostriches: the Somali Ostrich, recognized by its blue-grey neck and legs, and the Maasai Ostrich, which has a pinkish hue. Observing these Ostriches in their natural habitat offers a unique window into the rich biodiversity of the region.

In the serene dawn of Marsabit County, a lone White-crowned Starling perched gracefully on a thorny acacia tree. This st...

In the serene dawn of Marsabit County, a lone White-crowned Starling perched gracefully on a thorny acacia tree. This striking bird, usually seen in small flocks, is a common sight in the semi-arid and desert regions of extreme Northern Kenya, typically at elevations between 300 – 1000 meters. Known for their adaptability, these Starlings often forage on the ground near human settlements, bringing a touch of wild elegance to the otherwise harsh landscape. Their presence in the early morning light, with their distinctive white crown gleaming, adds a unique charm to the rugged beauty of the Kenyan wilderness.

In the sunlit expanse of Amboseli National Park, a lone Collared Pratincole stands poised on a rock, offering a rare gro...

In the sunlit expanse of Amboseli National Park, a lone Collared Pratincole stands poised on a rock, offering a rare ground-level view of this agile flier. These birds, widespread and locally common, favor flat, sparsely vegetated terrains around lakes, rivers, and coasts. Their slender bodies and long wings, usually seen skimming gracefully over water in pursuit of insects, contrast strikingly with their grounded pose. This snapshot on a sunny morning provides a unique glimpse into the versatile habitat preferences of the Pratincole, making it a special highlight of any birdwatching adventure.

The Masked Lark (Spizocorys personata) is an intriguing bird species found in the restricted ranges of Kenya and Ethiopi...

The Masked Lark (Spizocorys personata) is an intriguing bird species found in the restricted ranges of Kenya and Ethiopia, particularly favoring the black lava deserts with sparse grass cover. This unique habitat, characterized by dark volcanic rocks and minimal vegetation, provides perfect camouflage for the Lark’s distinctive mask-like facial markings and brownish plumage, allowing it to blend seamlessly into its surroundings and evade predators.
When photographed in Marsabit, Kenya, the Masked Lark was observed foraging for seeds and insects, essential components of its diet. This behavior underscores the bird’s remarkable adaptation to its arid environment, where food and water are scarce. The brief moment when the lark faced the camera highlighted its striking features and the importance of its specialized habitat.
With its limited range, the Masked Lark's survival is intricately linked to the conservation of these unique lava desert ecosystems. Protecting these areas is crucial to ensure the continued existence of this remarkable and specialized bird.

In the serene morning light of Samburu National Reserve, a Cardinal Woodpecker was spotted perched on a dead, broken tre...

In the serene morning light of Samburu National Reserve, a Cardinal Woodpecker was spotted perched on a dead, broken tree stump. These small, vibrant birds are known for their striking red crowns and intricate black-and-white patterns. This particular woodpecker was likely foraging for insects hidden within the bark, using its sharp beak to peck into the wood. The sight of this industrious bird, illuminated by the gentle sunshine, highlighted the rich biodiversity of Samburu and offered a perfect moment of connection with nature during that morning game drive.



Opening Hours

Monday 08:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 08:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 08:00 - 17:00
Thursday 08:00 - 17:00
Friday 08:00 - 17:00
Saturday 08:00 - 12:00




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