It’s known as the ‘Greatest Wildlife Show on Earth’ by some; and as the ‘8th Natural Wonder of the World’ by others. But whatever you call it – the annual migration of the wildebeest is one of the most awe-inspiring, dramatic and tragi-comic sights you will ever see.
Sometime, between the end of July and the mid- to end-of November, over one-and-a-half million wildebeest accompanied by half again as many zebras and gazelles, will begin their migrations from the short-grass plains of the Serengeti to the fresh green pastures of the Masai Mara and its conservancies. And in so doing, they create one of nature's grandest spectacles.
Moving in groups of up to 20,000 at a time, the great blue-black river of galloping wildebeest thunder across the plateau, drawn by the scent of fresh grass. Arriving at the steep banks of the Mara they hurl themselves frantically into its churning waters, and many fall prey to the open jaws of the waiting crocodiles.
Towards the end of October, as the Serengeti beckons, the herds begin crossing back into Tanzania. The actual timing of the migration, however, is dictated by the weather and does not always run to schedule.