Hikers Heaven

Hikers Heaven .....come let's tour, hike, sight~see, birdwatch, travel, explore & enjoy......




The moon is all alone too, but still shines πŸ€”πŸ«‘πŸ‘

No one tells the oceansor the treesor the mountains that they're too old.They talk of how powerful,how grounded,how awes...

No one tells the oceans
or the trees
or the mountains that they're too old.
They talk of how powerful,
how grounded,
how awesome they are.
Imagine if we thought the same way about ourselves as we got older.
Maybe we'd realize how spectacular we are

Mount KailashπŸ™πŸ™πŸ₯°β€οΈπŸ₯°πŸ™πŸ™

Mount Kailash

Nineveh , Oldest and most populous city of ancient Assyria, on the eastern bank of the Tigris River opposite modern Mosu...

Nineveh , Oldest and most populous city of ancient Assyria, on the eastern bank of the Tigris River opposite modern Mosul, Iraq. Its greatest development was under Sennacherib and Ashurbanipal in the 7th century BCE. It was captured and destroyed by Nabopolassar of Babylonia and his allies, the Scythians and Medes, in 612 BCE. Excavations made in 1845–51 revealed palaces, a library, city walls, and many gates and buildings

Mount Etna, Sicily  πŸ“Έ Carmelo Spitaleri

Mount Etna, Sicily

πŸ“Έ Carmelo Spitaleri

It's december 1937 as Chelsea FC battle Charlton FC at Stanford Bridge Stadium in London.The match was stopped and aband...

It's december 1937 as Chelsea FC battle Charlton FC at Stanford Bridge Stadium in London.
The match was stopped and abandoned at the 60th minute due to a heavy fog πŸ™„πŸ€”.
Unfortunately, the Charlton FC legendary goalkeeper, Sam Bartram, remained unaware and kept guarding the goal post for another more than fifteen minutes after the match was abandoned πŸ™„πŸ€”πŸ˜”

He hadn't heard the referee's whistle because of the crowd behind him. He stood at the goal with his arms outstretched and completely focused in the fog so as not to be caught unawares as he thought his teammates were attacking the opponents goal 🫑

Quarter hour after the match was abandoned, he was approached by the Stadium Police and informed the match had been stopped fifteen minutes earlier.

Sam Bartram said these famous great words with great sorrow πŸ˜” 😐 πŸ˜”

There are the many players in the field of life whose goal we defend passionately with enthusiasm, but when the situations become foggy,, they abandon us fate πŸ˜žπŸ€—

0 starts1 goal in the final1 assist in the semi final for the winner Successful Penalty scored in the penalty shoot out ...

0 starts
1 goal in the final
1 assist in the semi final for the winner
Successful Penalty scored in the penalty shoot out in the quarter final.
Involved in the winning goal in round 16.

The fact he wasn’t allowed to start a game just infuriates me.

The rainbow mountains πŸ€” 😻 A rare phenomenon in Peru, beautiful rarity of natureLocated on the road to snowy Ausangate, i...

The rainbow mountains πŸ€” 😻
A rare phenomenon in Peru, beautiful rarity of nature

Located on the road to snowy Ausangate, in the Andes of Peru, Cusco Region, between the districts of Cusipata, Quispicanchi province, and Pitumarca, Canchis province.

Rare beauty of the rainbow mountains πŸ’–



Our brightest minds shouldn't have to sleep outside, demanding the government fulfill its duties. This has broken my heart in ways words cannot express. We must do better. βœŠπŸΎπŸ’”

Here are the new rules for the 2024-2025 English Premier League season - *Extra Added Time*: Referees will now add time ...

Here are the new rules for the 2024-2025 English Premier League season
- *Extra Added Time*: Referees will now add time for injuries, goal celebrations, and substitutions, and pause the clock when play stops.
- *Disciplinary Action for Time Wasting*: Goalkeepers and outfield players can receive a warning, yellow card, or other penalties for time-wasting.
- *Offside Rule*: A player in an offside position can become "onside" if an opponent moves and touches the ball.
- *Goalkeeper's Action During Penalties*: Goalkeepers can be disciplined for distracting the penalty taker.
- *Technical Area*: Coaching staff cannot crowd the technical area, and only one official can be in the dotted box outside the bench.
- *Dissent*: Players may be penalized for surrounding the referee to request a card or action.
- *Foul Threshold*: Referees can allow play to continue if a free kick would waste more time.
- *Law 1: The Field of Play*: The field must be natural or meet competition rules.
- *Law 2: The Ball*: All balls must be spherical and meet quality and measurement standards.
- *Law 3: The Players*: A match is played by two teams with a maximum of 11 players per team.
- *Law 4: Players' Equipment*: Players must wear approved equipment and cannot wear anything dangerous.
- *Law 5: The Referee*: Each match is controlled by a referee with the authority to enforce the Laws of the Game.
- *Law 6: Other Match Officials*: Assistant referees and other officials assist the referee in controlling the match.
- *Law 7: Duration of the Match*: A match lasts for two equal halves of 45 minutes unless otherwise stipulated.
- *Law 8: Start and Restart of Play*: A kick-off starts both halves of a match, and the team that kicks off the first half is decided by a coin toss.
- *Law 9: Ball In and Out of Play*: The ball is out of play when it has wholly crossed the goal line or touchline or the referee has stopped play.
- *Law 10: Determining the Match*: A goal is scored when the whole of the ball has passed over the goal line.
- *Law 11: Offside*: A player is in an offside position if they are closer to the opponent's goal line than both the ball and the second-to-last opponent.
- *Law 12: Fouls and Misconduct*: Direct and indirect free kicks and penalty kicks can be awarded for offences committed when the ball is in play.
- *Law 13: Free-Kicks*: Direct and indirect free kicks are awarded for different types of fouls.
- *Law 14: The Penalty Kick*: A penalty kick is awarded if a player commits a foul inside their own penalty area.
- *Law 15: The Throw-In*: A throw-in is awarded to the opponents of the team that last touched the ball when it wholly crosses the touchline.
- *Law 16: The Goal Kick*: A goal kick is awarded when the whole of the ball has passed over the goal line and was last touched by a player from the attacking team.
- *Law 17: The Corner Kick*: A corner kick is awarded when the whole of the ball has passed over the goal line and was last touched by a player from the defending team.

THE INSPIRING STORY OF DHL In 1969, 3 young men decided to start their delivery business with the few resources they had...


In 1969, 3 young men decided to start their delivery business with the few resources they had.
....whose initials formed *DHL* will revolutionize this industry.

...years later today DHL owns:
♀250 planes.
♀ 32,000 vehicles.
♀ 550,000 employees and today DHL is present everywhere in the world.

Revenues are estimated at hundreds of billions of dollars.

In life, surround yourself with people who talk about projects, business, success, dreams, goals.....not negative, fearful, lazy people.

```If your friend refuses to join you in starting a business, it's not a friend.```

```If your brother refuses to support you to progress in your business... he's not a brother.```

If you got into business... hold on strong... it took 55 years for DHL to be DHL.

Success takes time, effort, intelligence and focus.

Be inspired to do more today🌹🌹🌹

White Pocket, a striking area within the Vermilion Cliffs National Monument in Arizona. The formations are primarily com...

White Pocket, a striking area within the Vermilion Cliffs National Monument in Arizona. The formations are primarily composed of Navajo Sandstone, originating from ancient sand dunes that were petrified over many millennia. Erosion by wind and water has since sculpted these rocks into bizarre and intricate shapes, creating a landscape with swirling patterns and unusual textures. The resulting appearance is reminiscent of an extraterrestrial surface, contributing to White Pocket’s otherworldly and mesmerizing appeal.

Don't leave anything for later.Later, the coffee gets cold.Later, you lose interest.Later, the day turns into night.Late...

Don't leave anything for later.
Later, the coffee gets cold.
Later, you lose interest.
Later, the day turns into night.
Later, people grow up.
Later, people grow old.
Later, life goes by.
Later, you regret not doing something...
When you had the chance.
Life is a fleeting dance, a delicate balance of moments that unfold before us, never to return in quite the same way again.
Regret is a bitter pill to swallow, a weight that bears down upon the soul with the burden of missed chances and unspoken words.
So, let us not leave anything for later. Let us seize the moments as they come, with hearts open and arms outstretched to embrace the possibilities that lie before us. For in the end, it is not the things we did that we regret, but the things we left undone, the words left unspoken, the dreams left unfulfilled.

Muthama M Anthony
Tony Muthama

β€” Before the Coffee Gets Cold is a 2015 novel by Toshikazu Kawaguchi



All cycling enthusiasts have ever heard the expression β€œpedaling round” as synonymous with maximum efficiency over the machine and a certain elegance in posture. It's something more complicated to explain than to intuitive, given that we're talking about an eminently visual element.

Eminently, but not alone. And it is that a proper pedaling technique will allow us to make the most of our forces, without wasting any energy in our gestures and thus achieving an optimization of the highly desirable bike-cyclist binomial.

How to get the long awaited round pedal?
Today there is the rotor system, which removes the dead spots on your pedal, which we will refer to extensively in another article. But in these lines we will try to learn to perform this round pedaling naturally and harmoniously with ten simple tips. Another option to the broken system are the O-Symetrics plates used by Chris Froome to win the Tour de France and many other bike races.

You might be interested in: Maximum heart rate. Meet the Tanaka formula.

ALWAYS SITTING. When we talk about round pedaling we mean our technique and style while sitting on our machine. Therefore, to practice the efficiency of this technique, we should always do it sitting down, because in this way we will be able to emulate the conditions where we will most utilize the fluency in the pedaling. Also, he thinks that any cyclist spends a lot more time sitting in his chair than standing on it.

DEADLINE. When we talk about round pedaling we don’t go β€œloose” or β€œlocked”. Each cyclist has their own style, and this can be functional regardless of their cadence. That's why cyclists with few pedals per minute like Bugno or Ullrich had a perfect pedaling style, just like others like Jacques Anquetil achieved it with more fluency. The important thing is to find the pace where we feel more comfortable and spend less energy.

WHAT PEDAL IS THE LEGS - The great Bernard Hinault left a phrase as graphic as it is when he said that you should be able to play the piano while riding a bike, even climbing a port. Brave Breton meant that all the strength of the pedaling should come from the legs, and not from the strokes or pulls of the arms. Try to keep your back straight and shoulders totally still while pedaling and you will feel the pleasure of a more efficient and elegant pedaling.

TRY TO BE A STATUE. To get his sophisticated and perfected pedaling style the Norman Jacques Anquetil had a system that was as flashy as it was effective. The master of the chrono climbed to the top of a port near his home and faced the descent, plagued with long straights where he reached vertigo speeds, with the same development with which he had climbed, always pedaling as fast as he could. And most of all, without jumping on the armchair. Only this way he got the fluent pedaling technique that was a brand of the house.

WORK OUT IN YOUR GYM. Getting the above seems tricky, and you might even think it's dangerous to do it on an open road. But you can try doing it at your gym on your spin bike. When the monitor yells to the group to do a sprint, to move your legs as fast as possible, you look in the mirror and focus only on your legs, without jumping on the armchair or swinging your arms. You'll have less cadence at first, but you'll be forming a more perfect pedaling technique.

THE POSITION OF THE LEGS One of the aspects we must take care of most in order to get a good pedaling technique is the position of our legs on the bike. We should always keep the knees well glued to the frame of the bicycle, because otherwise the different angles that will form will prevent the technique from being smooth. Besides... among us... there's nothing less attractive than a cyclist pedaling with his legs open, as if he's carrying a basket in the frame.

PAYS SPECIAL ATTENTION TO THE PEDAL BLIND SPOTS. The so-called pedaling blind spots are the key to getting a smooth rhythm and an efficient enough pedaling. We’re talking about those moments when feet are practically perpendicular to the ground, and where we as cyclists usually barely build strength and therefore take advantage of the inertia of the rest of the movement. To improve we will have to try to print energy to the pedal both in the downward stretch and upward stretch, which is very simple today thanks to automatic pedals. Of course at first you will have to go very concentrated to achieve this effect, and you may at times become desperate when you see that any entertainment takes you away from your goal. But don't worry, this is like swimming. Remember when in order to improve your swimming technique you had to focus on perfectly doing each stroke? Today you must no longer do it, because you have automated the movement. Well, exactly the same will happen to you with your pedaling.

TEST TRACK AND FIXED PINON. Maybe near your house you have a track or velodrome where you can roll without the problems of typical traffic and road jams. It would be ideal that you spend a few hours in it to get your learning effective, fully focused on pedaling. You might as well do it with a fixed pinion bike, which is a machine that has been helping round out the pedaling of great champions for over a hundred years.

WATCH THE MEASURES OF YOUR BIKE. Sometimes we take the seat a little low, or the handlebar too forward. They're only a few millimeters, but they're enough to make our pedaling a more trompiconic, less fluid experience. It seems like an obvious advice but unfortunately it isn't: always make sure to have your bike correctly measured at all its angles and movable elements. And remember that our bodies change over time in weight and size, and that your measurements from ten years ago may not be the same now.

ENJOY YOURSELF. Improve your riding just to make better use of your energy and enjoy your outings more. We are cyclists and our only aim is to enjoy our bike. So if these techniques require more effort than pleasure you'll find when you have a round pedal... enjoy your style in trompicones.

Customer centricity Muthama M Anthony Tony Muthama

Customer centricity

Muthama M Anthony
Tony Muthama

Love someone not because they give you what you may want but because they give you feelings you never thought you ever n...

Love someone not because they give you what you may want but because they give you feelings you never thought you ever needed πŸ«‘πŸ™ŒπŸ§

Happy father's Muthama M Anthony 🫑 Tony Muthama 🫑

Happy father's
Muthama M Anthony 🫑
Tony Muthama 🫑


Beau dance of the sea πŸ«‚
Muthama M Anthony 🫑

On June 8, 1924(100 years ago) George Herbert Leigh Mallory (37) and Andrew Comyn Irvine (22) were last seen at the top ...

On June 8, 1924(100 years ago) George Herbert Leigh Mallory (37) and Andrew Comyn Irvine (22) were last seen at the top of Everest. In the 1924 photo, Irvine is the one in the white hat on the left, Mallory is standing next to him, but forgot to comb for the occasion.

At 8:40 am on June 6, they departed for the C-5. June 7th they reached the C-6. Mallory wrote that she had used only 3⁄4 of an oxygen bottle in the two days, suggesting an ascent speed of about 260 vertical meters per hour.

On June 8, his expedition partner Noel Odell climbed up to them as a β€œsupport team.” At about 7.925m he saw them climbing a prominent rocky step, possibly the First or Second Steps, around 1pm, although some advocates of the summit suggest that Odell's description of the topography could locate them higher, then unknown "Third Step." ”

Odell reported afterwards: "At 12.50, after having gone through a state of jubilation upon finding the first definitive fossils on Everest, there was a sudden spread of the atmosphere and the entire summit edge and final peak of Everest were cleared." My eyes were fixed on a small dot black that was profiling over a snowy ridge below a rocky step on the edge; the dot black was moving. Another black point showed up and moved up to join the other on the ridge. Then the first approached the great rocky step and soon appeared on top of it; the second did the same. So all that fascinating vision faded, shrouded in clouds once again. "After that, Mallory and Irvine was never known more. In the following days Odell desperately sought them out. He climbed up to the C-6 twice, but they weren't there. He was sure to have seen them pass the second step (albeit several hours late), so he always defended thesis that before dying, they had reached the summit and that on the way back fell somewhere in the northwest blade.

Muthama M Anthony


On this day; 08.06.1924; forever etched in mountaineering history. George Mallory and Andrew Irvine's final sighting on captured the imagination of generations leaving behind a legacy of bravery and the eternal question: did they reach the summit? Their story continues to captivate adventurers worldwide.

Photo Β©: George Mallory Archives.

Muthama M Anthony Tony Muthama

Muthama M Anthony
Tony Muthama


Easy time brethren πŸ™
Muthama M Anthony πŸ™„πŸ€”


Weruga Lane, Off Haille Salassie





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