Kyrkyz Pamir Tours

Kyrkyz Pamir Tours We organize tours in , Pamir, Kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, Central Asia, China, silk-road


We organize tours in , Pamir, Kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, Central Asia, China, silk-road

Компания KyrgyzPamirTours со следующей недели начинает туры по Ферганской долине Узбекистана.0776770090,0555770090

Компания KyrgyzPamirTours со следующей недели начинает туры по Ферганской долине Узбекистана.0776770090,0555770090

Доброе утро уважаемые коллеги. Наша туристическо-транспортна компания «KyrgyzPamirTours» находится в г. Ош и занимается ...

Доброе утро уважаемые коллеги. Наша туристическо-транспортна компания «KyrgyzPamirTours» находится в г. Ош и занимается разработкой и предоставлением туров для самых разных потребителей. Ведь запросы, требования и интересы туристов очень отличаются, поэтому и туры, представленные компанией, отличаются разнообразием, так же мы предостовляем транспортные услуги по Центральной Азии .
Наши преимущества: англоговорящие водители, наши водители прошли курсы гидов, имеют сертификаты оказания первой медицинской помощи, опыт вождения по экстремальным дорогам, особенно Памир, большой парк
комфортабелых внедорожников и микроавтобусов. Аренда автомобилей.
Гибкая система скидок.
Будем рады новым сотрудничеством
[email protected]

Great Silk Way tours .
Trekking tours through Kyrgyzstan.
4×4 jeep tours through Kyrgyzstan & Pamir Mountains (Tajikistan ).
Horse riding tours.
Cultural tours.
Transport service.
Rent 4×4 car.We are also specialized in excursions to the of-road mountains in both # # +996776770090 what's app. [email protected] ánd Highway #Кыргызстану camp # и #Таджикистану # памир #туризм #путешествия #джиптуры #горы #природа #киргизия #услуги #гид #аренда авто #4×4

туры по  #Кыргызстану  #   camp # и  #Таджикистану # памир  #туризм  #путешествия  #джиптуры  #горы  #природа  #киргизия...

туры по #Кыргызстану # camp # и #Таджикистану # памир #туризм #путешествия #джиптуры #горы #природа #киргизия #услуги #гид #аренда авто #4×4 #пик Ленина #горы #джипы. +996776770090 what's app. [email protected]


туры по #Кыргызстану # camp # и #Таджикистану # памир #туризм #путешествия #джиптуры #горы #природа #киргизия #услуги #гид #аренда авто #4×4 #пик Ленина #горы #джипы. +996776770090 what's app. [email protected]


Tourists from France travel to Kyrgyzstan.
Туры по #Кыргызстану # camp # и #Таджикистану # памир #туризм #путешествия #джиптуры #горы #природа #киргизия #услуги #гид #аренда авто #4×4 #пик Ленина #горы #джипы. +996776770090 what's app. [email protected]


Our guest from Russia decided to swim in the mountain lake Kara-Kul in the Pamirs.
Туры по #Кыргызстану # camp # и #Таджикистану # памир #туризм #путешествия #джиптуры #горы #природа #киргизия #услуги #гид #аренда авто #4×4 #пик Ленина #горы #джипы. +996776770090 what's app. [email protected]

Kyrgyz-Ata National Park is one of the most beautiful places in southern Kyrgyzstan. Only 55 km from Osh, this small nat...

Kyrgyz-Ata National Park is one of the most beautiful places in southern Kyrgyzstan. Only 55 km from Osh, this small national park is located on the northern slope of the Alay Range. Juniper forests are hallmark of in Kyrgyz-Ata, and are fascinating caves sharing ancestral secrets. In fact, throughout the park are historical and cultural monuments, as well as ancient sites and burial grounds. And that’s just the beginning — it’s also a have for outdoors and ecotourism lovers.
Spending time at Kyrgyz-Ata National Park offers the chance to trek or ride horses through the gorges. To soak in the pristine nature on any number of cultural or educational tours. And not just for a day — live with nomads at a yurt camp located right in the heart of the park. You’ll see firsthand the daily live of Kyrgyz nomads when you book one of the comfortable yurts, which can sleep a number of people in a hostel-style, or can be booked entirely private.
From your yurt camp, you can easily hire a local guide for trekking, book a horse trek, and learn the art of archery. And throughout it all, you’ll enjoy locally prepared traditional dishes. Horse lovers will love the chance for either a horse trek in the mountains, or the chance to simply horseback ride in the pastures and fields nearby. Horse treks are available for all skill levels and we offer one- and multi-day options.
For those truly curious guests, book a showing of remarkable nomadic horse games. Of the four horse games you’ll watch, kok boru is arguably the most famous, but all are entertaining and you’ll also have the rare opportunity to enjoy kiz kuumai, tiyin enmeyi and hey oodarysh. All four of these games are one official games in World Nomad Games, which is often among the only times you can usually witness them in person.
There are countless opportunities to satisfy your curiosity about Kyrgyz traditions, including in Karakoy, a nearby village where you learn the process of making handcrafted, traditional yurts. You can enjoy your evenings to the sound of traditional Kyrgyz folk music, which uses truly Kyrgyz instruments, like the komuz, ooz komuz, chopo-chor, and others. From the beautiful yurt camp in Kyrgyz-Ata National Park you can plan an entire cultural experience and truly immerse yourself in nomadic culture.
Contact us for more details:
[email protected].

 &B # in home stays and   #Various   #English speaking   # and driver   # riding tours4*4   #  # to/from   # and Irkesht...

&B # in home stays and #
Various #
English speaking # and driver
# riding tours
4*4 #
# to/from # and Irkeshtam
# National # games, wedding and music shows
[email protected]

Туры по  #Кыргызстану # и  #Таджикистану # памир  #туризм  #путешествия  #джиптуры  #горы  #природа  #киргизия  #услуги ...

Туры по #Кыргызстану # и #Таджикистану # памир #туризм #путешествия #джиптуры #горы #природа #киргизия #услуги #гид #арендаавто #4×4 #пик Ленин #горы #джипы. +996776770090 what's app. [email protected]

Туры по  #Кыргызстану # и  #Таджикистану # памир  #туризм  #путешествия  #джиптуры  #горы  #природа  #киргизия  #услуги ...

Туры по #Кыргызстану # и #Таджикистану # памир #туризм #путешествия #джиптуры #горы #природа #киргизия #услуги #гид #арендаавто #4×4 #пик Ленин #горы #джипы. +996776770090 what's app. [email protected]

Туры по  #Кыргызстану # и  #Таджикистану # памир  #туризм  #путешествия  #джиптуры  #горы  #природа  #киргизия  #услуги ...

Туры по #Кыргызстану # и #Таджикистану # памир #туризм #путешествия #джиптуры #горы #природа #киргизия #услуги #гид #арендаавто #4×4 #пик Ленин #горы #джипы +996776770090
[email protected]

Впервые в Ош туры выходного дня от компании KyrgyzPamirToursПрограмма тура «Солнечная Долина» - 2 дня и одна ночь    USD...

Впервые в Ош туры выходного дня от компании KyrgyzPamirTours
Программа тура «Солнечная Долина» - 2 дня и одна ночь USD 70 на одного чел.
08-00 (узб.время)/ 09-00 (Кир.время) Встреча на КП «Дустлик» и знакомство с Годом. Краткий инструктаж по маршруту.
09-30 -19-00 Экскурсия по Андижану
Экскурсия по парку Багишамал.
Экскурсия на старинную гостиницу «Ахмадбек Хаджи»
Экскурсия по Регистан-Жами, по старому городу
Поход в музеи «Улкашунослик» , в музей «Бабур» и др.
Экскурсия по Мингтепа (Старинный город 4 века д.н.э) – Археологические раскопки
Заселение в гостиницу «Карвансарай».
07-00 Завтрак
08-00 Выезд из гостиницы
08-00-19-00 Экскурсии по Шахрихану, Кува, Маргилан, Риштан и Коканд
Экскурсии в музеи
Экскурсии на дворец Худаярхан, в Музеи
Экскурсия на фабрику по изготовлению шелкового атласа, в дома ремесленников ножей.
19-00 Проводы до КП «Дустлик»
Программа включает:
Трансферты по всему маршруту (автомобили марки Ласетти/Нексия)
Отель (на базе завтрака)
Гид по всему маршруту
Входные билеты
Программа не включает:
Обед, ужин
Расходы личного характера
+996776770090what's app

Коммерческое предложение      Kомпания «KyrgyzPamirTours» работает на рынке пассажирских перевозок в г Ош. Благодаря выс...

Коммерческое предложение

Kомпания «KyrgyzPamirTours» работает на рынке пассажирских перевозок в г Ош.
Благодаря высокому качеству сервисных услуг, предоставляемых нашей компанией, мы хорошо зарекомендовали себя на рынке услуг. Корпоративным клиентам мы можем предложить особые условия сотрудничества, позволяющие оптимизировать транспортные расходы компании при этом сохранив имидж и мобильность.
Мы гарантируем своевременную подачу транспорта и доставку на работу, встречи и проводы с аэропорта.
+996776770090 +996555770090

Kyrgyz-Ata National Park is one of the most beautiful places in southern Kyrgyzstan. Only 40 km from Osh, this small nat...

Kyrgyz-Ata National Park is one of the most beautiful places in southern Kyrgyzstan. Only 40 km from Osh, this small national park is located on the northern slope of the Alay Range. Juniper forests are hallmark of in Kyrgyz-Ata, and are fascinating caves sharing ancestral secrets. In fact, throughout the park are historical and cultural monuments, as well as ancient sites and burial grounds. And that’s just the beginning — it’s also a have for outdoors and ecotourism lovers.
Spending time at Kyrgyz-Ata National Park offers the chance to trek or ride horses through the gorges. To soak in the pristine nature on any number of cultural or educational tours. And not just for a day — live with nomads at a yurt camp located right in the heart of the park. You’ll see firsthand the daily live of Kyrgyz nomads when you book one of the comfortable yurts, which can sleep a number of people in a hostel-style, or can be booked entirely private.
From your yurt camp, you can easily hire a local guide for trekking, book a horse trek, and learn the art of archery. And throughout it all, you’ll enjoy locally prepared traditional dishes. Horse lovers will love the chance for either a horse trek in the mountains, or the chance to simply horseback ride in the pastures and fields nearby. Horse treks are available for all skill levels and we offer one- and multi-day options.
For those truly curious guests, book a showing of remarkable nomadic horse games. Of the four horse games you’ll watch, kok boru is arguably the most famous, but all are entertaining and you’ll also have the rare opportunity to enjoy kiz kuumai, tiyin enmeyi and hey oodarysh. All four of these games are one official games in World Nomad Games, which is often among the only times you can usually witness them in person.
There are countless opportunities to satisfy your curiosity about Kyrgyz traditions, including in Karakoy, a nearby village where you learn the process of making handcrafted, traditional yurts. You can enjoy your evenings to the sound of traditional Kyrgyz folk music, which uses truly Kyrgyz instruments, like the komuz, ooz komuz, chopo-chor, and others. From the beautiful yurt camp in Kyrgyz-Ata National Park you can plan an entire cultural experience and truly immerse yourself in nomadic culture.

Contact us for more details:


[email protected].

The tourist and transport company Kyrgyz-Pamir-Tours (KPT) was established in 2009 and provides the transportation servi...

The tourist and transport company Kyrgyz-Pamir-Tours (KPT) was established in 2009 and provides the transportation services through Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. It also provides the renting of SUVs for interested tourists. Since 2014 the KPT started to develop its own tours and has the experience of organizing the travels of any complexity.
We can easily organize trips to any region of Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan - from mountainous heights to the ancient cities. Therefore, we undertake with confidence the organization of the most complex and non-standard tours.
The advantage of our company is that, each of our employees has personally crossed the route that we offer to the guests and our guides have participated in international training for the guides. Our drivers have undertaken the driving courses in extreme conditions and all our personnel have passed the certification for the first aid.
The director of our company is the head of tourism committee in the Public Association "Destination Osh" and makes an enormous contribution to the development of tourism in the South of Kyrgyzstan. Additionally, our company occasionally participates in social projects dedicated for helping the vulnerable layers of population.
Kyrgyz-Pamir Tours is engaged in revival of ethno-culture of nomads through conducting unique cultural tours in our yurt camp in Kyrgyz-Ata National Park.
Our Friendly team «KyrgyzPamirTours» is very fond of our sunny country where sun shines during the vast majority of days every year. In autumn our bazaars are full of fruits and every tourist for us is not just a client but a respected guest.
We try to organize a warm and friendly reception. We will lead you along the most interesting roads of Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan.
We will show and tell as much as possible and leave the best impressions about our tour, so that you would like to come back again.

A short list of our tours and services:
Organization of excursion tours around Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and off-roads of the Pamirs.
Organization of adventure tours: jeep tours to Son-Kol lake and Pamir Mountains, horse tours, biking tours, hiking on mountain tracks.
Organization of thematic tours: food tours, demonstration of nomadic games, national master classes, holiday tours;
Organization of trekking tours in the Pamirs and Tien Shan Mountains;
Organization of jeep tours in the Pamir tract.
Visa support and invitations, preparation of all necessary documentation for trips to all countries of Central Asia:
Providing transport services, renting cars, hotel reservation, accommodation in the yurt camps.
We will be happy if will you use services of our company and become our respected cliet.
+996776770090 what's app.
[email protected]
Osh. Masalieva street 30 office 4.


Tourist festeval in the Sahaba. We organize tours around Kyrgyzstan and the Pamir. [email protected]

Tourist festeval in the Sahaba. We organize tours around Kyrgyzstan and the Pamir.

Tourist festeval in the Sahaba. We organize tours around Kyrgyzstan and the Pamir. [email protected]

Туры по  #Кыргызстану # и  #Таджикистану # памир  #туризм  #путешествия  #джиптуры  #горы  #природа  #киргизия  #услуги ...

Туры по #Кыргызстану # и #Таджикистану # памир #туризм #путешествия #джиптуры #горы #природа #киргизия #услуги #гид #арендаавто #4×4 #пик Ленин #горы #джипы
[email protected]
+996776770090what's app

We are also specialized in   # to the of-road   mountains # in both   # ánd

We are also specialized in # to the of-road mountains # in both # ánd #
[email protected]

Kyrgyz-Ata National Park is one of the most beautiful places in southern Kyrgyzstan. Only 40 km from Osh, this small nat...

Kyrgyz-Ata National Park is one of the most beautiful places in southern Kyrgyzstan. Only 40 km from Osh, this small national park is located on the northern slope of the Alay Range. Juniper forests are hallmark of in Kyrgyz-Ata, and are fascinating caves sharing ancestral secrets. In fact, throughout the park are historical and cultural monuments, as well as ancient sites and burial grounds. And that’s just the beginning — it’s also a have for outdoors and ecotourism lovers.
Spending time at Kyrgyz-Ata National Park offers the chance to trek or ride horses through the gorges. To soak in the pristine nature on any number of cultural or educational tours. And not just for a day — live with nomads at a yurt camp located right in the heart of the park. You’ll see firsthand the daily live of Kyrgyz nomads when you book one of the comfortable yurts, which can sleep a number of people in a hostel-style, or can be booked entirely private.
From your yurt camp, you can easily hire a local guide for trekking, book a horse trek, and learn the art of archery. And throughout it all, you’ll enjoy locally prepared traditional dishes. Horse lovers will love the chance for either a horse trek in the mountains, or the chance to simply horseback ride in the pastures and fields nearby. Horse treks are available for all skill levels and we offer one- and multi-day options.
For those truly curious guests, book a showing of remarkable nomadic horse games. Of the four horse games you’ll watch, kok boru is arguably the most famous, but all are entertaining and you’ll also have the rare opportunity to enjoy kiz kuumai, tiyin enmeyi and hey oodarysh. All four of these games are one official games in World Nomad Games, which is often among the only times you can usually witness them in person.
There are countless opportunities to satisfy your curiosity about Kyrgyz traditions, including in Karakoy, a nearby village where you learn the process of making handcrafted, traditional yurts. You can enjoy your evenings to the sound of traditional Kyrgyz folk music, which uses truly Kyrgyz instruments, like the komuz, ooz komuz, chopo-chor, and others. From the beautiful yurt camp in Kyrgyz-Ata

TOURS IN KYRGYZSTANKyrgyzstan is a grandiose mountain kingdom on a junction of the Tien Shan and the Pamir-Alay of the P...

Kyrgyzstan is a grandiose mountain kingdom on a junction of the Tien Shan and the Pamir-Alay of the Pamirs. It is where the air is clean and clear even in the cities, not to mention the heady freshness of it in the alpine evergreen woods. Majestic snow peaks are seen from almost anywhere in the country - those who were once awed by the vast splendor of mountains will never resist the temptation of getting closer to them. Every mountain lover will find his/her personal thrill strived for, since activities as diverse as bike, horse, heli, jeep, climbing and even paragliding tours are well organized in the area. Those who love beach recreation will also score a bull’s-eye in Kyrgyzstan - at health and holiday centers of famous Issyk-Kul Lake. In short, the natural destinations in the country please the eye, clear the mind and present whatever you love in the
[email protected]

Track in Kyrgyz AtaOrgonizer Kyrgyz Pamir what's App

Track in Kyrgyz Ata
Orgonizer Kyrgyz Pamir Tours
[email protected]
+99677677009 what's App

A trip to the caves with tourists from Germany

A trip to the caves with tourists from Germany

СУПЕР АКЦИЯ от Туристическо-Транспортной компании KyrgyzPamirTours : Паломнеческий  Зиярат тур и гастрономический  тур В...

СУПЕР АКЦИЯ от Туристическо-Транспортной компании KyrgyzPamirTours : Паломнеческий Зиярат тур и гастрономический тур Вкусный Узбекистан по 260 $ за человека.
Наш адрес: г Ош пр-кт Масалиева д 30 офис 4 0555770090 и 0776770090 what's app

For guests from Germany they organized a tour in Kyrgyz Ata+996776770090 what's app. +996555770090.

For guests from Germany they organized a tour in Kyrgyz Ata
+996776770090 what's app.
[email protected]
Osh. Masalieva street 30 office 4.

We together with Destination Osh have organized a turtistic

We together with Destination Osh have organized a turtistic festal
[email protected]


Masalieva Street 30. 4


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