PSE ECAP PSE ECAP - The Sports and Extra-curricular activities program of Pour un Sourire d'Enfant Kids like playing, kids enjoy playing and kids learn from playing.

Children must be introduced to the principles of regular physical exercise and recreational activities at an early age. Schools at all levels must develop and encourage positive attitudes toward physical exercise, providing opportunities to learn physical skills and perform physical activities. Schools must teach the benefits of exercise and the development and maintenance of exercise and exercise

conditioning throughout life. This is the mission of ECAP Department: to increase the opportunities for physical activity/sports, arts and entertainment for children and youngsters of Pour Un Sourire d’Enfant. Our activities:
• We educate kids and youth about proper ways of playing sports, and disciplines in sports and about morality
• We meet with community chiefs and community members to make them aware of our program
• We meet with PSE social officers to work on problems of community members
• We meet with community service center manager to discuss how to better organize activities in community service centers
• We work with PSE community service center staff to conduct activity over there
• We refer the cases of community members, who come to get help from us, to PSE social officers
• We create football teams in communities
• We bring kids and youths to visit PSE


The PSE football team will play in a competition broadcast on TV. This Saturday, stay tuned at 8PM on MyTv!

ក្រុមបាល់ទាត់ PSE នឹងលេងក្នុងការប្រកួតប្រជែង ដែលមានផ្សាយលើកញ្ចក់ទូរទស្សន៍។ នៅថ្ងៃសៅរ៍នេះ វេលាម៉ោង ៨យប់ តាមរយៈទូរទស្សន៍ MyTv!

Thanks to Kampuchea Balopp 👏

Thanks to Kampuchea Balopp 👏

A new sport: Frontball for PSE kids! Thanks guys for coming!

A new sport: Frontball for PSE kids! Thanks guys for coming!

New football field at ECAP!This promises a fantastic football year!PSE Football coaches are waiting for you kids!

New football field at ECAP!
This promises a fantastic football year!

PSE Football coaches are waiting for you kids!

Blackboard improvisation for a dance training at ECAP with teacher Chanthan !!!

Blackboard improvisation for a dance training at ECAP with teacher Chanthan !!!

Awesome weekend with ECAP!ECAP monthly partyFootball competition U16_U18 boys and girls3Vs3 basketball tournamentA speci...

Awesome weekend with ECAP!
ECAP monthly party
Football competition U16_U18 boys and girls
3Vs3 basketball tournament

A special thanks to Nicolas who leaves next week! We will miss you!

Thanks to B**g Vanna, coach Dul Marakhem, Heanlove Nory, Vannyuth, B**g Lida B**gThom, Ke Sivorn, B**g Keo Chanthan, Pablo, Clara and Thibaud !!

Congratulations to all players !!!!


ECAP monthly party


Friday morning it's blessing dance class at ECAP with teacher Chanthan
Have a wonderful day!
Maly Ngechsean Leakhena Elisabeth, ready for a session ?

Thanks Kampuchea Balopp ! Our kids will be back tomorrow night with a head full of memories!PSE - Pour un Sourire d'Enfa...

Thanks Kampuchea Balopp ! Our kids will be back tomorrow night with a head full of memories!
PSE - Pour un Sourire d'Enfant - CambodiaPour un Sourire d'Enfant - France

Wonderfull first day of tournament for our "Baby Dragons" with 3 closed games:
Game 1: defeat vs SCC Tigers 15-17
Game 2: defeat Vs TRC Eagles 5-12
Game 3: victory Vs Dragons 12-5

Here are the best pictures that has been taken during those three games. Tomorrow, they will play a last pool game and maybe will have a chance to finish on the top 4 of the Division 1 to play the Cup Semi-final.

A huge thanks to Mike Jackson and his team from the Tanglin Rugby Club which did a huge work to make this trip real for our 13 players.

Thanks Kampuchea Balopp for this amazing day !

Thanks Kampuchea Balopp for this amazing day !



The last Kampuchea balopp day... A success as usual !!Thanks Kampuchea Balopp!

The last Kampuchea balopp day... A success as usual !!

Thanks Kampuchea Balopp!

Thanks Kampuchea Balopp!!

Thanks Kampuchea Balopp!!

Nice competition, good results, good coaches and a really good group of girls!Thanks Kampuchea Balopp for the trip!

Nice competition, good results, good coaches and a really good group of girls!
Thanks Kampuchea Balopp for the trip!

TROT training...!

TROT training...!

Again The ECAP monthly party was a big success this last Saturday 31st of December!Thank you to all participants and see...

Again The ECAP monthly party was a big success this last Saturday 31st of December!
Thank you to all participants and see you next month!!
Happy new year to all of you!
Pour un Sourire d'Enfant - Cambodia Lida B**gThom Dul Raingsey Khemara Dul Ke Sivorn Keo Chanthan Vanna Dona Heanlove Nory

មួយសបា្តហ៏កន្លងមកនេះ PSE បានចូលរួមថ្ងៃកម្ពុជា Balopp ចុងឆ្នាំជាមួយនឹងលើកទឹកដ៏ច្រើនហើយបាននាំនូវពានរង្វាន់ត្រឡប់មកវិញ ។ ជា...

មួយសបា្តហ៏កន្លងមកនេះ PSE បានចូលរួមថ្ងៃកម្ពុជា Balopp ចុងឆ្នាំជាមួយនឹងលើកទឹកដ៏ច្រើនហើយបាននាំនូវពានរង្វាន់ត្រឡប់មកវិញ ។ ជាចុងក្រោយមានតែក្រុមក្មេងស្រី U15 ដែលបានប្រកួតឈ្នះនៅពេលការបញ្ចប់លើកទីនៅពីក្រោយសាលាបារាំង។
សូមអគុណទៅដល់កម្ពុជា Balopp សំរាប់ការប្រកួតប្រជែតដ៏ល្អនេះនិងពឹងពាក់ពួកយើងនៅឆ្នាំក្រោយ។ ពួកយើយនិងព្យាយាមបណ្តុះបណ្តាម្តងទៀតឪ្យល្អជាងនេះទៅទៀត។
សូមអគុណផងដែរដល់គ្រួបង្វឹកកីឡាបាល់ឪបថ្មីរបស់ពួកយើងនិងអ្នកអប់រំរបស់យើងមាន Pablo ,ម៉ាក់មាលី,និង ប៉ាដេត។

One week ago PSE joined the last Kampuchea Balopp day of the year with a lot of motivation to bring the trophy back home. But it was without taking into consideration Lycée Français René-Descartes / Site Officiel. Finally only the U15 girls won the competition when all the categories finished second behind the French school.
Thanks to Kampuchea Balopp for this awesome competition. Count on us, next year we will be there again and better trained.
Thanks as well to our new rugby coach Heanlove Nory and to our educators, Pablo, Maly and Vandeth.

On the Sunday 22nd of May 2016, at the ISPP - International School of Phnom Penh, Kampuchea Balopp has organised the last Grassroots rugby day of the school year. 11 of our NGOs and School partners has answered to our invitation, and it's more than 400 rugby players, from 8 to 17 years old, who has attended to this great morning.
The Main objective of Kampuchea Balopp program is to promote education and social inclusion through Sport. That's why, before the games, we organized some activities with blind and low vision children which were mixed with other children to play together. Some mentally disabled children from Action Cambodge Handicap also joined us to played with other children and share a warm moment of fun together.
Then, differents rugby games were organized between the 34 teams regrouped in 4 differents age group categories: Under 11, U13, U15 and U18.

A big thanks to our sponsor, Cambodia Airports without whom this great moment would not have been possible.
We would like to thanks as well all the volunteers from the Lycée Français René-Descartes / Site Officiel who helped us to set up the field and animate the activities.
Finally, we would like to thanks the players from Phnom Penh Social Rugby Club and Peou Sophoan who did a very nice job to referee all the games.

with Krousar Thmey Foundation, Mith Samlanh, Pour un Sourire d'Enfant - Cambodia, Taramana, Toutes à l'école, Transform Cambodia, Cambodian Children's Fund, ISF Cambodia, Sok Sabay Association...................................................
Dimanche 22 Mai 2016, sur le terrain de l'ISPP, Kampuchea Balopp a organisé le dernier KB day de l'année scolaire.
11 de nos ONG et Ecoles partenaires ont repondu a notre invitation et au total, ce sont plus de 400 amoureux (et amoureuSEs) du ballon ovale qui ont participé a cette grande fete du rugby.
L'objectif principal de Kampuchea Balopp est d'utiliser le sport comme un levier d'education et d'insertion sociale. C'est pourquoi, avant la tenue des matchs, de nombreuses activités ont éte animées, mélangeant enfants en situation de handicaps physiques ou mentaux avec d'autres enfants. Ce fut un moment tres chaleureux, rempli de tolérance et de solidarité.
Ensuite, les matchs ont pu se lancer avec pas moins de 34 équipes regroupées dans 4 groupes d'age différents. Les matchs se sont déroulés dans un superbe état d'esprit, et filles et garcons ont pris un plaisir certain a jouer les un avec et contre les autres.

Nous voudrions remercier Cambodia Airport, sans qui cette journée n'aurait pu etre organisée, ainsi que tous les volontaires du Lycée Francais René Descartes qui nous ont aidé a la mise en place et la tenue des activités.
Enfin, nous aimerions remercier les quelques joueurs du Phnom Penh Social Rugby Club qui nous ont preté main forte pour l'arbitrage des matchs.

នៅថ្ងៃនេះគឺ មានវគ្គ បណ្តុះបណ្តាលបាល់ទាត់ សម្រាប់  អាយុក្រោម 18ឆ្នាំក្នុង ទីលានថ្មីនៅ អូបេការបស់អង្គការភាពញញឹមនៃកុមារ ។ហើ...

នៅថ្ងៃនេះគឺ មានវគ្គ បណ្តុះបណ្តាលបាល់ទាត់ សម្រាប់ អាយុក្រោម 18ឆ្នាំក្នុង ទីលានថ្មីនៅ អូបេការបស់អង្គការភាពញញឹមនៃកុមារ ។ហើយនៅក្នុងនោះដែរមាន សិស្សចំនួន 25 នាក់ បានចូលរួមជាមួយវគ្គបណ្តុះបណ្តាលនេះ ដោយបង្ហាត់ដោយគ្រូបង្វឹកបាល់ទាត់ថ្មីគឺលោកគ្រូវាសនា។ សិស្សទាំងអស់គឺសប្បាយចិត្តនិងចាប់អារម្មណឺការលេងនៅទីលានថ្មីនេះយ៉ាងខ្លាំង។
នៅថ្ងៃស្អែកក្លឹបកីឡាបាល់អោបនឹងមានវគ្គបណ្តុះបណ្តាលជាមួយក្រុមជំនាញបាល់អោបដែលមកពីប្រទេសហុងកុង ដែលរៀបចំដោយកម្ពុជាបាល់អោប។

Today was the first football training for the U18 on the new pitch in Obeka. 25 students joined the session trained by Chan Veasna, the new football coach.
All enjoyed a lot playing on this amazing field!

Tomorrow, the ECAP rugby club will have a specific training with a professional team from Hong Kong organized by Kampuchea Balopp.

A nice sports weekend for the students !!!

Thanks to our partner Kampuchea Balopp and to valley RFC for the rugby training this morning ! The kids won't forget it ...

Thanks to our partner Kampuchea Balopp and to valley RFC for the rugby training this morning ! The kids won't forget it !

This morning, on the saturday 26th of March, Kampuchea Balopp has the chance and the honor to welcome Mrs Adrienne Garvey, Hong Kong National team player, and his husband, Chris Garvey, Hong Kong Women National team coach, to one of our practice.
For this special occasion, we had invited children from Pour un Sourire d'Enfant - Cambodia, ISF Cambodia and Cambodian Children's Fund, on our new rugby articficial pitch.
During one hour and half, our khmer educator had the pleasure to learn from the great experience of Adrienne and Chris, and at the end, our guest were the spectators of a small game between the U11 of PSE ECAP and CCF.
Both of them are from the Hong Kong Rugby Club, Valley RFC, a club which had already donate a lot of jerseys and rugby equipment to our partner PSE.
We would like to thanks Valley RFC, and of course Adrienne and Chris Garvey, for supporting Cambodian Grassroots Rugby !!

Ce matin, en ce samedi 26 Mars 2016, l'equipe de Kampuchea Balopp a eu la chance et l'honneur de recevoir Mdme Adrienne Garvey, joueuse en équipe nationale de Hong Kong, et son mari, Chris Garvey, coach de cette meme équipe nationale, lors d'un de nos entrainements. Pour cette spéciale occasion, nous avions 'réuni autour de notre nouveau terrain, les enfants de trois de nos ONG partenaires, Pour un Sourire d'Enfant, Indochina Starfish Foundation et Cambodian Children's Fund.
Durant une heure et demi, nos éducateurs cambodgiens ont eu l'immense privilege de pouvoir mener une seance en compagnie de ces deux pointures du rugby international, qui ont pu assister, a la fin de la séance, a un petit match entre les Moins de 11 ans de PSE et de CCF.
Adrienne et Chris Garvey sont tous deux issus du meme club de Hong-Kong, Le Valley RFC, qui depuis trois ans, envoit régulieremment des donations de maillots a notre partenaire PSE.
Nous aimerions remercier le Club de Valley RFC et bien entendu, Adrienne et Chris Garvey, pour soutenir Kampuchea Balopp et le rugby cambodgien !

Club skate PSE participated and performance their talent at Skateistan Cambodia in an occasion of International Peace Da...

Club skate PSE participated and performance their talent at Skateistan Cambodia in an occasion of International Peace Day which is held by Skateistan Organization.


#402, Village Trea, Sangkat Steung Meanchey, Khan Meanchey
Phnom Penh


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