The development of the Rose Apple Square in Siem Reap is an example of using design to build a community for residences, tourists and digital nomad to come together. The planning of the multi-levels courtyard works more than just a communal space it enables the sharing economy that exists within the development and its surrounding neighborhood.
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#ReedgeArchitecture #RoseAppleSquare #Community #Privacy #Sustainability #Inclusivity #SiemReap #MultiLevelCourtyard #nativeldasia #ULS #UrbanLiving #ContemporaryArchitecture #CommunityArchitecture
The interplay amongst time, space and light define this family and their ingredients to a tasteful life surrounding this kitchen design.
Our philosophy to design is being fluid. Function and Form are equally crucial but they follow the flow of people through various spaces and most of the time these spaces are designed according to time of the day, views out to nature and to follow the path of sunrise or sunset. Here, the act of a family coming together surrounding the kitchen is more than just to create memories but to also be aware of the natural environment surrounding them.
#KitchenDesign #InteriorDesign #DesignPrinciples #Time #Space #Light #ReedgeArchitecture #ResidentialDesign
We took a break from the 48th "ASEAN Architect Council" meeting in Siem Reap to revisit our project Rose Apple Square and fell in love with it all over again. This time not only the lushed landscape that welcomed us, more spaces were ready to welcome guests and residences.
Check out Velea at Rose Apple Square and Commune at Rose Apple Square the next time you visit Siem Reap.
Master Planner and Architects: re : edge architecture
Interior Designer: The Room Design Studio (Velea, Commune and Future Forum)
Landscape Designer: Native Landscape Design
ααΆαααααααααΆααααΆαα αα
ααΈααΆααααΆααααΆααααααααααααα ααΆαα½ααααα»αααΆααΆα ααΈα’αα, ααααααααααααααΆααααΊ ααααααα
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Site visit with Re : Edge Architecture team near the Mekong River, focusing on preserving existing trees in our landscape design.
#TreePreservation #LandscapeDesign #SustainableArchitecture
ααααΆααααααααααααΆααααΌαα·ααΆ | ααααααααααααα αα’αΆαααΆαααΆ
ααΆαααΆααααΉαααααααααα αα·αααΆαααααα
ααΆαααααα ααααΆααααααααααααααα’αΆα
ααΆααααααααΊ αα·α αααααααααααΆαα· ααααααααΎααααΆααααΆαααααα½ααααα αααααΆαααΆαααΎααααααααα»αααΈααΈ αα·αααααΎααααΆαααααααΆαααα·ααα·α αα·α ααΆαααααΌαααα
ααααα ααΎαααΈαααααααΆααααααααααΆααααα
αΌαααααααααΌαααααΌαα’αΌααααααΊ αα½ααααααα
ααααααΆα αα·α ααΆαααααΎααααΆααααααα»ααΆαα» ααα αααααααααΈααααΆαααΆααααα½ααα
ααααααα Amaya Kampot Homestays
ααααΆααααααα Re : Edge Architecture
ααΆ Brand αα·α Styling: Nataly Lee
α§αααααααααα: American Standard Cambodia
α’αααααΆααααα Park Phum Construction
ααααΆα Courtyard Box House (αααα’αααα½α αα·α αααααΊ) ααααΌαααΆααα
ααΆα‘αΎααααααΆααααααα£ααΆααααααα αα
ααΎααααααΈαααααΆαααα ααααααααα½α αααααααΆαααΆααααααααΆααααααααααΈααΆαααΆαααααΆαααααΆααααΆαα½αααΉα ααΈαα½α α’αΆαα ααααΉα αααααΆαααααα·ααααααα½ααΆαααααα’αααααααα
ααΈααα α ααα»ααΌα
αααα αΎα αααα»αααααααααα
ααΆααααα ααΎαααΆααα·αααΌα α’αααΈααΆααααααΎαα’ααααΆαααΈααααΆ ααααΆααααα ααΎααααΈααΆαααααΆαααααΆααααααααα
αΆαααααα αα·ααααα»ααααα½ααΆα αααααα½αααΆαααΆαααααααααα½ααα αα·αα―αααααΆαααα
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ααααα’ααΆα ααααααα»αααΆααα
ααΆααΆαααααααααααααΎαααααα αααααΉαααΉααααααααα ααΎαααΆααα·αααΌααα
αααααΆαααααΌαααΆααα αααααΊααααααΆαα· αα·ααααααααΎααααΈααααααααΎααααΆαααα
αααα»αα’ααΆα ααΌααα½αααΆαα½αααΉαααΆαααααΎαα
Social spaces such as the kitchen, dining and living room are designed to be opened and connected with the backyard and the extended family house.
We partnered with RCD Cambodia to design a sleek and timeless kitchen with functionality and flexibility of a modern family. The hidden components of the wall cabinetry allows the double-door fridge to be a seamless surface with the rest of the wall storages. While the back wall shelving can be cluttered with kitchenette sometimes the flexibility to folding close all the wall shelves can eliminate this issue.
Special Thanks
Model: Chanda Hun
πΈ: Wantha Images
#CourtyardBoxHouse #OpenLiving #SocialSpace #ReedgeArchitecture #DryKitchen #InteriorDesign #PhnomPenh #ModernFamilyHome #OpenConnected
Take a quick peek at this interior design of our latest private residence in Toul Kork.
We selected materials, colors, textures, furnitures and fixtures that are muted in tones to create a sleek, sophisticated, and timeless look.
#InteriorDesign #ReedgeArchitecture #MutedTones #TimelessElegance #PrivateResidence #OpenLivingSpace #LivingRoom #SofaSet #stayTuned #PhnomPenh
ααααααααΆ ααααααα’αα·αααααααα α»αα»αααΆα Rose Apple Square ααααααΎαβ αα
ααααΆαααααααα ααα αα·αααααααΆαα· ααααΌαααΆααα½ααααα
αΌαααααΆαααΆααααΌα ααΎααααΈαααααααααααααΌαααΆαααααααα»ααα αα·ααα αααα α²ααααΆαααΆαααΈαααΌαααΆααα
Checking out our Rose Apple Square mixed-use development project in Siem Reap
Architecture, space and nature co-exist harmoniously for people and community to thrive.β
#RoseAppleSquare #SiemReap #VeleaatRoseAppleSquare #ReedgeArchitecture #NativeLandscapeDesign #CommunityFocusedDevelopment
ααΆαααααΎαααααααααααΈαααααααΎα: αααααΈαααααΆα ααΆαααΈαα
αααααΈαααααΆαααααΎα αααααΆααααα·αααα’αΆα αΆααααα’αΆαααΈ-α’αΊααα»α αα·αααααΆααααΆααα’ααααααΆαα·ααα ααααΌαααΆααα
αΌα ααΌααααα·αααααααααΆαααα½αααΆαα’αΆα αΆαααααααα·α αααααα·ααΆααΆααααααααααααΆα αα·αααααααα
ααααα αΆα αααααααΌαααΆαααα½αααααΆααααα»ααααα·α ααΈααΆααααααΎααααααααααΈαααααααα½α αααααΆααααα αααααΆααα²αααααααΆαααΈααΈαααα»ααααααΆαααΉαα
Revisiting our previous project: Cabinè Restaurant
A fine dining bistro of European cuisines with Asian fusion and wine appreciation premise, designed to take your premium dining experience to the next level with fresh, warm overall atmosphere and timelessness with a touch of natural texture inspired by the idea of having a structure as a sanctuary for escaping from the busy urban street.
It' s lunch time at The Cabinè Restaurant
#Timelapse #ShadingDevices #ReedgeArchitecture #FBDesign #FineDining