Sovann Phoum is Local NGO has been working on Community Development to focus on Education, Water Sanitation in Communities and Schools and Livelihood Improvement. Originally, a French NGO, Enfants et Développement (E&D), was implementing an integrated program in two sub-urban communes of Stoeung Mean Chey and Dangkor, Phnom Penh, in 1991. In the view of achievements and experience gained from the
implementation of the program activities, Cambodian staff–– who was implementing the program––established a Cambodian NGO, Sovann Phoum, with the support of E&D, in order to continue program activities in existing areas, and to increase similar activities and services to other areas of Cambodia. Sovann Phoum is a non-government, non-religious, and non-profit Organization, working for the best interests of the child, using child-centered community development approach, and is one of the leading NGOs specialized in child-to-child approach for health education and working for benefiting to vulnerable and disadvantaged groups: children and women, through the implementation of socio-economic programs. Having established with strong social mission, commitment and practical experiences, in three fields of Education, Vocational Training and Micro-finance with disadvantaged and poor people, SP has made considerable contributions to the extreme poverty alleviation of Cambodians, both in urban and rural areas of Cambodia.
1991: The Integrated Program implemented by Enfant Et Development to help poor chilren in Stung Meanchey and Dongkor, urban of Phnom Penh
2000: Registered as Local NGO called Sovann Phoum
Staff: Board of Directors: 5 members, ExCom: 4 members, Program and Project team: 18 staff, Finance team: 3 staff, HR and Admin team: 3 staff, and Micro Credit team: 9 staff. Donor Partners: 3 (Plan: 3 projects, WI: 1 project, and Heifer: 1 project)
Ongoing Projects: 1) Cambodia Consortium for Out of School Children (CCOSC) (Mar 2015-Nov2017). 2) Cambodia Rural Sanitation and Hygiene Improvement Programme (CRSHIP) Round 2 (Jan 2016-Jun 2018). 3) Innovation for Community-based CCA/DRR Alternatives (Apr 2016-Nov 2017). 4) Improving Income and Nutrition through Community Empowerment (Oct 2015-Jun 2019). 5) Community Development to Prevent Trafficking (Apr 2016-Sep 2019)
Experts in:
1. Community tap water supply
2. Automatic solar water supply in school (no battery, when sun raise water pump up)
3. Classroom purified drinking water (drinking faucet in every classroom)
4. School vegetable gardening (irrigated by tap water in school from solar)
5. Rural sanitation and hygiene
6. Education: out of school children, scholarship cash transfer, slow learner, and livelihood improvement.
7. Self help groups/ Saving groups
8. Local chick hatching and raising (using innovative technique)