Angkor wat taxi services - Cambodia the local way

Angkor wat taxi services - Cambodia the local way +855 (0) 92999141

Happy Family picnic Tours ( countryside, rice fields, village from Siem Reap, Cambodia

Happy Family picnic Tours ( countryside, rice fields, village from Siem Reap, Cambodia

One Day Tours ( Beng Melea Temple and Kompong Phluk, Tonle Sap Lake from Siem Reap ) -Melea  -PhlukHello Lady and Gentle...

One Day Tours ( Beng Melea Temple and Kompong Phluk, Tonle Sap Lake from Siem Reap )

-Melea -Phluk

Hello Lady and Gentlemen, to all our friendly readers, We are very pleased that you have taken the time to read about our Example tour programs, This itinerary is flexible and may be adjusted to suit your requirement, Private tours and Cambodia transfer services,

One Day Tour ( Beng Melea Temple and Kompong Phluk, Tonle Sap Lake from Siem Reap ) is 80$ Taxi driver Speaking-English and including fresh bottles of water and cold face towel.

Please free feel contact me!🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Email: [email protected]
☎️Call: +855 92999141


Happy tour in the car on the way to komphong phluk, Tonle Sap Lake from Siem Reap

Let see dancing at wat somrong altogether

Let see dancing at wat somrong altogether

He is from China, he take my tour for 2 daysMr.Lim Visanak, Tuk-Tuk & Tour Information of Angkorリムウィサナック、アンコールのトゥクトゥク&ツア...

He is from China, he take my tour for 2 days
Mr.Lim Visanak, Tuk-Tuk & Tour Information of Angkorリムウィサナック、アンコールのトゥクトゥク&ツアー

日本語 Japanese Language

ជំរាបសួរ CHUM REAP SUR Ladies and Gentle man, My name is Lim visanak, you can call me " Nak or Tuy " just for short it's easier, I am a fluent English speaking driver in Siem Reap Angkor Cambodia.
I have been taking tourists to Angkor temples since 2001. I have extensive experience and will transport you in Tuk Tuk or Automobile , Car and Van. Please just kindly tell what kind of services you would like. I will be pleasurable to be your local driver, guide and assistant while you are in Siem Reap Angkor, Cambodia. I am a punctual friendly, informative driver. I will drive you with comfortable, safe home.
Your business will be greatly appreciated! If you choose to work with me.
Moreover, I am a fully licensed local taxi driver in Siem Reap, Angkor, Cambodia. I have provided my services for many years so you can hire me with confidence. I also can help you plan or give suggestion and intormation if you have sort time in Siem Reap Angkor, Cambodia

Welcome Ladies and gentleman. My name is Lim Visanak, but you can call me Nak. I am 28 years old . I have 6 people in my family, but 2 older brothers died . Now I'm the oldest child in my family . I was born in the beautiful countryside at Sam Rong village. Sam Rong is located in Soutnikum district, Siem Reap province, Cambodia. This area is around 37km from Siem Reap city and on the way to Beng Mealea temple. So i decided to leave my home go to Siem Reap city in 2001. I am working as Tuk Tuk driver at GOLDEN TEMPLE VILLA . Now I have my own Tuk Tuk and I also have a car for service to Angkor Wat .I have changed many jobs because I wanted to make some new experience for myself. I only graduated in the hight school degree so this is the only way for me to get myself familiar with all the work in real life and now I am renting house about one killo meter from the town for open hostel only 7 rooms.
Please have me a work and Contact me by
E-mail: [email protected]
Tel: +855 92999141
Tel: +855 98628181
FACEBOOK; Lim_visanak

Bayon temple
Driving you to the same place
Small Circuit Tour: Tuk Tuk $15 / Car $30 / Van $ 35 / To Angkor Wat, Phnom Bakheng, Bakshei Chamkrong, South gate of Angkor Thom, Bayon, Baphoun, Phimean Akas, Elephant’s terrace, Lipper king’s terrace, Thomanon, Chaosaytevoda, Ta Keo, Ta Phrom, Banteay Kdei and Prasat Kravan Temples)
Bing Circuit Tour: Tuk Tuk $15 / Car $3o / Van $35 / To Phrea Khan,Neak Pean, Krol Ko, Ta Som, Est Mebont and Pre Rup
Long Distance Tours: Tuk Tuk
* $10 - Floating Village (Chong Kneas) at Tonle Sap Lake(best time to visit from May to December)(Boat trip ticket information 1 person =$20 each,
* $17 - Floating Forest (Kompong Pluk) at Tonle Sap lake (best time to visit from july to january)(Boat trip ticket information 1 person =$20 each,
* $35 - Tonle Sap Lake at kompong Kleang Village (best time to visit from july to january)(Boat trip ticket information 1 person =$20 each,
* $40 - Beng Melea + Tonle Sap Lake at kompong Kleang Village (best time to visit from july to january)(Boat trip ticket information 1 person =$20 each,
* $3o - Beng Melea
* $35 - Beng Melea + Roluos Group (Preah Ko , Bakong , Lolei
* $12 - Silk Farm to Know the silk processing and the best place to buy the real silk,
* $10 - Roluos Group (Preah Ko , Bakong , Lolei)
* $23 - Banteay Srei
* $23 - Banteay Srei +Landmine Museum (entrance ticket $3)
* $28 - Banteay Srei + Kbal Spean
* $25 - Banteay Srei + Small Circuit Tour + Angkor Thom ( South gate of Angkor Thom, Bayon, Baphoun, Phimean Akas, Elephant’s terrace, Lipper king’s terrace, Thomanon, Chaosaytevoda, Ta Keo, Ta Phrom, Banteay Kdei and Prasat Kravan Temples),
* $25 - Banteay Srei + Big Circuit Tour (Pre Rup , Est Mebont , Ta Som , Neak Pean and Phrea Khan,)
* $35 - Banteay Srei + Kbal Spean + Roluos Group (Preah Ko , Bakong , Lolei)
* $23 - Big Circuit Tour (Pre Rup , Est Mebont , Ta Som , Neak Pean and Phrea Khan,) +Floating Village (Chong Kneas) at Tonle Sap Lake(best time to visit from May to December)(Boat trip ticket information 1 person =$20 each,
Long Distance Tours: Car

*$30 - City Tours Bing Local Market in town+Killing Field+Angkor Museum(entrance ticket $12)+War Museum(entrance ticket $5)+Drop off Old Market area & Pub Street For Shopping.
* $30 - Angkor Wat+Angkor Thom( South gate of Angkor Thom, Bayon, Baphoun, Phimean Akas, Elephant’s terrace, Lipper king’s terrace Sour Prat),
* $25 - Floating Village (Chong Kneas) at Tonle Sap Lake(best time to visit from May to December)(Boat trip ticket information 1 person =$20 each,
* $30 - Floating Forest (Kompong Pluk) at Tonle Sap lake (best time to visit from july to january)(Boat trip ticket information 1 person =$20 each,
* $47 - Tonle Sap Lake at kompong Kleang Village (best time to visit from july to january)(Boat trip ticket information 1 person =$20 each,
*$70 - Beng Melea + Tonle Sap Lake at kompong Kleang Village (best time to visit from july to january)(Boat trip ticket information 1 person =$20 each,
* $65 - Beng Melea + Roluos Group (Preah Ko , Bakong , Lolei
* $75 -Angkor Wat + Beng Melea + Tonle Sap Lake at kompong Kleang Village (best time to visit from july to january)(Boat trip ticket information 1 person =$20 each,
* $38 - Big Circuit Tour (Pre Rup , Est Mebont , Ta Som , Neak Pean and Phrea Khan,)+ Floating Village (Chong Kneas) at Tonle Sap Lake(best time to visit from May to December)(Boat trip ticket information 1 person =$20 each,
* $45 - Big Circuit Tour (Pre Rup , Est Mebont , Ta Som , Neak Pean and Phrea Khan,) + Floating Forest (Kompong Pluk) at Tonle Sap lake (best time to visit from july to january)(Boat trip ticket information 1 person =$20 each,
* $25 - Silk Farm to Know the silk processing and the best place to buy the real silk,
* $20 - Roluos Group (Preah Ko , Bakong , Lolei)
* $40 - Banteay Srei +Landmine Museum (entrance ticket $3) + Banteay somre,
* $40 - Big Circuit Tour (Pre Rup , Est Mebont , Ta Som , Neak Pean and Phrea Khan,) + Roluos Group (Preah Ko , Bakong , Lolei)
* $45 - Banteay Srei + Roluos Group (Preah Ko , Bakong , Lolei)

wonderful of cambodai for new style photos

wonderful of cambodai for new style photos


They are from India, they went to Beng Melea temple , Koh kar temple and preh Vihar temple on 14/10/2016

They are from Newsland , they stay at New Home Hostel

They are from Newsland , they stay at New Home Hostel

CERTIFICATEThis is to certify that  Lim Visanak has successfully completed the training of trainers workshop on "Promoti...

This is to certify that Lim Visanak has successfully completed the training of trainers workshop on "Promoting Child Safe Tourism" held on 29-30 January 2008 in Siem Reap Province.

We are at New Home Hostel

We are at New Home Hostel

They are staying at New Home Hostel in siem Reap of Cambodia!

They are staying at New Home Hostel in siem Reap of Cambodia!


this is a f***y video


Mr.Lim Visanak, Tuk-Tuk & Tour Information of Angkorリムウィサナック、アンコールのトゥクトゥク&ツアー

日本語 Japanese Language

ជំរាបសួរ CHUM REAP SUR Ladies and Gentle man, My name is Lim visanak, you can call me " Nak or Tuy " just for short it's easier, I am a fluent English speaking driver in Siem Reap Angkor Cambodia.
I have been taking tourists to Angkor temples since 2001. I have extensive experience and will transport you in Tuk Tuk or Automobile , Car and Van. Please just kindly tell what kind of services you would like. I will be pleasurable to be your local driver, guide and assistant while you are in Siem Reap Angkor, Cambodia. I am a punctual friendly, informative driver. I will drive you with comfortable, safe home.
Your business will be greatly appreciated! If you choose to work with me.
Moreover, I am a fully licensed local taxi driver in Siem Reap, Angkor, Cambodia. I have provided my services for many years so you can hire me with confidence. I also can help you plan or give suggestion and intormation if you have sort time in Siem Reap Angkor, Cambodia

Welcome Ladies and gentleman. My name is Lim Visanak, but you can call me Nak. I am 28 years old . I have 6 people in my family, but 2 older brothers died . Now I'm the oldest child in my family . I was born in the beautiful countryside at Sam Rong village. Sam Rong is located in Soutnikum district, Siem Reap province, Cambodia. This area is around 37km from Siem Reap city and on the way to Beng Mealea temple. So i decided to leave my home go to Siem Reap city in 2001. I am working as Tuk Tuk driver at GOLDEN TEMPLE VILLA . Now I have my own Tuk Tuk and I also have a car for service to Angkor Wat .I have changed many jobs because I wanted to make some new experience for myself. I only graduated in the hight school degree so this is the only way for me to get myself familiar with all the work in real life and now I am renting house about one killo meter from the town for open hostel only 7 rooms.
Please have me a work and Contact me by
E-mail: [email protected]
Tel: +855 92999141
Tel: +855 98628181
FACEBOOK; Lim_visanak

Bayon temple
Driving you to the same place
Small Circuit Tour: Tuk Tuk $15 / Car $30 / Van $ 35 / To Angkor Wat, Phnom Bakheng, Bakshei Chamkrong, South gate of Angkor Thom, Bayon, Baphoun, Phimean Akas, Elephant’s terrace, Lipper king’s terrace, Thomanon, Chaosaytevoda, Ta Keo, Ta Phrom, Banteay Kdei and Prasat Kravan Temples)
Bing Circuit Tour: Tuk Tuk $15 / Car $3o / Van $35 / To Phrea Khan,Neak Pean, Krol Ko, Ta Som, Est Mebont and Pre Rup
Long Distance Tours: Tuk Tuk
* $10 - Floating Village (Chong Kneas) at Tonle Sap Lake(best time to visit from May to December)(Boat trip ticket information 1 person =$20 each,
* $17 - Floating Forest (Kompong Pluk) at Tonle Sap lake (best time to visit from july to january)(Boat trip ticket information 1 person =$20 each,
* $35 - Tonle Sap Lake at kompong Kleang Village (best time to visit from july to january)(Boat trip ticket information 1 person =$20 each,
* $40 - Beng Melea + Tonle Sap Lake at kompong Kleang Village (best time to visit from july to january)(Boat trip ticket information 1 person =$20 each,
* $3o - Beng Melea
* $35 - Beng Melea + Roluos Group (Preah Ko , Bakong , Lolei
* $12 - Silk Farm to Know the silk processing and the best place to buy the real silk,
* $10 - Roluos Group (Preah Ko , Bakong , Lolei)
* $23 - Banteay Srei
* $23 - Banteay Srei +Landmine Museum (entrance ticket $3)
* $28 - Banteay Srei + Kbal Spean
* $25 - Banteay Srei + Small Circuit Tour + Angkor Thom ( South gate of Angkor Thom, Bayon, Baphoun, Phimean Akas, Elephant’s terrace, Lipper king’s terrace, Thomanon, Chaosaytevoda, Ta Keo, Ta Phrom, Banteay Kdei and Prasat Kravan Temples),
* $25 - Banteay Srei + Big Circuit Tour (Pre Rup , Est Mebont , Ta Som , Neak Pean and Phrea Khan,)
* $35 - Banteay Srei + Kbal Spean + Roluos Group (Preah Ko , Bakong , Lolei)
* $23 - Big Circuit Tour (Pre Rup , Est Mebont , Ta Som , Neak Pean and Phrea Khan,) +Floating Village (Chong Kneas) at Tonle Sap Lake(best time to visit from May to December)(Boat trip ticket information 1 person =$20 each,
Long Distance Tours: Car

*$30 - City Tours Bing Local Market in town+Killing Field+Angkor Museum(entrance ticket $12)+War Museum(entrance ticket $5)+Drop off Old Market area & Pub Street For Shopping.
* $30 - Angkor Wat+Angkor Thom( South gate of Angkor Thom, Bayon, Baphoun, Phimean Akas, Elephant’s terrace, Lipper king’s terrace Sour Prat),
* $25 - Floating Village (Chong Kneas) at Tonle Sap Lake(best time to visit from May to December)(Boat trip ticket information 1 person =$20 each,
* $30 - Floating Forest (Kompong Pluk) at Tonle Sap lake (best time to visit from july to january)(Boat trip ticket information 1 person =$20 each,
* $47 - Tonle Sap Lake at kompong Kleang Village (best time to visit from july to january)(Boat trip ticket information 1 person =$20 each,
*$70 - Beng Melea + Tonle Sap Lake at kompong Kleang Village (best time to visit from july to january)(Boat trip ticket information 1 person =$20 each,
* $65 - Beng Melea + Roluos Group (Preah Ko , Bakong , Lolei
* $75 -Angkor Wat + Beng Melea + Tonle Sap Lake at kompong Kleang Village (best time to visit from july to january)(Boat trip ticket information 1 person =$20 each,
* $38 - Big Circuit Tour (Pre Rup , Est Mebont , Ta Som , Neak Pean and Phrea Khan,)+ Floating Village (Chong Kneas) at Tonle Sap Lake(best time to visit from May to December)(Boat trip ticket information 1 person =$20 each,
* $45 - Big Circuit Tour (Pre Rup , Est Mebont , Ta Som , Neak Pean and Phrea Khan,) + Floating Forest (Kompong Pluk) at Tonle Sap lake (best time to visit from july to january)(Boat trip ticket information 1 person =$20 each,
* $25 - Silk Farm to Know the silk processing and the best place to buy the real silk,
* $20 - Roluos Group (Preah Ko , Bakong , Lolei)
* $40 - Banteay Srei +Landmine Museum (entrance ticket $3) + Banteay somre,
* $40 - Big Circuit Tour (Pre Rup , Est Mebont , Ta Som , Neak Pean and Phrea Khan,) + Roluos Group (Preah Ko , Bakong , Lolei)
* $45 - Banteay Srei + Roluos Group (Preah Ko , Bakong , Lolei)
* $40 -Banteay Srei + Small Circuit Tour + Angkor Thom ( South gate of Angkor Thom, Bayon, Baphoun, Phimean Akas, Elephant’s terrace, Lipper king’s terrace, Thomanon, Chaosaytevoda, Ta Keo, Ta Phrom, Banteay Kdei and Prasat Kravan Temples),

Please try my tour three days is $130 for only car
-First day visit Temples in small circuit( like Angkor Wat, Phnom Bakheng, Bakshei Chamkrong, South gate of Angkor Thom, Bayon, Baphoun, Phimean Akas, Elephant’s terrace, Lipper king’s terrace, Thomanon, Chaosaytevoda, Ta Keo, Ta Phrom, Banteay Kdei and Prasat Kravan Temples).
-Second days visit Temples in big circuit like ( Phrea Khan,Prasat Prey,Neak Pean, Krol Ko, Ta Som, Est Mebont and Pre Rup temples and sunset at Tonle sab lake).
-Last day visit Banteay Samre, Banteay Srei, Kbal Spean, Beng Melea, and Roluos group like Lolei, Preah Ko, Bakong Temples).
Have read clearly and interested in book !
My home page:
Lim.visanak [email protected]
[email protected]

FACEBOOK: Lim Tuk Tuk & Car driver
Tel:+855 98628181
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Siem Reap


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