Kitts & Nevis Association of Professional Engineers (SKNAPE). Blackett's Management & Consultancy Services Business
Blackett's Management & Consultancy Services (BMACS) was formed on 1st July 2016, on receipt of a Business Consultancy License from the Ministry of Finance. The Owner and Manager is Lester Blackett (BSc), 2nd son of the late Wilbert Blackett (OBE) & Eileen Blackett (MBE). He has dev
eloped a wide range of skills with over 40 years of Education, Training and Practical Experience. A summary is provided in "About the Owner/Manager" with details in his extensive Curriculum Vitae or Resume). The Business is now a member of the St. Kitts & Nevis Chamber of Industry and Commerce. The Business is also a member of the St. Kitts & Nevis Association of Professional Engineers (SKNAPE), through its owner.. Given his multiple careers, the focus of the Business will initially be focused on Project Management, Disaster Management & Civil Engineering along with Sports/Meet Management, Photography/Videography, Website & Mobile App development. Having resigned from Government employment in July 2015, the new Management & Consultancy Business will utilise his "skills and lessons learnt", putting them into practice in an innovative, coherent and practical manner, to the continuing benefit of the institutions and people of St. Kitts & Nevis and beyond. Suitable space for modern offices is being currently arranged with air conditioning, well furnished offices for the Owner/Manager, Technical & Secretarial staff, Conference and waiting rooms, restroom & more. The first "official" business project/assignment will be Project Management, with responsibility for the Nevis component of the primarily Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) funded, multi-million dollar Technical, Vocational, Educational & Training (TVET) Enhancement Project, for the Ministry of Education and other stakeholders. Initial activities include a formal Project Launch on 11th July 2016, followed by a Project Launch Workshop on 12-13 July, in St. Kitts, for key stakeholder of the Federation. Other relevant public details of the Project will be communicated shortly.. Major Projects and Achievements include:
* Civil Engineer & Director of the Public Works Department
* Project Manager for multi-million dollar projects (Newcastle Airport Expansion Project & Charlestown Waterfront Rehabilitation Project)
* Director of the Nevis Disaster Management Department which included significant expansion of the Department including Project Manager for the construction of the Disaster Management compound with two buildings, including two Emergency Operations Center (EOC).
* Developer & Coordinator of the "Mini Olympics" - the Gulf Insurance Primary School Championships
* Photographer, Videographer, Video Streaming * Producer, News & Event Producer, Website & WebApp Producer, Software Developer.
* LIVE streaming of multiple public & private events around the Caribbean
* Radio Reporter, Announcer & Producer.