Unitar CIFAL Jeju

Unitar CIFAL Jeju Official Page of the International Training Centre for Authorities and Leaders in Jeju (CIFAL Jeju).

CIFAL Jeju is one of the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR)'s training centers. The International Training Centre for Authorities and Leaders in Jeju (CIFAL Jeju) was created in 2010 as a collaboration between the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) and the International Peace Foundation (IPF) with the objective of providing training opportunities t

o government officials and civil society leaders from the Republic of Korea and Asia-Pacific. CIFAL Jeju offers training activities on disaster risk reduction, green city planning, waste management, sustainable tourism, human trafficking, and youth leadership. Through its training activities, the Centre facilitates multi-stakeholder collaboration and best practices exchange. The IPF was selected by UNITAR to host the CIFAL Jeju due to its leadership in promoting peace and in facilitating cooperation across the Korean peninsula and Asia-Pacific through research and knowledge exchange. Training areas:
-Disaster risk reduction
-Green city planning
-Waste management
-Sustainable tourism
-Human trafficking
-Youth leadership

-CIFAL Jeju Director: Amb. Hong-ghi Choi
- e-mail: [email protected]

About UNITAR & the CIFAL Global Network

The CIFAL Global Network is the network of training centers affiliated with the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR). It is composed of 20 centres dedicated to strengthening the capacities of governmental authorities and leaders of civil society to promote sustainable development. Each CIFAL (Centre International de Formation des Autorités et Leaders) provides innovative training on areas related to governance and sustainable development. They serve as a unique and instrumental vehicle to facilitate knowledge exchange and collaboration that leads to the design of innovative solutions to address current challenges. They are located across Africa, Asia, Europe, Australia and the Americas, reaching to 10,000 beneficiaries through more than 100 capacity building activities every year. UNITAR is a dedicated training arm of the United Nations System, and has the mandate to enhance the effectiveness of the UN through diplomatic training, and to increase the impact of national actions through public awareness-raising, education and training of public policy officials. More information:
www.unitar.org/affiliated-training-centres I


El Centro Internacional de Formación de Autoridades y Líderes en Jeju (CIFAL Jeju) fue creado en el 2010 como una colaboración entre el Instituto de las Naciones Unidas para la Formación Profesional e Investigaciones (UNITAR) y International Peace Foundation (IPF), con el objetivo de brindar oportunidades de capacitación a funcionarios públicos y líderes de la sociedad civil de la Republica de Corea y Asia-Pacifico. CIFAL Jeju ofrece capacitación en reducción del riesgo de desastres, planificación de ciudades verdes, gestión de desechos, turismo sostenible, trafico de personas, juventud y liderazgo. A través de sus actividades de formación también contribuye a facilitar la colaboración y el intercambio de buenas prácticas. La IPF fue seleccionada por UNITAR para ser anfitrión del Centro CIFAL Jeju debido a su liderazgo en la promoción de la paz y en la facilitación de cooperación en la península Coreana y en Asia-Pacifico a través de la investigación y el intercambio de conocimientos. Areas de formación:
-Reducción del riesgo de desastres
-Planificación de ciudades verdes
-Gestión de desechos
-Turismo sostenible
-Trafico de personas
-Juventud y liderazgo

- Director de CIFAL Jeju: Amb. Young-sam Ma
- e-mail: [email protected]

Sobre UNITAR y la Red Global CIFAL

La Red Global CIFAL es la red de centros de formación afiliados a UNITAR (Instituto de las Naciones Unidas para la Formación Profesional e Investigaciones). Está compuesta por 20 centros y se dedicada a fortalecer las capacidades de autoridades gubernamentales y líderes de la sociedad civil para promover el desarrollo sostenible. Cada CIFAL (Centro Internacional de Formación de Autoridades y Líderes) brinda formación innovadora en áreas relacionadas con el desarrollo sostenible y constituyen un instrumento único para facilitar el intercambio de conocimientos y la colaboración, conduciendo al diseño de soluciones innovadoras para abordar los desafíos actuales. Se encuentran ubicados en África, Asia, Europa, Australia y las Américas, alcanzando a más de 10.000 beneficiarios a través de más de 100 actividades de capacitación anualmente. UNITAR es la agencia de entrenamiento del Sistema de las Naciones Unidas dedicada a potenciar la efectividad de la ONU a través de formación diplomática, así como el impacto de políticas naciones a través de actividades de sensibilización, educación, y la formación de funcionarios públicos. Más información:
www.unitar.org/affiliated-training-centres I


[제주국제연수센터 2025 상반기 YP 채용]UNITAR 제주국제연수센터(JITC/CIFAL Jeju)는 UNITAR의 지역연수센터로서, 아시아태평양을 중심으로 개도국의 정책 역량강화를 위한 국제 연수 프로그램을 제...

[제주국제연수센터 2025 상반기 YP 채용]

UNITAR 제주국제연수센터(JITC/CIFAL Jeju)는 UNITAR의 지역연수센터로서, 아시아태평양을 중심으로 개
도국의 정책 역량강화를 위한 국제 연수 프로그램을 제공하고 있습니다.
UNITAR 제주국제연수센터는 국제연수사업 경험을 통해 미래를 준비하고 다양한 근무 경험을 쌓을 수 있는
기회를 제공하기 위하여 아래와 같이 ODA 영프로페셔널 YP (2명)을 모집합니다.


​​✅ 모집인원 : 2명

✅ 주요업무
- 역량강화 연수사업(온/오프라인) 업무 지원
- 세계시민교육 사업
- 홍보 업무 (SNS 콘텐츠 제작 등)
- 기타 사업 운영 지원 등

​✅ 근무조건
- 근무기간 : 2025년 2월 1일 ~ 2025년 8월 31일 (7개월)
- 근무시간: 월~금 주5일 9:00-18:00 근무
- 보수: 월210만원

✅ 지원자격
- 만 19세 이상 만 34세 이하 대한민국 국적을 가진 미취업자 (단, 군필자는 해당 법률에 따라 연령 연장, 홈페이지 공고 참고)
- KOICA 개발 협력 사업수행기관 YP로 근무한 경험이 없는 자


​✅ 서류 접수기간 : 2025. 1. 5.(일) 24:00시 까지

​✅ 채용일정
- 서류접수 ~1.5.(일) ▶ 서류합격자발표 1.7.(화) ▶ 면접심사 1.10.(금) ▶최종합격자발표 1.13.(월)

​​✅ 접수방법 : 이메일 접수 [email protected]

​​✅ 제출서류
- 국문 이력서 1부 및 국/영문 자기소개서 각 1부 (홈페이지 양식 참조)
- 개인정보 수집 및 이용 동의서 1부 (홈페이지 양식 참조)
- 재학 또는 졸업(예정)증명서 (우대)
- 공인영어성적표 (우대)​​


모집과 관련한 세부 사항은 홈페이지의 모집공고를 참고해 주시기 바랍니다.

많은 관심과 지원 바랍니다. 😊

🌏Stay tuned for CIFAL Jeju's upcoming Workshops!Check out our Workshop schedule for November 2024🔜November 1-3: JIFF (Je...

🌏Stay tuned for CIFAL Jeju's upcoming Workshops!
Check out our Workshop schedule for November 2024

🔜November 1-3: JIFF (Jeju International Future Generation Forum)

🔜November 13-15: Social Inclusion Workshop on Refugee Education: Education Without Borders: Shaping Quality Education for Refugees from Pre-primary to Tertiary

🔜November 21: Expert Seminar on Sustainable Energy:​Expanding Jeju’s Global Horizons - Case Study Seminar on Discovering Jeju as a Blueprint for Green Energy Island Transformation

🌏Stay tuned for CIFAL Jeju's upcoming Workshops!Check out our Workshop schedule for November 2024🔜November 1-3: JIFF (Je...

🌏Stay tuned for CIFAL Jeju's upcoming Workshops!
Check out our Workshop schedule for November 2024

🔜November 1-3: JIFF (Jeju International Future Generation Forum)

🔜November 13-15: Social Inclusion Workshop on Refugee Education: Education Without Borders: Shaping Quality Education for Refugees from Pre-primary to Tertiary

🔜November 21: Expert Seminar on Sustainable Energy:​Expanding Jeju’s Global Horizons - Case Study Seminar on Discovering Jeju as a Blueprint for Green Energy Island Transformation

🏫Workshop on Education for Refugee Children (13-15.11.2024) is coming up🏫Education Without Borders: Shaping Quality Educ...

🏫Workshop on Education for Refugee Children (13-15.11.2024) is coming up🏫

Education Without Borders: Shaping Quality Education for Refugees from Pre-primary to Tertiary

The Workshop will focus on raising awareness among public officials in developing countries of the Asia Pacific region on the educational system for forcibly displaced and stateless children. The training will include not only lectures from experts but also group activities, field trips, and sharing experiences from refugee students and teachers. During the lectures and group activities, participants can learn the current education status of refugee children, discuss the government's role in legislation to higher the quality of education from pre-primary to tertiary levels, and learn success stories.

🤚Application: Register by 11:59 PM Thursday 10 October 2024 (KST)

🤚Registration: Interested applicants must submit the following documents to [email protected].
- Application form
- Letter of nomination(formatted by your organization)
- Letter of commitment
- Acknowledgement, waiver, and release of liability
- Consent to collection, usage, and disclosure of personal information
- Pre-workshop preparation
- Curriculum Vitae(formatted by your organization)
※ You can download the above forms from relevant posts on http://www.cifaljeju.org/bbs/board.php?bo_table=sub05_3&wr_id=198

🤚UNITAR CIFAL Jeju/JITC provides LIMITED financial assistance with airfare to Jeju-do, Republic of Korea for participants.

🤚For more information, please check out the poster or visit our website at www.cifaljeju.org

제주도 서귀포시 중문동 위치, 사회, 경제, 능력개발, 환경, 인간안보 등 훈련 프로그램 안내.

✉️ Newsletter from CIFAL Jeju In our newsletter (issue 25), we cover past workshops in 2024 and give you a glimpse of wh...

✉️ Newsletter from CIFAL Jeju

In our newsletter (issue 25), we cover past workshops in 2024 and give you a glimpse of what’s coming up soon.
UNITAR CIFAL Jeju has been busy delivering trainings and capacity development sessions on ✨ Sustainable Economy, Environmental Sustainability, Peace Building, Design thinking, Disaster Risk Reduction, Youth and Global Citizenship Education.✨

Thank you for your interest and contribution in this journey,
and we promise to provide our programs as a proactive global training and research center.🙇🏻‍

Stay tuned for CIFAL Jeju‘s latest news and upcoming events!👏

Click the link below to read the full version.👇

The Online Workshop on ‘Unlocking Circular Economy: A Journey into Sustainable Economic Resilience and Practices for Dev...

The Online Workshop on ‘Unlocking Circular Economy: A Journey into Sustainable Economic Resilience and Practices for Developing Countries’ is coming up on September 23!

🔎 Registration Form Link: https://forms.gle/DTGuhd8WRo46x9My7 (~September 16)
- Host and Organizer: UNITAR CIFAL Jeju
- Date: September 23(Mon), 13:00-18:00 (Seoul Time)
- Venue: Online (ZOOM)

🔎 Agenda
Session 1 - Unveiling the Circular Economy: Global Trends, Best Practices, and Challenges
Session 2 - Korea's Circular Economy Journey: Case-studies, Challenges, and Lessons Learned
Session 3 - The Circular Economy in Developing Countries: Challenges, Opportunities and Strategic Pathways
Session 4 - Financing the Future: PPPs, Investments, and Multilateral Cooperation

We are delighted to invite online participants interested in the green economy and circular economy to make a sustainable future!

For more details, please visit our website!

제주도 서귀포시 중문동 위치, 사회, 경제, 능력개발, 환경, 인간안보 등 훈련 프로그램 안내.


제주의 청년 예술가를 추가 모집합니다!

제주특별자치도청이 후원하고 UN훈련연구기구 제주국제연수센터가 주관하는
2024 글로벌청년아트캠프(Global Youth Art Camp)에 참여할 제주 청년들을 추가 모집합니다. 제주의 문화 예술 그리고 생태 미술에 대한 전문가 강의와 다양한 체험 및 창작 활동을 통해 공통 관심사와 목표를 가진 아시아태평양 지역 해외 참가자들과 교류하여 네트워크를 형성하고, 생태 예술과 제주 문화예술의 가치를 전파하는 글로벌 예술가로 발돋움할 소중한 기회에 참여할 청년 예술가들의 많은 지원을 기다립니다.

□ 행사개요
◦ 행 사 명 : 2024 글로벌청년아트캠프 (Global Youth Art Camp) 부제: 글로벌청년창의레지던시(Global Youth Creative Residency)
◦ 일시/장소 : 2024. 09. 25.(수) ~ 09. 29.(일) / 제주특별자치도 소통협력센터 및
제주시, 서귀포시 문화예술시설
◦ 주최/주관 : UNITAR 제주국제연수센터
◦ 참가대상 : 제주 청년 및 국내 거주 청년 예술가 (1984 ~ 2005년생)


We are inviting Jeju Youth Artists!

With Jeju Special Self-Governing Province Office and UNITAR CIFAL Jeju, we are calling for an extra round of applications to the 2024 Global Youth Art Camp.

Please do not hesitate for this opportunity to network with global artists from Asia-Pacific and expand the value of Jeju's ecological art to the world!

Event overview
- 2024 Global Youth Art Camp (Global Youth Creative Residency)
- place/date: September 25 ~ 29, 2024 / Jeju-Si, and Seogwipo-Si
- organizer: UNITAR CIFAL Jeju
- participants target: Jeju residents youth artists (born in 1984 ~ 2005)

Official Page of the International Training Centre for Authorities and Leaders in Jeju (CIFAL Jeju). CIFAL Jeju is one of the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR)'s training centers.

[(~8/26)UNITAR 제주국제연수센터 보조인력 모집 공고]UNITAR 제주국제연수센터는 제주국제청년포럼 및 기타 국제연수사업 경험을 통해 미래를 준비하고 근무 경험을 쌓을 수 있는 기회를 제공하기 위하여 다음과...

[(~8/26)UNITAR 제주국제연수센터 보조인력 모집 공고]

UNITAR 제주국제연수센터는 제주국제청년포럼 및 기타 국제연수사업 경험을 통해 미래를 준비하고 근무 경험을 쌓을 수 있는 기회를 제공하기 위하여 다음과 같이 연수사업 보조 인력을 모집합니다.

자세한 내용은 카드뉴스의 내용 및 www.cifaljeju.org를 참고 바랍니다.


Online Workshop on ‘Inclusive Pathways for Co-Creating Solutions to Empower People with Disabilities’ is coming up from September 5th to 6th!

🔎 Registration Form Link: https://forms.gle/5TY4yiMvcmUyswBX8 (~September 2)
- Host and Organizer: UNITAR CIFAL Jeju
- Date: September 5th(Thu) to 6th(Fri), 14:00-17:40 (Seoul Time)
- Venue: Online (ZOOM)

🔎 Agenda
Session 1 - (Overview) Global Advocacy and Action: An Introduction to International Efforts Supporting Individuals with Disabilities and Challenges Worldwide
Session 2 - (Women and girls) Violence against Women with Disabilities
Session 3 - (Children) Inclusive Education for Children with Disability
Session 4 - (Refugees and Internally Displaced persons) Dire Living Environment for Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) with Disabilities
Session 5 - Navigating Disabilities Support in Korea: Policies, Infrastructure, and Institutional Insights
Session 6 - Solutions for Inclusion of People with Disabilities – Universal Design

We are delighted to invite online participants interested in empowering people with disabilities!

Official Page of the International Training Centre for Authorities and Leaders in Jeju (CIFAL Jeju). CIFAL Jeju is one of the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR)'s training centers.


[Call for application]

Global Youth Art Camp (~18 August)

We are inviting young artists to international art camp in Jeju!

For detailed information:


Official Page of the International Training Centre for Authorities and Leaders in Jeju (CIFAL Jeju). CIFAL Jeju is one of the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR)'s training centers.

Extra call for application!We are Inviting you to GYCR until 14th August 2024!Hope for your interest and do not hesitate...

Extra call for application!

We are Inviting you to GYCR until 14th August 2024!

Hope for your interest and do not hesitate to apply for our program!

[UNITAR 제주국제연수센터 ODA YP 추가 모집]UNITAR CIFAL 제주국제연수센터에서 2024 하반기 YP를 모집합니다자세한 내용은 홈페이지 내 모집 공고를 확인해주세요 🙂많은 분들의 적극적인 지원을 기다...

[UNITAR 제주국제연수센터 ODA YP 추가 모집]
UNITAR CIFAL 제주국제연수센터에서 2024 하반기 YP를 모집합니다
자세한 내용은 홈페이지 내 모집 공고를 확인해주세요 🙂
많은 분들의 적극적인 지원을 기다리고 있습니다🌟


[모집 내용]
모집 인원 : 1명
접수 기간 : 2024. 08. 01.(목) ~ 2024. 08. �11.(목) 24:00까지 (e-mail로만 접수 가능)

[ 지원자격 ]
1) 만 19세 이상 만 34세 이하 대한민국 국적을 가진 미취업자
2) KOICA 개발 협력 사업수행기관 YP로 근무한 경험이 없는 자

[ 우대 사항 ]
1) 사회배려층 우대
2) KOICA ODA 자격증 보유자
3) 2024년 접수일 기준 대학 4학년 이상 재학 중 또는 학사/석사 학위 소지자
4) SNS 활동 경험이 있는 자 (디자인툴, 온라인 플랫폼 사용 가능자)
5) 영어 능통자

[ 근무조건 ]
1) 근무지역: 제주국제연수센터 (제주도 서귀포시 중문관광로 227-24, 제주국제평화센터 1층)
2) 근무시간: 주 5일(월~금), 1일 8시간(09:00~18:00)
3) 근무기간 : 2024년 9월 2일 ~ 2025년 2월 28일 (7개월)
4) 보수: KOICA 지원 인건비(월 207만원)

[ 원서접수 ]
1) 접수 기간: 2024. 08. 01.(목) ~ 2024. 08. 11.(일) 24:00까지
2) 접수 방법: e-mail로만 접수 가능 - [email protected]
(우편 또는 채용 포털 웹사이트 내 접수 불가)
3) 문의처: 064-735-6585

[UNITAR 제주국제연수센터 보조인력 모집 공고]UNITAR 제주국제연수센터는 제주국제청년포럼 및 기타 국제연수사업 경험을 통해 미래를 준비하고 근무 경험을 쌓을 수 있는 기회를 제공하기 위하여 다음과 같이 연수사...

[UNITAR 제주국제연수센터 보조인력 모집 공고]

UNITAR 제주국제연수센터는 제주국제청년포럼 및 기타 국제연수사업 경험을 통해 미래를 준비하고 근무 경험을 쌓을 수 있는 기회를 제공하기 위하여 다음과 같이 연수사업 보조 인력을 모집합니다.

자세한 내용은 카드뉴스의 내용 및 www.cifaljeju.org를 참고 바랍니다.

2024 Global Youth Art CampInviting young artists to Global Youth Art Camp!We welcome young artists born between 1989 and...

2024 Global Youth Art Camp

Inviting young artists to Global Youth Art Camp!

We welcome young artists born between 1989 and 2006 with citizenship from Asia Pacific countries who are proficient in English (nationality is not a factor for those currently residing in South Korea)

Application deadline: August 7th


🌍Stay tuned for CIFAL Jeju's upcoming Workshops!Check out our Workshop schedule for July 2024✴️🔜July 11,15,17 : GCED(Glo...

🌍Stay tuned for CIFAL Jeju's upcoming Workshops!
Check out our Workshop schedule for July 2024✴️

🔜July 11,15,17 : GCED(Global Citizenship Education)
🔜July 23-25 : Online Workshop on Disaster Risk Reduction and Early Warning Systems for All through Effective Gender-Responsive Planning, Digital Government Transformation and Financing
🔜July 30 - August 2 : Culture Workshop: Vitalization of Local Communities through Community-Driven Cultural Tourism Initiatives

🌍Stay tuned for CIFAL Jeju's upcoming Workshops!Check out our Workshop schedule for July 2024✴️🔜July 11,15,17 : GCED(Glo...

🌍Stay tuned for CIFAL Jeju's upcoming Workshops!
Check out our Workshop schedule for July 2024✴️

🔜July 11,15,17 : GCED(Global Citizenship Education)
🔜July 23-25 : Online Workshop on Disaster Risk Reduction and Early Warning Systems for All through Effective Gender-Responsive Planning, Digital Government Transformation and Financing
🔜July 30 - August 2 : Culture Workshop: Vitalization of Local Communities through Community-Driven Cultural Tourism Initiatives


227-24 Seogwipo-si, Jeju-do


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