International Pro Ski Instructors Association

International Pro Ski Instructors Association International Pro Ski Instructors Association (ISA) is Worldwide Pro Organization, and International Non-Governmental Organization INGO. Run ski school.

1) About ISA

[About The Organization]

ISA(International Pro Ski Instructors Association) is INGO(International Non-Governmental Organization) to has been officially registered 2014 in the UIA(Union Of International Association)
The ISA(International Pro ski instructors association) was founded for the development of International physical strength and improving healthy spirits. The societies aim

is to promote good skiing & snowboarding skills,as well as to promote the development of international culture.

2) Activities

[Association Activities]

1. Provide certification to International Pro instructors.
2. Train International Pro instructors.
3. Produce textbooks for Pro instructors.
4. Host and participate in International Pro instructor games.
5. Provide guidance and support for world wide organizations, members and contributers to the association.
6. Hold skiing and snowboarding basic skills courses.
7. Produce textbooks for basic skiers and snowboarders.
8. Issue press releases and publications about skiing and snowboarding.
9. Search for new ways to improve basic skiing, snowboarding and gaming skills and techniques.
10. Collect world wide data and statistic's about ski resort facilities as well as skiing and snowboarding skills.
11. The association will tackle any additional projects in relation to achieving the associations goals.

[Board of Director]

1. Chairman
2. Technical Committee (Officials)
3 Competition Committee (Officials)
4 judgment Committee (Officials)
5. Pro Exam Committee (Officials)
6. International Relations Committee (Officials)

3) History

[The history and achievements]

* 2000

1) Establishment of Goskiclub( SKI SCHOOL by Hwang Han Kim James.
2) Establishment of the company Goskiclub. [designed and built the world’s first national ski education specialized portal, and put online and offline education-related business into practice].
3) Implementation of the development Goskiclub SKI SCHOOL ONLINE 1 to 1 Booking system ; first time in the world.
4) Implementation of the development Goskiclub SKI SCHOOL skiing & snowboarding curriculums and training programs.
5) Dispatching the professional offline Instructors to national ski resorts.
6) Providing world’s largest amount of the ski lessons videos.

* 2001

Creating a partnership contract with the sports company, Inc about online shopping.

* 2004

Recording and broadcasting the video “Learning to Ski From the Internet” on the science news program of YTN Inc. (YTN : 24hour news channel of Korea).

* 2005

Entering into partnership with KT Inc. (Koreas Telecom, previous KTF ; mobile content provider) and providing the service which lets people reserve ski lesson tickets through online and mobile systems.

* 2006

1) Promoting the countrywide mobile coupon plan for leisure sports in partnership with KT Inc.
2) Promoting the partnership with Mate-I Inc. ( about online and mobile coupon plans for countrywide leisure sports.

* 2007

1) First establishment of The National and International Pro Ski Instructors Association by Hwang Han, Kim James.
2) Establishment of nation’s first professional association, tentatively named ISIA[International Ski Instructors Association] and implementation of working as a professional association
3) Submitting the official papers to the executive team of Switzerland ISIA(President Riet R.Campell and General Secretary Hugo Reider etc.) during ISIA Congress 2007 ' Yong Pyong (South Corea 27.01.–03.02.2007) to join the International Association (professional associations from 38 countries joined)
4) Receiving a request about ski lessons for part of a PCC video service from Gretech (, Gom Player and Gom TV)

* 2008

1) Transition form the tentative name of the association to official name ; ISA[International Pro Ski Instructors Association]
2) Carrying out first qualifying examination for professional instructors.
3) Implementation of qualifying examination judged by international level 1/2/3/4 and issue of a professional qualification.
4) Implementation of developing the world’s first own curriculum, qualifying process and system for selection of professional ski and snowboard instructors. a) Teaching+Technical Test system
b) 60 point CUT-OFF system
c) Pro qualification approval process
d) Random selection system
e) Level selection system
f) Pro level process

5) Requesting of cooperation from SIA (Association of Japanese professional ski instructor) to join the Switzerland ISIA.
6) Posting of the article about the association on the Yonhap News and internet news of portal sites.
7) Implementation of qualifying full-time employees and seasonal ski patrol employees of Deogyusan Resort (, previously Mu-ju Resort).

* 2009

1) Carrying out the second professional qualifying examination for professional instructors.
2) Approval of the certification to provide employment-related advantage from Deogyusan Resort Inc., a related organization and companies.
3) Requirement of consulting about application of the new magnesium board material for skis and snowboards.

* 2010

1) Carrying out the third professional qualifying examination for professional instructors.
2) First selection of International Pro and National Pro Ski Demonstrators in Korea.
3) Expanded implementation of discount for ski lift, ski and snow board and gears to qualified instructors.
4) Certification to whom has employment-related qualification ; Deogyusan Resort Inc.

* 2011

1) Carrying out the forth professional qualifying examination for professional instructors.
2) Carrying out the first professional qualifying examination for Junior.
3) Second selection of International Pro and National Pro Ski Demonstrators in Korea.
4) Providing qualifying examination to the full time employees and seasonal employees of the ski schools, Pine Resort( Jisan Forest Resort (

* 2012

1) Carrying out the fifth professional qualifying examination for professional instructors.
2) Carrying out the second professional qualifying examination for Junior.
3) Third selection of International Pro and National Pro Ski Demonstrators in Korea.
4) ISA is documentary recording Ulleungdo Island Ski Expedition With KBS (korea national broadcast)

* 2013

1) Carrying out the sixth professional qualifying examination for professional instructors.
2) Carrying out the third professional qualifying examination for Junior.
3) Fourth selection of International Pro and National Pro Ski Demonstrators in Korea.

* 2014

1) Carrying out the seventh professional qualifying examination for professional instructors.
2) Carrying out the fourth professional qualifying examination for Junior.
3) Fifth selection of International Pro and National Pro Ski Demonstrators in Korea.
4) ISA was invited to an International Meetings & Congresses(22~23 October 2014 Seoul) in the UIA(Union Of International Association)
5) ISA has registered in the UIA(Union of International Association)

* Present

There are 174 qualified professional instructors, more than a hundred of qualified ski and snow board instructors, 10,700 website members in our association. those qualified professional instructors are all qualified by either of these associations ; NSL(Austria), PSIA(USA), CSIA(Canada), SIA(Japan), KSIA(Korea), KSPA (Korea) etc. or has the License of Life Athletic Leader from Ministry Of Culture, Sports & Tourism. And in the future, our association will become an International Association to combine the professional certifications as one current certification and to help international sports instructors.


*About ISA Demonstrator

International Pro Demonstrators of the ISA are selected by these requirements ; internationally qualified instructors who have a high level of ski and snowboard skills and by qualifying examination like technical championship. These best instructors are elite members organized for exchange of the techniques and for dissemination of skills with ski and snow board-related associations. And also, they are taking the initiative in propagating accurate skills for ski and snow boarders as a promoting delegation. For the main activities, we attend a professional match and technical championship during the ski resort tour, or perform professional demonstration shows to support events and promotion by keeping firm cooperative relationships with various associations. Our performances on the white snow receive favorable reviews from the audiences by well organized formations resembling a card section of a sports game. The demonstration team of ISA is always open to those who like skiing and snowboarding.

* Professional or International Pro Demonstrator Selection Requirements

1) Selection by ranking ; the top 10 from the ski and snow board technical championship.
2) Selection by ranking of the professional qualification of techniques in the absence of a technical championship or selection competition.
3) Selection by further rules of the association and notices.

* [Events]

Past : 2000~2014
: Professional qualifying examination for professional instructors. Past : 2010~2014
: Competition of International Pro Ski Demonstrators

Past : 2011~2014
: Professional qualifying examination for Junior

: 18. January, 22. February 2015 (Location: Elysian Gangchon ski resort in Korea)
- Professional qualifying examination for professional instructors 8th
- Professional qualifying examination for Junior 5th
- Competition of International Pro Ski Demonstrators 6th

H/Q Office tel : +82 +2 +6237+8846
E-mail : [email protected]

[ISA]International Pro Ski Instructors Association
[Technical Committee]

Seokyeong University and the International Pro Ski Instructors Association (ISA) Sign Cooperative AgreementOn January 19...

Seokyeong University and the International Pro Ski Instructors Association (ISA) Sign Cooperative Agreement

On January 19 and February 16, qualification tests will be conducted at the Elysian Gangchon Ski Resort. Upon passing the test, qualifications as ski and snowboard instructors will be granted domestically and internationally.

[Sports Korea, Reporter Jo Min-wook] Seokyeong University (President Kim Bum-jun) Department of Sports and Technology (Department Head Kim Jae-hwan) has announced on the 3rd that they have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the International Pro Ski Instructors Association (ISA) (President Kim Hwang-han) for mutual development.
The International Pro Ski Instructors Association (ISA) is an officially registered international organization under the International Union of Associations (UIA) since 2014, representing ski and snowboard instructors worldwide as an international non-governmental organization.

Ski and snowboard associations representing nine countries, including Korea (ISA), Russia (ARASIA), Bulgaria (BPSI), Singapore (SASI), Thailand (SSAT), Czech Republic (EDUSKI), China (CHSA), Serbia (SASI), and Chile (APISS), are active as member countries. ISA strives to provide proper ski and snowboard technical education and pioneering teaching models worldwide.

Through ISA qualification tests, one can obtain Level 1 (Instructor), Level 2 (Semi-Pro), Level 3 (Pro), and the highest Level 4 (Technical Director) qualifications. ISA qualifications are internationally recognized, enabling employment as ski and snowboard instructors not only in domestic ski resorts but also in affiliated ski resorts worldwide.

ISA is officially registered with the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism, and its ski and snowboard pro-level and junior-level qualifications hold the same legal effect as those from the Korea Ski Instructors Association (KSIA) and the Korea Business Association of Korea (SBAK). It is the only international certification-issuing organization where one can simultaneously acquire international and domestic ski and snowboard instructor qualifications.

Especially this year, the 17th ISA International Professional Qualification Level Test and Junior Level Qualification Test will be conducted. The qualification test, taking place on January 19 (1st round) and February 16 (2nd round) at Elysian Gangchon Ski Resort, is open to all Korean citizens from juniors aged 7 to seniors (adults).
The deadline for applications is the morning of the day before each test, and you can apply through the association's website. For details, you can inquire on the International Pro Ski Instructors Association website ( or contact the office at 02-6237-8846.

Through this agreement, the two institutions plan to cooperate for mutual development in the field of practical internship programs, education, qualification tests, and employment, starting with the organization of education and qualification tests for current students.

[스포츠한국 조민욱 기자] 서경대학교(총장 김범준) 스포츠엔테크놀로지학과(학과장 김재환)는 국제프로스키지도자협회(협회장 김황한)와 상호 발전을 위한 업무협약(MOU)을 체결했다고 3일 밝혔다.국제프로스키...

Asociación Profesional de Instructores de Ski y Snowboard Chile (APISS), a member of the ISAAd: Francisco SkierHello ev...

Asociación Profesional de Instructores de Ski y Snowboard Chile (APISS), a member of the ISA

Ad: Francisco Skier

Hello everyone, friends... here I'm sending you a very interesting piece of information to train as a ski instructor, and in the southern part of Chile, something unprecedented in our region. The course is led by renowned national and international ski trainers. Besides being in the south, the costs are quite reasonable. Just passing on the information... For those interested, the details are on the poster. Greetings to all...!!

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́n Profesional de Instructores de Ski y Snowboard Chile






2023/2024 Job opportunity! in Korea!

We are looking for a Alpine ski coach or Ski instructor to work with Daegwallyeong Ski Academy in Korea (Pyeong-Chang) from the December until the end of February.

* Alpine ski coach or Ski Instructor

* Minimum requirements: - Qualified instructor (ISA, ARASIA, BPSI, SASI, SSAT, PSIA, AASI, NZSIA, BASI, APSI, CSIA, CASI, SAJ, SIA, ISIA or similar)

* Please submit your resume/cv to ISA

* Contact us: [email protected]

❄️ International Pro Ski Instructors Association (ISA) ❄️

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23/24 JOP OPPORTUNITY IN JAPAN! Are you a ski certified or crossover ski/snowboard certified instructor with a valid ISI...


Are you a ski certified or crossover ski/snowboard certified instructor with a valid ISIA or ISA approved license and would like to experience working in Japow? We are looking for experienced individuals who would like to join our team in Niseko for winter 2023-2024!

* Link to apply:

❄️ International Pro Ski Instructors Association (ISA) ❄️

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국제프로스키지도자협회(ISA) 국제프로자격은 문화체육관광부로 부터 민간자격으로 정식 승인인가 되었음을 알려드리며 해외 국제 자격으로의 효력뿐만 아니라 대한스키협회(KSIA)대한스키지도자연맹 자격, (SBAK)한국스키...

국제프로스키지도자협회(ISA) 국제프로자격은 문화체육관광부로 부터 민간자격으로 정식 승인인가 되었음을 알려드리며 해외 국제 자격으로의 효력뿐만 아니라 대한스키협회(KSIA)대한스키지도자연맹 자격, (SBAK)한국스키장경영협회자격과 동일한 국내 민간자격으로의 법적효력도 갖게 되었음을 공고 합니다.

The International Pro Ski Instructors Association (ISA) organization, which is an international organization composed of members from 9 countries, has been approved by the Korean government's Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism and the Union of International Associations (UIA).

In addition, this document has been approved by the Korean government and has the same legal effect as the documents of which the Korea Ski Instructors Association (KSIA) and the Ski Resort Business Association of Korea (SBAK) have received the government's approval.

What makes us different from them is that International Pro Ski Instructors Association (ISA) is an international association with 9 member countries.

ISA is ready to work with all countries and will do its best as an international association.

Thank you.

❄️ International Pro Ski Instructors Association (ISA) ❄️

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22/23 16th ISA International Pro Levels Exam / International Junior Levels Exam

22/23 제16회 ISA 국제공인 프로자격레벨검정 / 국제공인 주니어레벨자격검정

* Congratulations to the new ISA International Level Certified Juniors! Good job!

❄️ International Pro Ski Instructors Association (ISA) ❄️

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22/23 16th ISA International Pro Levels Exam / International Junior Levels Exam

22/23 제16회 ISA 국제공인 프로자격레벨검정 / 국제공인 주니어레벨자격검정

* Congratulations and welcome new ISA International Level Juniors. Well done!

❄️ International Pro Ski Instructors Association (ISA) ❄️

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(ISA H/Q) Star Bld, 317-1 Sangsu-dong, Mapo-gu

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday 09:00 - 17:00
Sunday 09:00 - 17:00




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About the ISA

About The Organization

International Pro Ski Instructors Association (ISA) is the international non-governmental organization, which has been officially registered by the Union of International Association (UIA) in 2014. Our association: provides certification to Pro instructors, trains Pro instructors, produces textbooks for Pro instructors, hosts and participates in International Pro instructor games, and provides guidance and support for worldwide organizations, members and contributors to the association. ISA currently has 8 countries: Korea (ISA), Russia (ARASIA), Bulgaria (BPSI), Singapore (SASI), Thailand (SSAT), Czech (EDUSKI), China (CHSA), and Serbia (SASI) as members. Also, ISA member countries will be added in the future.

Association Activities

1. Provide certification to Pro instructors.