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8 travel resolutions for 2013

[Today's MAP Talk!’] Travel resolutions for 2013

As the year comes to an end, you may feel pulled to start over next year. So many of us think about ‘new years’ resolutions’ and also Traveler’s MAP sets new goals and makes plan for business.

Today, I would like you to make ‘travel resolutions for 2013’!
It does not matter what resolution you will want to begin, however; it will be a tremendous drive in your year of 2013!

Here are 8 travel resolutions from CNN and please share your resolution through Facebook comment!
1. Take off on your own-even if you are traveling with a group
2. Don’t let the lack of a foreign language keep you at home
3. Say you are not a ‘tour’ or ‘cruise’ person? Give one a shot.
4. Don’t be ashamed to fall back on what’s familiar.
5. Vow not to leave vacation days on the table.
6. Start a travel –specific savings account.
7. Do at least ONE thing that scares you while you are on the road.
8.Don’t let other people ‘s fears keep you from going.

Since making resolutions is de rigueur this time of year, why not resolve to take steps that lead to memorable trips all year long?

8 travel resolutions for 2013

2013년, 여러분의 여행을 위한 새해다짐을 세워보세요.

2013년이 정말 코앞으로 다가왔는데요, 여러분은 새해 다짐들 다 세우셨나요? 한 해가 저무는 허무함 반대편에는 금연, 다이어트 혹은 학업 등과 같은 여러 다짐들이 떨리는 마음으로 새해를 기다리게 하는것 같은데요.

오늘은 이렇게 생활 전반적인 다짐뿐 아니라 여러분들의 2013년 한해 여행을 위한 새해다짐을 세워보면 어떨까 합니다.
바로 Travel resolution for 2013 입니다.
여러분이 꼭 해보고 싶은 것이라면 어떠한 내용이라도 좋고요, 메모지에 적어서 꼭 잘 보이는 곳에 붙여놓으시길 권장합니다. 2013년을 즐겁게 보낼 수 있는 원동력이 될 것입니다~!
CNN에서 나온 8가지 여행 새해다짐을 참고하셔도 좋을 것 같네요.

1. 여행 중 혼자만의 시간 갖기 : 단체여행객이라면 이른 아침에 주변을 둘러보거나 마치 트레져 헌터가 된 듯 혼자 새로운 것을 찾아보십시오.
2. 언어실력이 부족하다고 여행을 포기하지 않기 : 여행지의 언어가 불가능하다고 여행을 포기하지 마세요, 학원을 다니거나 현지 관련 책을 빌려 읽는 것만으로도 도움이 될 것입니다.
3. 단체여행에 도전해보기 : 혼자 가기 어려운 곳, 언어적 장벽이 높은 곳은 단체여행을 이용한다면 효율적인 여행이 될것입니다.
4. 익숙한 것에 의지하는 것 부끄러워하지 않기 : 여행지에서 반드시 새로운 것을 해야한다고 강박을 가질 필요는 없습니다. 내게 익숙한 것을 찾는 것도 나쁘지 않습니다. 설사 그것이 맥도널드 프랜치 프라이라 하더라도.
5. 휴가 중에는 확실히 업무에서 벗어날 것 : 휴가지에서 이메일체크하기, 잔업처리 등에 서벗어나면 온전한 충전의 시간을 가질 수 있습니다.
6. 여행자금 만들기 : 여행 자금을 계획적으로 모아보십시오.
7. 적어도 한가지, 나를 떨리게하는 새로운 일 하기 : 먹어본 적 없던 음식에 도전하는 등 새로운일에 도전해보십시오.
8. 여행지에 대한 타인의 말에 겁 먹지 않기 : 강도가 많은 여행지라 위험하다, 사람들이 친절하지 않은 곳이다 와 같은 여행자들의 이야기에 여행을 포기하지 마십시오.

Since making resolutions is de rigueur this time of year, why not resolve to take steps that lead to memorable trips all year long?


[Today's MAP Talk!’] The day of thatching a roof with straw in Korean Folk village

Do you know the larva live in Choga( the thatched-roof house)?
After the harvest of rice, people thatch a roof with straw to prepare long winter period of Korea.

Rice straw is useful material for insulation and waterproof of house; also it was regarded as economical get anywhere near farm villages after the harvest.

Therefore thatching a roof was one of the important works for the winter, also people expect that day because of larva living in the straw which is the source of protein. People used to eat the straw for protein support because the source of protein deficient in the past.

Now we can see Choga at folk villages so there are not many people know about thatching and larva.
There is experience programs related to the thatching a roofs at Korean Folk villages, so you can see and catch larva!

*More information for program in Korean Folk Village
1. Programs & Time
1) Catching larva experience: 1~3pm, until Dec.9th
2) Thatching a roof performance: all day

로드스꼴라 - RoadSchola

[12/5맵토크] 대종상영화제 보다 로드스꼴라 영화제!

연말 시상식, 영화제 시즌이 돌아왔습니다. 그 중 유명 영화제에 다녀온 친구의 이야기를 들었습니다. 멀찌감치 앞에 앉은 김수현씨의 뒷통수만 열심히 보고 왔는데, 그마저 훈훈하고 좋았다는^^;

여기, 누구나 다 아는 유명한 영화감독, 연예인들은 없지만 나이와 성별을 불문한 특별한 영화제를 소개하고자 합니다.

바로 지난 2009년 트래블러스맵과 함께 개교한 여행대한학교 로드스꼴라 3기 학생들이 개최하는 영화제 '지도에는 없는 이야기' 입니다. 로드스꼴라의 이번 영화제는 여행을 통한 배움의 방식을 청소년, 교사, 학부모들과 함께 나누고자 기획되었으며 영화상영, 음악공연 및 여행 바자르가 함께 진행될 예정입니다.

남미, 중국 소수민족 마을에서 가져온 기념품이 가득한 바자르에 참여해보기도 하고, 9박10일의 도보여행기가 담긴 영화를 보며 바쁜 일상속에서 잊고 있었던 여러분의 길을 다시 그려보면 어떨까요?

그대는 집이 그리웠고 지금은 길이 그립네_로드스꼴라 3기 도로롱의 자작곡


[Today's MAP Talk!’] Road Scholar film festival is above international film festival!

The season of annual film festivals and awards is coming!
Here is a film festival without famous celebrities, movie directors and singers. However, I can say that the festival is worth to come and it is really unique because all the programs implies 3 years of efforts.

The alternative school of Travelers’ MAP 'Road Scholar' holds 1st film festival on December 8th. It has been 3 years since the school was founded, and the 3rd class plans and hosts the festival as their study outcome.

The students write music and make movies with various feeling they feel on travel. Furthermore, there will be a travelers’ bazaar which is a market for selling collections from various travel sites.

You know that?
Not all teenagers are in school, but all teenagers learn with their own ways and they grow the way they believe!

*More information for festival
1. Title : Road scholar movie festival ‘the story not on a map’
2. Date & Time : 2~7pm, December 8th Sat.
3. Venue : Haja center new building, Youngshinro 200, Youngdengpo-gu, Seoul, Korea
4. Program
1) Film screening : people under 1% in Korea etc.
2) Music performance : students’ composition performance
3) Travelers’ bazaar : Travel collections market

복합 문화 공간 _ 물나무

[12/4 맵토크]2012년이 끝나가기 전에 해볼만한 것 한가지.

12월의 네번 째 날인 오늘, 지금, 이순간 모두가 공통적으로 느끼는 것이 있다면 ‘아, 시간 진짜 빨리간다’ 가 아닐까 싶습니다.
오늘 맵토크에서는 2012년이 끝나가기 전에 해볼만한 것 한가지에 대해서 이야기하려 합니다.

바로 사진입니다.

여러분은 얼마나 자주 사진을 찍나요?
언제든 휴대폰에 내장된 카메라를 찍을 수도 있고, 마음에 드는 사진이 나올 때 까지 찍고 지우고 할 수 있는 환경이니, 이런 질문과 제안이 무색하다고 느껴질 수 있겠네요.
하지만 흑백 필름사진이라면 이야기가 좀 달라질 듯 합니다.

2012년이 지나가기 전에 흑백 아날로그 사진 한 장에 2012년의 내 모습을 담아보면 어떨까요.
'얼짱각도로, 예뻐보일때 까지 계속'과 같은 마음은 잠깐 접어두고,
사진관에 들러 옷매무새를 다지고, 사진을 찍은 찍은뒤 현상되기를 기다렸다가, 인화된 흑백의 사진을 찾아가는 방법 그대로입니다.

많은 일이 있었던 2012년 한 해의 추억과 경험을 고스란히 담아놓은 사진 속 얼굴을 보며, 올해를 마무리하고 더 나은 내년을 준비하는 시간이 되지 않을까요.

*복합 문화공간 물나무
지난 2011년 9월, 종로구 계동에 흑백 필름 사진을 촬영하는 현상소가 문을 열었습니다. 사진관, 공간, 다방을 함께 운영하고 있습니다.

1. 주소 : 서울시 종로구 계동 133-6번지
2. 연락처 : 사진관-02-798-0008

종로구 계동 133-6번지 물나무 1F 다방 (tel. 02-318-0008) 사진관,마당(02-798-2231) 사진관 전화 부재시,문자를 남겨주세요! 바로 연락드리겠습니다.(010-8736-4487)


There has been a worldwide spotlight on tech-savvy Korea recent few years, however; it is a double edged sward that the easier we live, the faster we forget our ways of life in the past. I think one of that is the film camera. From the development of automatic camera to popularization of digital camera, especially DSLR, the film camera has been forgotten. Many film laboratories and film sellers were disappeared according to this digital wave and only few of people and film camera hobbyist are using this film camera. There is a old style film laboratory ‘Mulnamoo’ in Gyedong(계동) and I recommend you to visit and take a black-and-white picture. Mulnamoo is a black-and-white photo studio, so you can spend your time with taking pictures, photography class, and drinking a cup of coffee. If you are tired of all the same pictures in the tourist attractions, I recommend you to visit Mulnamoo and leave a special record in Korea.

서울메트로 문화홈페이지입니다.

[Today's MAP Talk!’] Art stage with Seoul Metro

Every day, there are 4 million Koreans using the subway and Seoul Metro holds ‘art stage’ which is a subway stage performance at Sadang, Euljiro 1-ga, Dongdaemun History&Culture part Station and so on. Art stage is open performance not only for Korean but also for travelers visiting Seoul. There are various programs from Korea traditional dance to K-pop and live blues, so you can check performance schedule and visit the stage.

*More information
- Seoul Metro custoumer center : +82-2-1577-1234
- International visitors and tourists information center : +82-2-120


[12/3 맵토크]월요일 지옥철과 친해지는 법,

월요일의 지하철- ‘지옥철’이라 불릴 만큼 유난히 붐비는데요, 오늘은 이 지하철에서의 힘든 시간을 조금이나마 흥미롭게 보낼 수 있는 역명의 유래에 대해 이야기해보려 합니다.

1. 당고개역(4호선)
노원구 상계동에 있는 이곳은 예로부터 산짐승이 많아 나그네들이 호신용으로 돌을 들고 산을 넘었다고 합니다. 고개를 넘은 다음 그 돌을 쌓아둔 서낭당 터가 있었는데요, 그래서 서낭당의 ‘당’과 ‘고개’를 합쳐 당고개라는 이름이 되었습니다. 그래서 이 지역에선 매년 음력 정월 대보름에 서낭제도 열린다고 합니다.
2. 먹골역(7호선)
중랑구 묵동(墨洞)의 우리말 명칭인데요, 먹골은 먹을 만들던 고을(골)이라는 뜻으로 붙은 이름입니다. 조선시대 문방사우(文房四友) 의 하나인 먹을 이 마을의 이름으로 붙여야 이곳에서 학문이 융성할 것이라는 주장에 따라 이름을 얻었다는 설도 있습니다.
3. 독바위역(6호선)
은평구 불광동에 있는 역으로 인근에 독박골로 불리는 마을이 있었다고 합니다. 독박골은 독바위골의 줄임말로, 바위가 독(항아리)처럼 생겨서 붙여졌다는 설이있습니다. 그런데 인조반정 당시 공신인 원두표 장군이 거사 직전까지 숨어지내던 독바위굴에서 유래됐다는 설도 있습니다.
4. 잠실역(2호선)
잠실은 송파구 잠실동에 있는 마을이름으로 조선초에 양잠을 장려하기 위해 뽕나무를 심고 잠실(*왕실 또는 관부가 시범소로서 특정한 지역에 설치한 누에치는 장소)을 두었던 데서 마을의 이름이 유래되었다고 합니다.

여러분은 어느 역에서 지하철을 타나요?
내가 타는 지하철역부터 한자표기를 먼저 살펴보세요, 그리고 조금 엉뚱하지만 즐거운 추측을 하다 보면 지하철로 가는 즐거운 출근길이 되지 않을까 생각해봅니다.

즐거운 한 주 되세요~:)

Travel Kitchen

[11/30 맵토크] 트래블키친과 함께 즐거운 주말 보내세요!

드디어! 리얼리! 파이널리! 기다리고 기다리던 불금입니다.
추운날씨 탓에 야외활동이나 드라이브와 같은 주말계획에 차질이 좀 있더라도 걱정 말고, 착한여행 어플리케이션 트래블 키친을 다운로드 받아보세요. 트래블러스맵에서 발굴해 낸 북촌, 이태원 지역의 숨어있는 착한가게 정보가 가득합니다.
오늘의 여행지를 소개하기 전에, 여기 URL에서 트래블키친을 다운로드 받아주세요
(아쉽지만 지금 트래블키친은 아이폰에서만 가능합니다>_

App Store에서 Travel Kitchen을(를) 받으십시오. 스크린샷과 평점을 확인하고 고객 리뷰를 읽어보십시오.


[Today's MAP Talk!’] Spend your awesome weekend with application Travel Kitchen!

Thank God It’s Friday!!!!
Do you have a weekend plan? No planning is not a problem if you download ‘Travel Kitchen’.
Travel Kitchen is a smart phone application to provide responsible travel information such as restaurants, accommodation, and tourist attractions in the area Bukchon, Itaweon, Seoul Castle site, and Chuncheon.

Travel Kitchen recommends the Therapy cafe ‘Tea Therapy Hang-rang’ for your weekend. It is operated by oriental doctor and he combines oriental café, clinic, and school. All served tea is made by medical herbs and it focuses more on inherent taste than medical effect. Also various herb teas and lunch food menu served, so anyone can enjoy visiting without burdens. There is a foot bathtub, so you can do foot bath with herb extract.

*Tea Therapy Hang-rang information

1. Location : Anguk-dong 6-1, Jongno-gu, Seoul (Tel. +82-2-730-7507)
2. Opening hours: 10:00~22:00
3. Price : Lunch set 7,000won / Tea 8,000won / Tea therapy30,000won

서울사진축제 | 서울사진축제2012

[11/29 맵토크]서울 사진축제 ‘ 천개의 마을, 천개의 기억 ‘ 展

인사동에서 관광안내 봉사를 할 때 있었던 일입니다.
어떤 외국인이 길을 물어보며, 예전에 왔던 서울과는 너무 다른 모습이라고 말하며 변해버린 서울의 모습에 조금 슬프다고 하더군요. 서울은 이제 국제적으로 인정받는 큰 도시가 되었지만, 서울을 찾는

한국을 다시 찾은 어떤 외국인에게는, 그리고 서울의 과거 속에 살았던 누군가에게는 삶의 소소한 모습이 가득 담겼던 서울의 모습이 그리울 수도 있겠구나 하는 생각이 들었습니다.

그래도 이러한 서울의 모습을 잊지 않고 지키려는 노력이 꾸준히 진행되고 있으니 다행입니다. 서울 시립 미술관 본관에서 진행되는 서울 사진축제가 바로 그것인데요, 시민들이 직접 출품한 사진과 사진가들의 작품을 한눈에 보며 서울의 과거를 기억할 수 있는 특별한 전시입니다. 이 전시를 통해 공공기관이나 전문 연구자들, 그리고 특정 예술가들에 의해 만들어지는 서울의 기록물이 아닌, 천 만의 서울시민이 사진으로 다시 쓰는 서울의 새로운 역사가 펼쳐질 것입니다.

1. 관람기간 : 2012년 11월 21일(수) ~ 12월 30일(일)
2. 관람시간 : 평일_10:00~20:00 / 주말 및 공휴일_10:00~18:00
※매주 월요일 휴관 – 12월24일, 12월 25일 운영
3. 장소 : 서울 시립 미술관 본관 1층 전시실
4. 전시설명 : 전시기간 중 낮 12시, 3시, 5시

2012서울사진축제가 마련한 시민강좌에 신청해주신 시민 여러분, 감사드립니다. 수강생을 위한 몇가지 사항을 안내해드리니 참조하세요~! 서울사진축제가 마련한 시민강좌 들으시고, 유익한 시간 보내세요~

Seoul Metropolitan Government - Seoul Museum of Art(SeMA)

[Today's MAP Talk!’] Seoul photo festival ‘A Thousand Villages, A Thousand Memories’

Seoul is currently recognized as one of well developed cities, however; sometimes it is sad Seoul is dramatically changed with the wave of modernity. As a traveler and one of Korean, this exhibition is important to know past and current of Seoul.

Exhibition ‘A Thousand Villages, A Thousand Memories’ this year’s festival is organized with the help of the people: Citizens of Seoul as well as participants from across Korea chipped in and contributed to the celebration with the photographs they collected or took. This exhibition is the record of Seoul citizens, opening a new chapter in the history of this age-old capital city.

*2012 Seoul Photo Festival (2012. 11. 21 ~ 2012. 12. 30)
1. Date & Time : 10:00~20:00 ~(Tue-Fri) / 10:00~18:00(Weekends, public holidays)
*Closed on Monday
2. Venue : Seoul Museum of Art / Main building
3. Docent : mail [email protected]
*Reservation required
4. Additional Events : Citizen, Workshop, Citizen, Class, Photography month, Photography contest
5. Genre of exhibition : Photo, Photography by photographers, more than 500 photo submissions by contestants

Seoul Museum of Art(SeMA) in Seoul Korea

테마전 | 기획특별전시 | 전시마당 | 국립중앙박물관

[11/28 맵토크] 다산정약용 탄생 250 주년 기념 테마전
“ 다산 정약용 – 하늘을 받들어 백성을 보듬다”

초겨울 찬 바람에 방콕이 절로 그리워지는 요즘입니다.
집에서 버스정류장까지 걸어가는 그 길조차 어찌나 추운지 마음속으로 출근길에 ‘공간이동, 뽕!’을 몇 번이나 외치는지 모르겠습니다.

겨울추위를 잊고 자유롭게 돌아다니며 즐거운 시간을 보낼 수 있는 곳, 바로 국립중앙박물관을 오늘 소개해드리고자 합니다. 상설 및 기획전시로 매번 방문할 때 마다 지루할 틈이 없는 곳이 바로 국립중앙 박물관인데요, 이번에는 정약용 탄생 250주년을 기념한 테마전 “ 다산 정약용 – 하늘을 받들어 백성을 보듬다” 가 개최되고 있습니다.

다산사경첩(보물 제1683호) 등 보물 2점을 비롯한 총 43건 142점의 유물을 통해, 역경 속에서도 나라와 백성을 위해 고민했던 대학자 다산의 학문과 사상, 그리고 그 인간적인 면모를 살필 수 있습니다.

이번 주말, 집에서 ‘방콕’ 말고, 국립중앙박물관에서 즐거운 ‘관콕’ 어떠세요?

국립중앙박물관(관장 김영나)은 오는 10월 30일(화), 정약용 탄생 250주년을 맞이하여 이를 기념하는 테마전 “다산 정약용 –하늘을 받들어 백성을 보듬다”를 개최한다. 다산사경첩茶山四景帖(보물 제1683호) 등 보물 2점을 비롯한 총 43건 142점의 유물을 통해, 역경 속에서도 나라와 백성을 위해 고민했던 대학자 다산의 학문과 사상, 그리고 그 인간적인 면모를 살필 수 있다.

Exhibitions | Special Exhibitions | Current Exhibitions

[Today's MAP Talk!’] ‘The Great Thinker Dasan Jeong Yak-yong’ exhibition

Do you know the meaning of ‘Bangcok’ in Korean?
It is actually the capital of Taiwan, however; the meaning of staying all day at my room is well used.
During this winter time of Korea it is getting hard to walk around, so indoor activity is recommended and there are many good place to get into.

The National Museum of Korea is holding a special exhibition commemorating the 250th anniversary of Jeong Yak-yong. He is one of the greatest thinkers of the later Joseon period, wrote highly influential books about philosophy, science and theories of government, held significant administrative positions, was a close confident of King Jeongjo(ruled 1776~1800), and was noted as a poet.

The event displays a total of 142 relics, including Dasanjeongcheop(designated as Treasure No. 1683). The event will provide visitors with another opportunity to get a glimpse into the academic achievements, philosophy and personality of the great thinker, who thought about what he should do for the country and people even while he was going through a time of personal difficulties.

The National Museum of Korea (Director Kim Young-na) is holding a special exhibition commemorating the 250th anniversary of the birth of Jeong Yak-yong. The event displays a total of 142 relics, including Dasansagyeongcheop (designated as Treasure No. 1683). The event will provide visitors with anot...

:::: 한옥체험살이::::

[화요일맵토크]한옥 체험살이 안내센터가 문을열었습니다.
한옥 홈스테이에 대한 통합적인 정보를 제공하는 한옥 체험살이 안내센터가 지난 11월 9일부터 여러분을 맞이하고 있습니다.
북촌한옥마을에 위치한 안내센터는 홈스테이정보, 통역, 그리고 예약도우미 서비스를 제공하는 정보방, 체험방 등 다양한 프로그램을 준비하였으니 한옥에서의 특별한 하루, 외국 손님을 위한 뜻깊은 하룻밤을 고민하시는 분들이라면 아래 홈페이지를 방문해주세요~

1. 운영시간 : 4~9월 10:00~20:00 / 10월~3월 10:00~19:00
*안내센터는 연중무휴
2. 주소 : 서울시 종로구 재동 54-1
- 오시는길 : 3호선 안국역 2번출구로나와서 150m 직진 후 삼양 빌딩을 지난뒤 우회전, 다시 150m 직진

::::Hanok Homestay::::

[Today's MAP Talk!’] Hanok Homestay Inofrmation Center opens in Seoul!

A new center that provides comprehensive information on hanok(traditional house) homestay has opened in Jongno-gu, Seoul.

The Hanok Homestay Information Center, located in the famous Bukchon Hanok village, is a hanok with several rooms: Information Room is where visitors may obtain general Jongno-gu tourist information as well as assistance with hanok homestay reservations and interpretation; Exhibition&Experience Room is used to host hands-on experience programs; Daecheong(main living hall) is a large resting area.

The center is open all year round, and easily accessible from Anguk Station on Seoul Subway Line3.

More info
1. Opening hours: April-September 10:00~20:00 / October-March 10:00~19:00
*open all year round
2. Address : Jae-dong 54-1 Jongno-gu Seoul-si (Old address: Buckchon-ro 20-27 Jongno-gu)
*Directions: Anguk Station(Seoul Subway Line3), exit2, Go 150m forward, and turn right after passing the Samyang Corporation building. Go 150m forward to arrive at Hanok Homestay Information Center.


안녕하세요, 트래블러스맵입니다.

맵토크는 지난 10월부터 트래블러스맵의 여행 및 문화정보를 다양한 사람들과 나누기 위한 영문포스팅으로 시작되었는데요, 이번에 한국어 버전 맵토그에 대한 요청이 있어 앞으로 영문과 국문버전으로 함께 포스팅을 하려합니다.

맵토크를 주제로 주변에 알고계신 외국인 지인들과 즐거운 이야기가 이루어지길 바래봅니다~ 공유하기 좋아요 클릭해주세요~ㅎ

많은 관심가져주신 여러분들께 감사드리며, 현재 트래블러스맵에서 진행하고 있는 여행 후기, 시즈널 이슈 등 여행뿐만이 아닌 다양한 분야에 안테나를 바짝 세워 더욱 재미있고 유쾌한 맵토크가 되도록 노력하겠습니다^^


[Today's MAP Talk!’] Your eye-opening lunch for tired Monday

I know it is little early to talk about today’s lunch, however; I believe that unawakened soul would be awake up with a scoop of this.
Hobak-juk(pumpkin porridge, 호박죽) is the best sweet scoop for you today!

Hobak-juk is one of the most enjoyed porridges in Korea, just as mushroom and potato soups are commonly eaten in the west. It is made of autumn squash, rice, and 'Saealsim' which is directly translated into ‘dumpling shaped like a bird’s egg.
This is an easy-to digest comfort food soothes the stomach and makes your body warm with softness.
Have a good lunch!

주민 사랑받는 조합카페 3곳

[Today's MAP Talk!’] Music performance of 박하(랩퍼 박하의 음악공연)

The concern about disappearance of communities comes to the end. Because there are many small communities gather together and try to seek their collaborative way of life in modern society.

Social enterprise ‘마을n 도서관’ is one of successful case of community business. 마을n is social enterprise based on Eun-pyung(은평) area and manages café, talent sharing program, student career program and so on.

Those programs are usually executed on 마을n café and many community people participate on program and share their talent.
The music performance of rapper 박하 will be held this Saturday 2pm. It is free and if you want to join, just visit 마을n café!

1. Program : 박하’s rap performance
2. Date and Time : 2pm, Nov. 24th
3. Place : 마을 n café (Gusan Subway station exit #4, go straight down until you get 만포면옥, turn left the corner)|article|default

미술학원 선생님이 간판을 그리고, 솜씨 좋은 목수 아저씨가 카페 테이블을 만든다. 주민들이 십시일반 품앗이로 터를 일군 우리동네 ‘조합카페’들. 실내 곳곳에 동네 정서가 살아숨쉬고 왁자지껄 소란스러움이 매력포인트다. 이제는 동네 대표

자전거 대여소 - Google Maps

[Today's MAP Talk!’] Bicycle chic(바이시클 시크-시크하게 자전거타기)

Let’s join Korean bicycle chic:D
Bicycle chic refers to cycling in fashionable everyday clothes. The fashion concept developed in popular culture to include bicycles and bicycle accessories as well as clothing. You, as a temporary visitor in Korea, have chance to enjoy Korean bicycle chic.
There are free bicycle rental shops around Seoul, therefore; you can rent a bicycle with your passport!
*Each shop has different rental policies, so you should call and check before you visit.,127.125549&spn=0.295778,0.676346&sll=37.614775,127.026672&sspn=0.295344,0.676346&t=m&radius=22.21&hq=%EC%9E%90%EC%A0%84%EA%B1%B0+%EB%8C%80%EC%97%AC%EC%86%8C&z=11

Find local businesses, view maps and get driving directions in Google Maps


[Today's MAP Talk!’] Exhibition for Traditional Crafts of Important Intangible Cultural Heritage in Korea(2012 대한민국 중요무형문화제: 전승공예 전)

TV programs searching for talent among the public such as K-pop star and Super star K have always been around. Many of applicants are usually young and talented in singing and dancing. It possibly will be intangible competitiveness of Korean culture power and we have to bring our attention to the traditional intangible cultural heritage as well.

Korea Heritage Foundation holds an exhibition for traditional crafts of important intangible cultural heritage.
The exhibition organizes contents which show 50 years of transmission crafts and seek to set up future of the traditional crafts.
There are craft workshops you can make pottery and Korea traditional hat not only for the exhibition.

1. Date & Time : Nov. 14th, 2012 ~Nov. 28th
2. Place : ARA Art Center
(85-24 Gyeonji-dong, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Subway Line #1, Exit3)
3. Tel : +82-2-733-1981
4. Entrée fee : 10,000KRW
5. Program
(*if you reserve advance, you can get exempted from entry fee)
- Craft workshop with an expert : advance reservation required
- Experts’ skill demonstration ; 2hr., 2 times a day


[Today's MAP Talk!’]Artistic Saturday with Mullae Art Day(문래아트데이)

What will you do this Saturday? There is a special place arouse your artistic soul.

Every third Saturday, artists in Mullae open art worshop 'Mullae Art Day' at Mullae Artist Village open space(문래예술창작촌). Many artists settle on this place and their art projects lead many peoples’ steps to Mullae-dong. As one of the projects, there will be various art program such as exhibition, experience, and related culture program on the day.

1.Date&Time :12pm~, Nov. 17Th, 2012
2.Place : art & culture alternative space ‘Jungdabang’(대안공간_정다방프로젝트)
- Mullae Subway station exit #1
3. Program
1) Craft program(12:00~14:00)
- Pottery making program(15seats only)
- Wall painting(2teams only)
- Eraser stamp making program
- Free wind tasting
2) Dance party(19:00~21:00)

*Mullae Artist Village: Artists who have been working in the vicinity of hongik University and Daehangno have come under pressure lately due to the skyrocketing studio rental fees brought on by the commercial zone,; however, these artists have fortunately found a new “habitat”. The habitat is Mullae-dong located in eastern Seoul, which is relatively less densely inhabitated. The location has been depopulated due to plans to relocate the local factories. In a declining steel workshop complex in the huge downtown Seoul area, as actives by artists have increased.


[Today's MAP Talk!’]The journey of fallen leaves(낙엽의 여행)

You know where the fallen leaves come from, but not many of you know where they end up. You can guess that dead leaves fertilized the soil in the winter and drain forests.
You are right, therefore; people try not to rake the leaves as possible as they can. However, tremendous leaves on sidewalk are regarded as trouble and Songpa-gu faced the same problem with fallen leaves.

There are many old trees along lake Seok-chon(석촌호수). Trees along the lake give the grand view during the summer, however; there are waste of cleaning labor and difficulties of walking on leaf-covered-sidewalk.

So people come up with a reuse idea of leaves and the leaves from Songpa-gu are send to Namisum(남이섬) to cover the forest path. Owing to abandoned leaves, Namisum can give more attraction to visitors and Songpa-gu effectively solves the fallen leaves problem.
Like this case, if you change of conception make our world better.

*Namisum is eco-friendly amusement park which is originally covered with garbage in the past. It offers many attractions metasequoir path, international festivals and so on.


[Today's MAP Talk!’]Delicious movement, performance ‘BIBAP’(비밥)

Most of us think,
Today is just Tuesday, however; I’m so exhausted as if it is Thursday already.
I visit Korea, however; it is too cold to hang around. It’s horribly freeeezing!!
There is the best performance for both of you! Why don' you have delicious time with performance BIBAP?!

BIBAP is non-verbal performance based on the Korean representative dish, bibimbap( rice mixed with vegetables and beef). As a nonverbal performance, the actors mimic the sound of making bibimbap with beat-boxing and a ca****la, demonstration of motions through b-boying, and acrobatics and martial arts.

1. Genre : Musicals(running time : 80min.)
2. Date/Time : Mar 20th, 2012 ~ Dec 31st , 2012
3. Prices : VIP section 60,000Won / R section 50,000Won / S section 40,000Won
4. Ticket reservation
*Tel : +82-2-766-0815 /


[Today's MAP Talk!’] Preparation for winter, Gimjang(김장)

There comes the time to do ‘Gimjang’ just a week before and after the Ipdong(입동, the onset of winter). Gimjang is one of important custom of Korea to make Kimchi to prepare winter food supply.
Ipdong was November 7th and Korean prepare Kimchi for the winter during this time. It generally takes 2~3 days to finish making Kimchi, therefore; neighbors help each other throughout the process.

It is difficult to get fresh vegetables, so Korean pickled cabbage and various vegetables with traditional source. It becomes important source of supply to get vitamin and minerals. It is various to make Kimch according to nature style of each reason, therefore; many customs handed down to us from the past.

As time passed, Gimjang has been modernized with changed life style and development of Kimchi fridge. So Gimjang is difficult to do in Seoul and urban areas.

There is Kimchi Museum in COEX and there are various experience programs executed for visitors. If you want to discover the wisdom of ancestors and the science of Kimchi, you can visit the museum!

2012 Seoul Lantern Festival - Visit Seoul

[Today's MAP Talk!’] Bright night in November, Seoul Lantern Festival 2012

There are various artistic lantern ignite the night of Seoul during 11.02(Fri)~18(Sun).

Since its inception in 2009, the annual Seoul Lantern Festival has managed to put on remarkable displays of lanterns on the famous Cheonggyecheon Stream in downtown Seoul. During the festival period, hundreds of lanterns each with a unique design and story, wil be lit on Cheonggyecheon Stream. Visitors can expect to see lanterns made by international artists, as well as local citizens.

1. For more information : 82-2-1330(1330 call center, English&Japanese&Chinese)
2. Transformation
1) Euljiro 1-ga Station(Seoul subway line2), Exit 2 or 3
2) Jonggak Station(Subway line1), Exit5
3) Gwanghwamun station(Subway line5), Exit 5

The 4th annual Seoul Lantern Festival will be held from November 2nd to November 18th this year at Cheonggyecheon Stream, for a total of 17 days.


[Today's MAP Talk!’] Mr.Dracula & Ms.Kumiho(드라큘라&구미호)

Today is the 165th birth year of Bram Stoker the author of gothic novel ‘Dracula’.
Do you know there are some commons between Dracula and Kumiho? Both are the representative vampire character of the East and West and they like blood. Even though all the characteristics are intentional setting, however; the most important common thing is the where they appear. Mr. Dracula lives in a dark castle away from villages and Ms.Kumiho wonders around the forest at night.

There are many drama series of Kumiho in Korea sinsce 1994 and MAP talk would like to introduce the travel place where is ‘Kumiho-likely to- appear’ place.

Molwoondae cliff (몰운대) is one of the actual shooting site of drama Kumiho and it reserves untouched natural environment. Molwoondae is located in Jungsun(정선) along the Auraji(아우라지), Gang-won province and it literally means ‘the cliff beyond which clouds disappear’.
Why don’t you visit Jungsun and Molwoondae in this weekend? You will have chance to understand the background of Korean old style!

(*More information↓↓)


[Today's MAP Talk!’] Arirang & A ca****la
(아카펠라로 부르는 새로운 아리랑)

Arirang Expected to Become UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage
Write 2012-11-05 12:45:58 Update 2012-11-05 14:08:45

Anchor: Korea's traditional folk song Arirang is highly likely to be recognized as an intangible cultural heritage of humanity by UNESCO. Our Kim In-kyung has more.

Report: The Cultural Heritage Administration said Monday that a subsidiary body of UNESCO's Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage has decided to recommend Arirang as an intangible cultural heritage.

UNESCO will make a final decision on recognizing Arirang at the seventh session of the Intergovernmental Committee, which will be held in Paris between December third and seventh.

Kim In-kyung, KBS World Radio News.(2012-11-05 14:08:45)

아카펠라 동호회 기가히츠 2012정기공연 특별게스트 '메이트리'




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