K-travel is the travel company for foreigners coming to Korea,
who not only do we want to work for you in our professional capacity, but become like true friends. If you travel to Korea with K-travel, we want you to feel as if your best friend is responsible from the beginning to the end of the trip. Therefore we will whatever we can to make you happy for the duration of your trip. Traveling with
K-travel, experiencing true Korean culture and meeting the kind and friendly people of Korea, we want you to be happy throughout your trip! From meeting you as you arrive in the airport with your planned itinerary, to after departure K-travel will be with you. Anywhere, anytime you travel and chose to use our services at K-travel we will ensure that your time and money will not be wasted. We will not add any additional or hidden costs after the confirmed planned price is agreed. (However, you are responsible for any personal consumption)
All itineraries are made depending on how you direct us to create your itinerary. We will cater to your needs and ensure the best choices are made on your behalf. Now, it's time to make your first choice... Will you become friends with professional K-travel?