Al Afaq Travel and Tourism was set up 14 years ago, and ever since it has maintained traveler’s services as its core business, having served many travelers to different destinations all over th COMPANY PROFILE
Al Afaq Travel and Tourism was set up 14 years ago, and ever since it has maintained traveler’s services as its core b
usiness, having served many travelers to different destinations all over the world. We offer completely enjoyable, comfortable and informative travel excursions that will ensure that travelers are thoroughly satisfied and appreciative at the end of their trip. Hence we are continually communicating with the client, including hotels, airlines and tour operators so as to ensure that we are constantly available to the client meeting their expectations. Our concept is presented in our services that are based on offering comprehensive solutions reflected by the extent professionalism offered by the Company, which turns positively on the client. We invite you to share our vision and benefit from our expertise, professionalism, flexibility, personalized approach, strong purchasing power and comprehensive product portfolio. In the following pages, we hope that we will give you an overview of our Company, history, services and key persons and you will give us the opportunity to examine together the areas where we could work on a fruitful and mutually beneficial basis in the future................................................
إن مفهومنا في تقديم الخدمة يقوم على أساس طرح
عروض وحلول شاملة تعكس مدى الحرفية والمهنية
على , التي يمتلكها المكتب والذي يعكس بدوره إيجاب
العميل. وسرعان ما إتخذ المركز مكانة ريادية في
مقدمة هذا المجال ،
حيث استطاع تكوين تحالفات متينة مع خطوط
الطيران العالمية والاحتفاظ بعلاقات مهنية قوية مع
العديد من الشركات، انعكس ذلك على تقديم خدمات
عالية المستوى سواء كانت هذه الخدمات ذات طابع
(سياحي أو مهني).